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should India electrify its fence on Bangladesh border?

Bangla people can hook up a kunda and use the electricity. :P
Yep, India should fence or wall itself in. Let untouchables be untouched.
Should be speedy!!!

The fencing would actually be better for Bangladesh, there are millions of illegal Indians in Bangladesh which has made us the fifth largest source of remittance to India.

So...give the following some thought.

You cited a link to establish that Indians in BD send home about USD 3.7 billion.

Now the same link claims that BD plays host to about 500,000 illegal indians (as opposed to your claims of "millions"). This figure of 500,000 is further substantiated by figures released by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh-India economic relations

Now, given that remittances are USD 3.7 billion and the number of people is 500,000, it translates into per capita remittances of about USD 7,400. That's some 7-9 times that per capita income of BD.

And given that remittances are mostly savings, the per capita income of these illegal Indians would be a lot higher. These guys are virtually HNIs in BD that are probably investing, generating employment, providing value-added services, etc and also double up as high-spending consumers that support the local economy.

So even assuming that despite making all the dough, these guys didn't think it fit to renew their visa / passport, these are persons that BD should bend over backwards to accommodate. The figures suggest that BD can, literally, not afford to piss this community of Indians off.

And on the contrary, India does not want or need any more rickshaw pullers.
It is not yet possible as villages follow trend of crossing border. First their movement needs to be contained and only then it is possible.
What a dangerous thing you have just said. Why would foreign people be given visa free entry to India for travel? Bangladeshis get involved in various crimes once they come in India. Mumbai slums, Delhi slums, Bengalugu slums have huge Bangladeshi immigrants. They have managed the police by giving bribe to stay illegally in these slums and do all illegal activities like drug supply, prostitution etc.

Check out the other posts by the poster you responded to & compare his posts to the topic being discussed on those particular threads & you'll see a distinct pattern.
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That's the main point,they think that we'll just forget what they did to your family members during the time of partition.All these talks of the supposed "Bengali brotherhood" is nothing but loads of bull crap.How can they even think that we will just forgive them for all the inhuman crimes that were committed on our forefathers.I for one will never forget the anguish in my Grandfather's eyes whenever he talked about loosing his beloved sister all all his ancestral properties in East Bengal.
Have you ever visited Bangladesh ever since?
Yep, India should fence or wall itself in.

Hmmm.... referring to this map?

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So what. We have a lot of illegals here in America. It's still no reason to murder people in cold blood.
And the USA with one of the largest land areas in the world, and a population density nowhere close to india , not to mention the world's largest economy by far, should provide a template for how a smaller country like India with crazy desnity of population, with an economy that is only beginning to grow, with a shit load of poor people, should handle its infiltration problems?

Lets make a clear distinction between immigrants (those who take legal channels), refugees (who have to be admitted on humanitarian groups because of persecution in their home country, and illegal infiltrators (who we know nothing about, and who have proven over time to be highly prone to involve themselves violence, rioting and terrorism.

Nope...not buying that argument.

Meanwhile, if you like em so much, why not write to your representative to send over boats to bring these people into the USA?
That's the main point,they think that we'll just forget what they did to your family members during the time of partition.All these talks of the supposed "Bengali brotherhood" is nothing but loads of bull crap.How can they even think that we will just forgive them for all the inhuman crimes that were committed on our forefathers.I for one will never forget the anguish in my Grandfather's eyes whenever he talked about loosing his beloved sister all all his ancestral properties in East Bengal.

Honestly that is sad to hear. There was a lot of ugliness during partition - obviously many Muslims lost their homes moving to EB too.

It's not possible for there to be such a large scale migration without problems. Compared to Punjab though, I think Bengalis handled themselves much better.

Partition was thrust on most people by politicians and the powers that be. You are blaming Bangladeshis, when like you guys they were just dealing with the new reality of the situation (in good ways and bad)
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