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Should Pakistan defense forces, invade occupied Kashmir

While US is tangled with Turkey, should Pakistan defense forces cross line of control?

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So u are saying musharaf was pet dog of CIA & RAW???

I'm not saying this but i know PTI used to say this. They were allies of Maulana, Zardari and Sharif.
I'm not saying this but i know PTI used to say this. They were allies of Maulana, Zardari and Sharif.
Do u know khan did not even participated in election under the uniform of musharaf while these all thugs were participants of that. And yours this favorite General gives NRO to these corrupt thugs...
Given the current geo strategic situation of the region. Where lately US attention has been diverted from Pakistan to Turkey.
Should Pakistan use this opportunity to take back it's own territory of Kashmir from Occupying forces of Bharat?

UN is quite, Imran Khan is leading his luxury life after a fiery speech.
There's no other opportunity to take Kashmiris out of their misery.
If Pakistan failed now, this will result in giving India more time to consolidate in Kashmir.
Not on the cards atm hopefully.
PA should invade India with immediate effect, enough of this Randi Rona since Aug 5 , every door has been knocked from UN to Arab world but no one is giving a flying fck!!

Even i as an Indian feels like you guys should walk the talk and show us the Surprise, you guys promised after abolition of Article 370.
@waz @Dubious
Invading Kashmir has always been in the agenda of Pakistani military since its birth.
It tried invasion on 3 occasions in the past so another one will be nothing new.
I hope the result will be same as past too...!:agree::agree:
Pakistan never tried to invade any area other wise we cud have tried with easiest places specially when india slaughter alot sikhs in their holliest place. or Junaghar we always wanted to highlight which Pakistani leadership failed previously india is divided in may pieces and covered with egg shell 1.3 billion people cant do thing about Pakistan, and Pakistan will not do anything it will tear down like house of cards. :moil::moil::moil:
Invading Kashmir has always been in the agenda of Pakistani military since its birth.
It tried invasion on 3 occasions in the past so another one will be nothing new.
I hope the result will be same as past too...!:agree::agree:

I feel sorry for the manipulation you have received from your state and media.
Anyone but mental slaves of their own will restrict themselves from education while having access to the Internet.
Invading Kashmir has always been in the agenda of Pakistani military since its birth.
It tried invasion on 3 occasions in the past so another one will be nothing new.
I hope the result will be same as past too...!:agree::agree:

oh man don't we hope the rest be the same as in the past, including misinformation Indian govt fed to their public.
Opinion of ISPR is clear, they are all prepared for crossing line of control. missing is node from PTI decision makers.

You are implying that Pakistan Army is ready to attack IoJK; but IK is not "allowing" them to do so. I am more than certain that you are greatly mistaken. Both are on the same page that Pakistan is neither in a position to attack, nor would it achieve anything out of any such adventure, at least, under the prevailing circumstances.
i voted No..
Wars are not won by ambitions alone - which will be gone as well once molana fazlu dharna happens -
You are implying that Pakistan Army is ready to attack IoJK; but IK is not "allowing" them to do so. I am more than certain that you are greatly mistaken. Both are on the same page that Pakistan is neither in a position to attack, nor would it achieve anything out of any such adventure, at least, under the prevailing circumstances.

Army is ready to free piece of Pakistan under Indian occupation called Kashmir. ISPR made it very clear, what's holding the operation for now. Further confirmed by IK statement that he want to free Kashmir by talks. If you go the earlier events of 27th Feb. it's clear, where the resentment is against the using force to free Kashmir.

Here i just want to know about public sentiment, how far are the willing to go.

As far my personal opinion is concerned, i also don't support war, how ever i also don't believe that Indian would vacate Kashmir, in followup to IK speeches, wherein he educated the world about nuclear war and out placed blasphemy.

I believe we need to exploit any available opportunity which will resolve the matter with limited causalities.
What better could be if that exploitation opportunity is Indian made.
Given the current geo strategic situation of the region. Where lately US attention has been diverted from Pakistan to Turkey.
Should Pakistan use this opportunity to take back it's own territory of Kashmir from Occupying forces of Bharat?

UN is quite, Imran Khan is leading his luxury life after a fiery speech.
There's no other opportunity to take Kashmiris out of their misery.
If Pakistan failed now, this will result in giving India more time to consolidate in Kashmir.

Since when Pakistan Armed Forces became Pakistan Defence Forces?
Just like the USA belongs to the natives.
Yes, you are correct. The USA belongs to the citizens, both natural and naturalized, of the USA.

If you think that then you have to support Pakistan, since we are the only party that wants to give Kashmiris their right to self-determination via a UN mandated referendum.
I do support deciding the governance of Kashmir by plebiscite, but not by a Pakistan/India war.
You are implying that Pakistan Army is ready to attack IoJK; but IK is not "allowing" them to do so. I am more than certain that you are greatly mistaken. Both are on the same page that Pakistan is neither in a position to attack, nor would it achieve anything out of any such adventure, at least, under the prevailing circumstances.
DG ispr clearly said " there is a saying in Pakistan army that don't take the first step if you don't know what will be the last one"
Which means don,t initiate something if you won't get something out of it.
But Pakistani leadership and army is not going to silent . After diplomatic war next will be a proxy war in IOK I think.Because with a huge IOK population of 8 million against India and our recent experience in Afghanistan of defeating American forces never ever again we will have such favorable conditions of a proxy war.
I do support deciding the governance of Kashmir by plebiscite, but not by a Pakistan/India war.

You have to choose a side, because non-interference or neutrality is taking away Kashmirs right to self-determination.

India recently revoked article 370 which gave IOK its special status, and now essentially placed all Kashmiri matters into the hands of New Delhi. What happens next is mass detentions (we are here now), demographic changes, complete annexation, and finally an invasion of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.

By not choosing a side you are essentially enabling actions like this, making the likelihood of any Kashmiri exercising any of their fundemental rights very unlikely. Pakistan can only ask the international community to intervene, and failing that war is the only solution.
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