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Should democracy be scrapped in India?

So what? Turkey is ruled by an Islamic Nationalist Party and they are enjoying one of the longest periods of prosperity under them. The key word here is 'Nationalist'.

Dont mind him he is a shariah4uk chap lol they make me laugh
All India needs is a strong dictator to rule with a iron fist and get rid of these baba's but it will not happen until Lord Kalki is born and the wicked mleccha is destroyed once and for all.

India doesn't need a dictator, just any strong leader or group of leaders who will smash opposition, superstition and caste-ism, establish government monopolies and protectionist barriers, ignore IP, insist on total technological indigenization no matter the cost and create captive markets that you can use to test products on.

These were the exact strategies that Japan used 1950-1980, except India will face some challenges. Japan was a developed country in 1950. It had the human capital of a developed country with the per capita GDP of a developing one, the advantage of huge US aid, and a relatively intact industrial infrastructure (the Allied bombings only took out a small percentage of Japan's industry) combined with an iron fisted government.

Oil is much more expensive today than in 1950, and cheap oil was a major fuel for Japan's development. Same for South Korea, when it developed during the oil price slump in 1980's.
India doesn't need a dictator, just any strong leader or group of leaders who will smash opposition, superstition and caste-ism, establish government monopolies and protectionist barriers, ignore IP, insist on total technological indigenization no matter the cost and create captive markets that you can use to test products on.

These were the exact strategies that Japan used 1950-1980, except India will face some challenges. Japan was a developed country in 1950. It had the human capital of a developed country with the per capita GDP of a developing one, the advantage of huge US aid, and a relatively intact industrial infrastructure (the Allied bombings only took out a small percentage of Japan's industry) combined with an iron fisted government.

Oil is much more expensive today than in 1950, and cheap oil was a major fuel for Japan's development. Same for South Korea, when it developed during the oil price slump in 1980's.

I do agree on the strong leader part but the highlighted portion - we call it as license raj and that is what we are trying to get rid of in different sectors.
I do agree on the strong leader part but the highlighted portion - we call it as license raj and that is what we are trying to get rid of in different sectors.

Why was Japan successful at it then? Japan had protectionist barriers just as strong as the Soviet Union. Toyota, Honda, Sony and other companies were highly protected by the Japanese government. The trick here is to be a license Raj only to foreigners.
India doesn't need a dictator, just any strong leader or group of leaders who will smash opposition, superstition and caste-ism, establish government monopolies and protectionist barriers, ignore IP, insist on total technological indigenization no matter the cost and create captive markets that you can use to test products on.

These were the exact strategies that Japan used 1950-1980, except India will face some challenges. Japan was a developed country in 1950. It had the human capital of a developed country with the per capita GDP of a developing one, the advantage of huge US aid, and a relatively intact industrial infrastructure (the Allied bombings only took out a small percentage of Japan's industry) combined with an iron fisted government.

Oil is much more expensive today than in 1950, and cheap oil was a major fuel for Japan's development. Same for South Korea, when it developed during the oil price slump in 1980's.

Do not agree only One man can rule Bharat not multiple, these days people vote without thinking or even understand what the parties are offering what does a vote mean to someone who can't even afford food? nothing

Buddy we come from the land that gave the world Zero, Chess, Plastic surgery and Sanskrit mother of Indo-European language this with our religious caste system which most people do not even understand what it even means if they did they would see it is not what is portrayed in the western media.

This is the dark era of mankind it is already told as Kali Yuga and it will continue until Lord Kalki is born.
On a visit, someone's impression China reflects who you are more than it reflects China itself.

I am Chinese in all ways, born and raised. Even I know that if you associate with negative people, China will seem like the worst hellhole on earth (because your friends make it that way), and if you associate with positive people, China will be a happy place (again because of your friends). This is because China has many problems due to being a developing nation, so there's plenty of negatives to focus on, but also because there's so much to do in China and so many opportunities, and the culture is one of cooperation rather than brutal competition, and people are generally nice.

You are a foreigner, so your experience may be different, and you might be a businessman, so your travels will take you to places like Dongguan or Yiwu where there are higher crime rates, lowly educated natives who got rich fast due to government policy and more migrant workers with low educations. There's no colleges in those cities, so there's not many professionals working there.

This hasn't much to do with rich or poor. Some of my rich classmates are never happy, wasted their lives on the computer and always complaining, some of the poor classmates whose first visit to the city was to go to college are happy and motivated.

I have two married friends who have been to China and India. He loves China because he sees things getting done and it's orderly, she loves India because it's chaotic, exotic and sooo different to Germany while China reminds her too much of German orderlyness. :lol:

Do not agree only One man can rule Bharat not multiple, these days people vote without thinking or even understand what the parties are offering what does a vote mean to someone who can't even afford food? nothing

Buddy we come from the land that gave the world Zero, Chess, Plastic surgery and Sanskrit mother of Indo-European language this with our religious caste system which most people do not even understand what it even means if they did they would see it is not what is portrayed in the western media.

This is the dark era of mankind it is already told as Kali Yuga and it will continue until Lord Kalki is born.

So we just sit and wait till Kali comes?
Man who never won in an election is our Prime minister great Demo-crazy
Götterdämmerung;2961194 said:
I have two married friends who have been to China and India. He loves China because he sees things getting done and it's orderly, she loves India because it's chaotic, exotic and sooo different to Germany while China reminds her too much of German orderlyness. :lol:

So we just sit and wait till Kali comes?

Depending on where you go, China can be chaotic as well, but it'll be a clean chaos =)
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