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Should India Invade Pakistan?

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Is Nuclear Winter a Myth or Fact?
read my posts in that thread

I am not even talking about long term effects, of nuclear detonations
a large scale counter value exchange will result in millions of casualties, and the major enemy ordinary people face after such a nuclear war is not fallout, nor nuclear winter, but state of anarchy, a place without functioning government is very dangerous.
imagine an India without any Government

If Pakistan manages to unload every single nuke it has on the top major cities of India, it would kill 5% of Indias population or about 50 - 60 million people and set India back by 10 years. 10 years is nothing for a civilization and a people.

Please understand the jist of my argument. Nuclear blackmail to cover for covert terrorist objectives is not a long term survivable strategy. It will lead to war. Now whether Pakistan will resort to nuclear weapons or not is its prerogative. Its just that all talk of India will be destroyed or Pakistan will be destroyed is bollocks. More people died as a percentage of population during Independence and partition.
A nuclear war will not involve endless exchanges of nukes.

It also has to do with the ability of a nation to sustain damage and its ability to recoup. By its depth, size and other factors India has a much better chance of Pakistan that stretches in a North - South direction.

if by sustaining you mean a crippled population alive then good luck
If Pakistan manages to unload every single nuke it has on the top major cities of India, it would kill 5% of Indias population or about 50 - 60 million people and set India back by 10 years. 10 years is nothing for a civilization and a people.

How'd you come to that conclusion? Please elaborate......
@Aeronaut please close or delete this gibberish
@MBI Munshi here is a word of advice, who post here from indian defence review site. It was the likes of Bharat Verma in it who r well known RSS radicals. With these Hindu terrorists in indian army is a concern for india itself but the writings r really stupid at its best. We have won 65 war there is no question abt that plus this has made me laugh when it claimed that we planned mass invasion of india in 65.......And the reality is that Pak army hadnt started the LOC skirmishes it was indian army who started it in 26th dec 2012 at 3am in night just a day after green book of pak army. And neither did we ever allowed to let British Troops be stationed in our territory nor in G-B there r any Chinese Troops nor have we ''leased'' it to anyone, its funny as before they used to use the word 'sold'' for it and now they r softening and saying ''lease'' for it.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

And the indian armed forces r and were never been any match of the courage,valor and determination of our armed forces and now with all that experience of WOT from past 13 years we r battle hardened as well. So even if we launch no nuke on them we r still able to defend against these hindu hordes anytime any place we want.

these r the same people who used to say that pak will come running back to india just after 3 days of its independence and we r there happily living from last 67 years of our independence.

How'd you come to that conclusion? Please elaborate......
dont feed these ''kinky'' indians......ask MODs to delete or close this gibberish.
How'd you come to that conclusion? Please elaborate......

Im not getting paid to feed you my research. Why dont you do the impact analysis of the scenario I presented and come up with a number.
Im not getting paid to feed you my research. Why dont you do the impact analysis of the scenario I presented and come up with a number.

You are not paid to spew bullshit on the forum but you're doing that just fine. So either be prepared to produce sources to back up your shit or be prepared to gobble it back up.
You are not paid to spew bullshit on the forum but you're doing that just fine. So either be prepared to produce sources to back up your shit or be prepared to gobble it back up.

Thats your assessment. I am not here to change your mind or perspective. I feel safe that many Pakistanis feel a false sense of security with their nukes. Good luck with when you decide to use them.

Also jotting down a inference takes no time or resource and can be done with 2% cranial activity. Presenting a research takes too long and I'd want to bbe paid for it. BTW, I do get paid for it. But I am not one with so low self esteem as to give you a link to purchase it. Im not here to market anything.
Thats your assessment. I am not here to change your mind or perspective. I feel safe that many Pakistanis feel a false sense of security with their nukes. Good luck with when you decide to use them.

Which basically means you quoted a load of self-made pseudo-scientific numbers and now that you have been confronted about it and have nothing to say in your defence, you're going to swallow up your pride and try to detach from the discussion.
You're new here and I guess you don't know how to interact on a forum, the rule is simple. If you make a preposterous claim, be prepared to have a solid source behind it.
Which basically means you quoted a load of self-made pseudo-scientific numbers and now that you have been confronted about it and have nothing to say in your defence, you're going to swallow up your pride and try to detach from the discussion.
You're new here and I guess you don't know how to interact on a forum, the rule is simple. If you make a preposterous claim, be prepared to have a solid source behind it.

Or, its quite possible that you just don't know squat about nukuler weapons.
Millions of innocent Pakistanis will get killed.........
So not a good idea.
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