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Should Pakistan Air Force go for J-16?

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If the enemy gains the upper hand in air conflict and controls the skies---then it does not need to use then option---and it is left on pak military on what to do---but otoh if the iaf has major losses to its fleet of su30---it would be a terrible strike to the psyche of the indian public, politicians and the armed forces---and in sheer anger they may chose to go that route themselves.

You are right----the real war is going to be socio economic---it is absolutely stupid for india and pakistan to waste so much on matters of defence---kashmir issues was and is pretty close to solution only and when india wants it to---why does india want to keep on the shackles---I don't think that they have answers for that at this stage---as for pakistan---it is already in a place where india don't need to be.

Hi MK,

I don't know how much Indian public is aware of Su-30s.

We have experience with Su-30s more than a decade, but the more frequent sorties for A2A & CAP will be from Mig-29s, M2ks with Bisons. I still remember IAF deploys always Mig-29s for Delhi's arial protection at nearby air base, not Su-30.

PAF, specially F-16s will meet the combination of M2ks, Mig-29s & Bisons than Su-30s till Rafale get used to our force.
Pakistan statements that CRUISE MISSLES are all PAF needs to hit deep inside india and be effective are FALSE MYTH.

USA RUSSIA CHINA INDIA FRANCE RAF & GERMANY JAPAN and SAUDI are investing in twin engined heavey multi role fighters.

The flexibility , lethality , punch and effectiveness of F15, F18 FLANKERS & EURO CANARDS cannot be replaced by a salvo of cruise missles.

Master Khan is 100% correct how PAF copes with the SU30MKI fire power inn the 72 hours wil decide the AIR WAR

EITHER the IAF with numerical firepower overwhelmes PAF defenses OR the short legged agile F16 & JFT hold onto to PAK SKYS. AND knock out a large no of Flankers.

In contrast PAF does not have the reach and punch of the IAF to go into enemy air space and FIGHT A WAR.

this is not PAF doctrine today. unlike the airforcs mentioned above
PAF's Achilles heel is, Long range high end SAM systems which we don't have. We can smash IAF in the sky but the need of the hour is potent and reliable Air defense network.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...stan-air-force-go-j-16-a-2.html#ixzz26qhSTcOq

Take this from an ousider who is not bl;inded by PATRIOTIC FAITH .

PAF achilles heel is its lack of nos of HI TECH hi quality western multi role fighters.

PAF to smash the IAF over PAK AIR SPACE needs alot more than 63 F16 MLU/52 fighters. MORE like 3 times that number

SAM long range & short legged are useful but they wont win an air war by themselves.
Pakistan statements that CRUISE MISSLES are all PAF needs to hit deep inside india and be effective are FALSE MYTH.

USA RUSSIA CHINA INDIA FRANCE RAF & GERMANY JAPAN and SAUDI are investing in twin engined heavey multi role fighters.

The flexibility , lethality , punch and effectiveness of F15, F18 FLANKERS & EURO CANARDS cannot be replaced by a salvo of cruise missles.

Master Khan is 100% correct how PAF copes with the SU30MKI fire power inn the 72 hours wil decide the AIR WAR

EITHER the IAF with numerical firepower overwhelmes PAF defenses OR the short legged agile F16 & JFT hold onto to PAK SKYS. AND knock out a large no of Flankers.

In contrast PAF does not have the reach and punch of the IAF to go into enemy air space and FIGHT A WAR.

this is not PAF doctrine today. unlike the airforcs mentioned above

Ignorance is a bliss....care to elaborate with the exception of Consortium partners, how many NATO countries operate twin engine fighters, while US may have several twin engine machines, it's latest development/investment is on single engine F-35 jsf, not to mention other countries lining up to buy it. Turkey is replacing it's twin engine Phantoms with new model F-16 and one wonders why UAE decided to have a single engined beefed up rather than going for anything out there.
US aircraft carriers set sail with a dozen other ships, it would be interesting to see how the IAF sends it's huge MKIs into battle without other smaller fighters to protect it from a multi prong attack...... can it afford such a luxury in a battle scenario.
Since you are based in UK, and are an MKI fan, i'am sure you heard what happened to the mighty MKI on the sidelines of Indra Danush 2010.....when the gloves came off. ;)
So another of these threads then? Honestly somthing like 1/2 of the threads on the PA/PN/PAF section are "Pakistan should buy this, Pakistan could get this, can Pkasitan get this etc" and it is based on pure speculation and dreams. I have just come from the thread on India building possibly the fastest super computer by 2017 that is filled by horrid rants saying all India ever does is plan, it never achieves anything blah blah blah and yet that project has funds allocated for it and is within the realms of reason. But the hypocrisy is stark because these threads keep popping up about Pakistan buy x system with little to no basis in reality and yet members treat it as gospel and make out this is certain. If these people are to be beloved, Paksitan is buying J-10s,J-11s, building a SSBN,looking at buying J-20s, looking to buy Rafales/EFTs, looking to buy old F-16s, looking to buy M2ks from Qatar, looking to purchase E-2Cs, looking to procure AW-101s etc the list literally goes on and on and all on a budget of 5+ BN USD a year! Let's think with our heads and not with our hearts.

Any sensible person will tell you the PAF is purely a defensive force and has no business buying twin engined long range fighters. And it is not just a conflict of doctrine but cost prohibitive- Paksitan can't afford a twin engined fighter and we are told this constantly by sensible members here.

+ why is it China bucks the international trend by building a licence built a/c,making a few modifications but then designating it somting complety different implying it is a new a/c and home built when it really isn't. The Indians did the same but they added a new suffix not an entirely new and unque designation.
I think Pakistan was thinking to buy that buy Russia blocked it.
So another of these threads then? Honestly somthing like 1/2 of the threads on the PA/PN/PAF section are "Pakistan should buy this, Pakistan could get this, can Pkasitan get this etc" and it is based on pure speculation and dreams. I have just come from the thread on India building possibly the fastest super computer by 2017 that is filled by horrid rants saying all India ever does is plan, it never achieves anything blah blah blah and yet that project has funds allocated for it and is within the realms of reason. But the hypocrisy is stark because these threads keep popping up about Pakistan buy x system with little to no basis in reality and yet members treat it as gospel and make out this is certain. If these people are to be beloved, Paksitan is buying J-10s,J-11s, building a SSBN,looking at buying J-20s, looking to buy Rafales/EFTs, looking to buy old F-16s, looking to buy M2ks from Qatar, looking to purchase E-2Cs, looking to procure AW-101s etc the list literally goes on and on and all on a budget of 5+ BN USD a year! Let's think with our heads and not with our hearts.

Any sensible person will tell you the PAF is purely a defensive force and has no business buying twin engined long range fighters. And it is not just a conflict of doctrine but cost prohibitive- Paksitan can't afford a twin engined fighter and we are told this constantly by sensible members here.

+ why is it China bucks the international trend by building a licence built a/c,making a few modifications but then designating it somting complety different implying it is a new a/c and home built when it really isn't. The Indians did the same but they added a new suffix not an entirely new and unque designation.

We will see.....we could build this beast like sausage during war. You have to knee down begging Russian not cut the supply. BTW, J 16 is built to deal with not only your target in depth, also for destroying enemies' fleet. Every other time when a India suggest not buying beast like J16 means he really scare the **** out of himself whenPAF get it.
We will see.....we could build this beast like sausage during war. You have to knee down begging Russian not cut the supply. BTW, J 16 is built to deal with not only your target in depth, also for destroying enemies' fleet.

I'm sorry but I didn't understand a word of that. Please elaborate.
Its really crazy to see, the sense less old & unpractical doctrine of PAF vs IAF
Really can't, understand why still our people keep thinking that , pakistan only can be threaten by India?
Its dam 2012 , nato americans & their allies takingout state by state of the middleeast & we don't count them any threat?
I surly agree with MK , pakistan need a punch not only to counter india but. Also to those who still see pakistan a pice of cake from the control rooms of the carriers like ENTERPRIZE , sailing dangerously. In the arabian sea.
Sure we should hve at least, 3 sqrdrns of J-16s quickly!
As for economy is concerned, its all fake arrgument, we did made our A-bomb to safegurd our lands & skyies & our seas.
Wht does we had the time we made our N-bomb?in terms of economy?
Same as today but !we did that !
Same goes here !
Threat from india is much lesser, thn the threat from the nato+americans+allies!
We can't stop the dam drones , buzzing in FATA , jst because they can come with 50 F22s & we shamlessly think india as a threat?
What happens, when some of allies say its enough, let's rock n roll to the *****?
& send some of their AC in the arabian seas?
Should we surrender, because our economy isn't good enough?
& become another Iraq,libiya,tunnasia or afghanistan?
Stronger defence, gives stronger economies examples are , france ,Usa, russia,china, india!
Once called Stronger economies like, ksa,libya,uae,iraq, japan , germany always are nothing in this world of might is right?
They always need a protector!
only after more imformation leaks out should we talk about this.and i think pakistan knows what to choose.we respect their opion.

this thread is a bit like an advertisement~
I see PAF has a lot of interceptors and fighter/bombers. But I dont see any aircraft that has deep strike capability or air superiority fighter. Am I correct in pointing this out?
My friend Israel used 8 F16s during air strike on Iraqi nuclear reactor . Now open the map and analyze the region and distance traveled and return to base.


IDFAF F-16A block 10 #243 is the plane that hit the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. It is parked at Hatzerim AB museum on the 56th Independance day of Israel. [Photo by Tsahi Ben Ami]
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