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Shoe thrown on Iranian Leader In Egypt

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Jan 7, 2012
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I never liked the bud-Nejat guy.

but it is against the decorum to throw stuff on a state guest.

From i heard he was a Syrian refuge living in Egypt and he said "You are killing our brothers in Syria!" before throwing his shoe.
Yes the was thrown by an Syrian refugee on Ahmadinejad, I searched Ahmadinejad news coverage on Press TV, no mention of show throwing and also no news on Grand Imam of Al-Azhar's scorn. for complete coverage better to o Al Ahram site.
Serious security breach - it was from very close.
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I used to like this guy but after Syria, I dont! He was very charismatic though
Some Arabs have so much 'peaceful' ways of protesting.
Blowing up people or places they don't like, beheading ones who don't follow their sect, throwing shoes at them...

Whether they agree with Ahmadinejad or not, these kinds of reactions are meaningless.

PS: I don't agree with Ahmadinejad or like him in any way, but I'm also against these childish acts.
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I used to like this guy but after Syria, I dont! He was very charismatic though

:offtopic: Funny you said that did u know that some of the Arabs that were involved in terrorist activities In PAKISTAN are now bringing freedom to Syrians by blowing them up financed by House of Saud :astagh: in both countries just a little reminder,
He deserved that shoe throw just like Bush.

Iran regime has the responsibility of every drop of spilled blood of 65 K, each ruined cities and houses, each missing people, 160 K politic prisoners that under torture in jails of Syria.
Some Arabs have so much 'peaceful' ways of protesting.
Blowing up people or places they don't like, beheading ones who don't follow their sect, throwing shoes at them...

Whether they agree with Ahmadinejad or not, these kinds of reactions are meaningless.

PS: I don't agree with Ahmadinejad or like him in any way, but I'm also against these childish acts.

Don't let me start with how Iranians are peaceful and civilized. This is called protesting not an attack.
He deserved that shoe throw just like Bush.

Iran regime has the responsibility of every drop of spilled blood of 65 K, each ruined cities and houses, each missing people, 160 K politic prisoners that under torture in jails of Syria.

Is it Iran Regime that with the help of West And Saudi's training Terrorist at its border and then send them into Syria cause its not exactly a secret who is.
They should have used harsher methods to show that this Irani figurehead is not welcome in any Arab or Sunni Muslim country in the world. Sect members that account to less than 10-15 % of all Muslims should be ignored.
ahlan va sahlan ya sadighi!
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