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Should democracy be scrapped in India?

Then why not change it to a Hindu nation instead of secular democracy?
This should have been done during the Partition........

Since the partition was done on the basis of religion......Pakistan correctly became an Islamic Republic.....while India incorrectly became a Secular Democracy..........

Too bad, I wasn't there during the partition.....otherwise......;)
This should have been done during the Partition........

Since the partition was done on the basis of religion......Pakistan correctly became an Islamic Republic.....while India incorrectly became a Secular Democracy..........

Too bad, I wasn't there during the partition.....otherwise......;)

The majority of India is Hindu so you could just vote in a new constitution. You have Modi to be the King, the Shiv Sena to persuade communities to vote in favour and the RSS to put up a fashion show.
The majority of India is Hindu so you could just vote in a new constitution. You have Modi to be the King, the Shiv Sena to persuade communities to vote in favour and the RSS to put up a fashion show.

Yeah! that is the way to go.......let's see.......:D
No, India should remain a democracy.

As much Chaos as India is in, there's few benefits to being a communist dictatorship in the strictest sense of the word.

China's economic system in the 40's - the 60's were utterly disastrous and insanely stupid. Don't go down the same path as China. Save yourself 30 years of strife.

Instead, learn from China's policies under Deng. Be a capitalistic society, but have a strong, focused leader with a vision. Don't go around electing weak leaders who worship at the Altar of Western Exceptionalism either, the West, like all others, only have national interest in mind.

India has a lot of things going for it if you guys have a Deng Xiao Ping like figure. But India won't transform overnight, time is required for integration and growth.
Democracy in its current form has been just one of the reasons why they have been left behind in the race with China. To achieve rapid and continued progress, a certain level of government intervention and control is necessary and certain personal freedoms have to be sacrificed. This has been largely the case in Singapore and Malaysia. You can't be having uncontrolled mobs protesting every single decision implemented by the government, no matter how hard or soft it is on the people. I don't claim to know all that much about India, but I have read that alot of those slums still exist not because you don't have the money to clear them but because in most cases, the government has difficulty repossessing the land and using it for housing infrastructure.

But I do agree with the previous poster to a large extent. Though democracy has not been all that effective for India, adopting the China model would be suicidal. Within China itself, there was massive bloodshed and violence just to get the Communist system in place, and we are talking about a people united across the nation by a common culture and language. As compared with India which begins with numerous linguistic, religious and cultural differences.

A strong leader, one who is not corrupt and has a vision for the nation is what India should start with.
Seriously we are discussing this and some people are supporting too.
No, India should remain a democracy.

As much Chaos as India is in, there's few benefits to being a communist dictatorship in the strictest sense of the word.

China's economic system in the 40's - the 60's were utterly disastrous and insanely stupid. Don't go down the same path as China. Save yourself 30 years of strife.

Instead, learn from China's policies under Deng. Be a capitalistic society, but have a strong, focused leader with a vision. Don't go around electing weak leaders who worship at the Altar of Western Exceptionalism either, the West, like all others, only have national interest in mind.

India has a lot of things going for it if you guys have a Deng Xiao Ping like figure. But India won't transform overnight, time is required for integration and growth.

Wow - Many Chinese members started advising on how India need to conduct business?

China has got 13 years lead on the reforms over India and it is where it is and has a lead in terms of the GDP. You had your ups and downs as well and in the process passed through the process where India is now. We are on track as well inspite of temporary slowdowns. But we are growing under non-authoritarian rule. We will be where we are in future. We do not need to mimic China's growth and please keep Deng with you(I do not have anything against him - infact I respect him but India does not need him with his political leanings) . And do not preach doomsday for us.

Our goal is we want to be at where old India was in terms of GDP percentage of 1700 and we will be there.
First comes freedom then everything else ! Ask any slave/captive, human or animals no one wants their freedom taken away & the last few weeks have shown that "true freedom" in CN is all but a fleeting dream except for those who can afford it i.e. those in power or the rich folks !

The freedom of thought IS the results of middle class prosperity NOT the cause of.
No, India should remain a democracy.

As much Chaos as India is in, there's few benefits to being a communist dictatorship in the strictest sense of the word.

China's economic system in the 40's - the 60's were utterly disastrous and insanely stupid. Don't go down the same path as China. Save yourself 30 years of strife.

Instead, learn from China's policies under Deng. Be a capitalistic society, but have a strong, focused leader with a vision. Don't go around electing weak leaders who worship at the Altar of Western Exceptionalism either, the West, like all others, only have national interest in mind.

India has a lot of things going for it if you guys have a Deng Xiao Ping like figure. But India won't transform overnight, time is required for integration and growth.

I guess being the first to synthesize crystalline bovine insulin in the world, developing Artemisinin (a cancer drug that won discoverer Tu Youyou the Lasker Prize, one of the highest in medicine), and going from a country that couldn't even produce 100 tons of gunpowder after 37 years of capitalist development, to one that could produce ICBMs, satellites, nuclear submarines, tanks, jets less than 30 years later, from a country with a 36 year lifespan to one with higher lifespan than South Korea in 1976, from a country with 10% literacy to 80% literacy, is "total failure" and "insanely stupid".

I don't get how China is a capitalist society. The factors of production are all publically owned. That is the essence of capitalism. You can't buy land, you rent it. You can't buy resources yourself, you have to buy it from government monopolies. In fact, capitalism is what is crippling India. That is why there are 100,000 farmers committing suicide in India every year due to losing their land, and there aren't in China.
Wow - Many Chinese members started advising on how India need to conduct business?

China has got 13 years lead on the reforms over India and it is where it is and has a lead in terms of the GDP. You had your ups and downs as well and in the process passed through the process where India is now. We are on track as well inspite of temporary slowdowns. But we are growing under non-authoritarian rule. We will be where we are in future. We do not need to mimic China's growth and please keep Deng with you(I do not have anything against him - infact I respect him but India does not need him with his political leanings) . And do not preach doomsday for us.

Our goal is we want to be at where old India was in terms of GDP percentage of 1700 and we will be there.

Sorry that last part, I didn't quite get what u meant. U are talking about the Mughal Empire of 1700? Just for clarification btw, the Mughal Empire was a superpower at that point too yes?
India should learn from China

China is your teacher

Like you...Lol...I am free in India...Living an India I am Prouding myself......I can able to speak walk in any part of India...Using Facebook and Google....I can do anything

Is anythings are there in China
All India needs is a strong dictator to rule with a iron fist and get rid of these baba's but it will not happen until Lord Kalki is born and the wicked mleccha is destroyed once and for all.
Hilliriious coming from an Indian where the BJP a nationalist religious Hindutva ideology has been in government.

So what? Turkey is ruled by an Islamic Nationalist Party and they are enjoying one of the longest periods of prosperity under them. The key word here is 'Nationalist'.

Sorry that last part, I didn't quite get what u meant. U are talking about the Mughal Empire of 1700? Just for clarification btw, the Mughal Empire was a superpower at that point too yes?

1700 is the year quoted by Manmohan Singh for quoting the peak for India's GDP and 1952 for the low in GDP when he mentioned how the colonial power set India back. As far as the Mughal empire of 1700, it has started to decline due to the 27 year war with Maratas. So I would not say it is a super power at that time.

A dream without ACTION is but a dream.

And what makes you say so? The temporary GDP slowdown or what is that factor?
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