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Shiv Sena calls rape charges 'a fashion'

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Shiv Sena calls rape charges 'a fashion'
Published 25 minutes ago

NEW DELHI: Indian right-wing party Shiv Sena Saturday said filing sexual assault charges has “become a fashion” in an article backing a police officer accused of rape.

The hardline nationalist outfit — a key ally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government based in Maharashtra state — threw its support behind a senior state police officer who has been accused of rape by a model and questioned the victim's intentions.

“Cases of charging men with molestation and rape in hi-fi (high) societies to create hype is on a rise now. It has almost become a fashion,” the hardline Hindu nationalist outfit wrote in its mouthpiece, “Saamana” (To Confront).

“After he has served for so many years in the police force, one model now charges DIG (deputy inspector general) Sunil Paraskar with rape and in one night he becomes a villain.

"Such accusations have become good weapons to seek personal revenge."

It added that the Indian judicial system needed to “open its eyes” and protect the innocent because “all the laws in the country favour women so anyone can slap any charge against anyone”.

India toughened sex assault laws following the fatal gang-rape of a student on a bus in New Delhi in December 2012 which sparked nationwide protests, but the move has done little to stem sex attacks against women.

Last month the alleged rape of a six-year-old girl in a school triggered a series of street protests by angry parents and political activists over the lack of safety for women and children in the country.

Examine: School head arrested in India over rape

A 16-year-old girl in Dehi was also gang raped at gun point in June while a seven year old girl was found hanging from a tree in a village in West Bengal state. Locals suspect she was raped.

In May two girls in Uttar Pradesh state found hanging from a tree had been gang raped in a case that sparked new waves of public revulsion over violence towards women.

Explore: Indian cousins found hanging from tree after gang-rape: police

Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party promised a “zero tolerance” approach to violence against women after it swept to power at May elections.

However two state BJP ministers trivialised rape in June when one said the attacks happened “accidentally” and another said that they were “sometimes right, sometimes wrong”.

Uttar Pradesh's Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh was also the target of public anger in April when he told an election rally that he opposed the recently introduced death penalty for gang-rapists, saying “boys make mistakes”.

Know more: Indian party leader sparks backlash over rape remarks

The Shiv Sena, which has a history of inciting violence, came under fire after some of its MPs tried to forcibly feed a chapati — an Indian flatbread — to a Muslim restaurant manager fasting for Ramazan because they were unhappy about food at a government canteen on July 23.
although I don't like these shiv sainik lunatics but in this case they right to some extent.
Maybe somebody will have the intelligence to publish the FULL saamana article before commenting on it.

But maybe I am aiming too high. :sick:
Shiv sainiks are lunatics... But this is a incorrect & highly misleading Heading ....
Those who are oiling their guns to be fired upon Shiv Sena, please understand that the usual morons have tried to say something that really needs to be heard with patience. Nobody denies that rape is a serious issue and nobody in their correct senses would defend a rapist. But isn't it true that rape is used as a "charge" against the person by a set of people for the sake of vengeance? With the growing capitalist economy this unfortunate tendency among aspiring models and actors is also growing who for earning quick success just “use” the influential like politicians, bureaucrats or other actors who are already touched peak of success. .

Those who trade their flesh to buy a ladder to success should not be allowed to be regarded as “rape victim”. Shiv Sainiks have often found themselves on the opposite side of reasoning and sanity, but this time their concern must be heard.
Would those who are the first to call others as idiots and lunatics read the entire article and read up on how much rape charges are being used as coercive measures before commenting.
Those who are oiling their guns to be fired upon Shiv Sena, please understand that the usual morons have tried to say something that really needs to be heard with patience. Nobody denies that rape is a serious issue and nobody in their correct senses would defend a rapist. But isn't it true that rape is used as a "charge" against the person by a set of people for the sake of vengeance? With the growing capitalist economy this unfortunate tendency among aspiring models and actors is also growing who for earning quick success just “use” the influential like politicians, bureaucrats or other actors who are already touched peak of success. .

Those who trade their flesh to buy a ladder to success should not be allowed to be regarded as “rape victim”. Shiv Sainiks have often found themselves on the opposite side of reasoning and sanity, but this time their concern must be heard.

That too is an unreasonable stand.

Prostitution is legal in India and rightly so. But you should not be able to rape a prostitute and get away with it.

No means NO.
That too is an unreasonable stand.

Prostitution is legal in India and rightly so. But you should not be able to rape a prostitute and get away with it.

No means NO.
No. I did not mean that any one can rape a prostitute and get away with it. My point is if someone who leads a luxurious and ambitious life style, brings charges of being raped after six months should not be treated as a general victim and court should carefully investigate if the charges are deliberately framed or not.
No. I did not mean that any one can rape a prostitute and get away with it. My point is if someone who lead a luxurious and ambitious life style, brings charges of being raped after six months should not be treated as a general victim and court should carefully investigate if the charges are deliberately framed.

Luxury or poverty should not matter. Women are free to trade sex for any kind of benefit. Material or otherwise.

And there is NO time limit to filing rape charges. The women should be free to file rape charges even after 10 years.

But I agree it is harder to prove after such a long time and in the meantime the male gets stigmatised even when the charges are false.
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