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Shiv Sena calls rape charges 'a fashion'

what is the ratio of such vengeance charges in India ? :)

We do not have any convincing data but it is certainly less than the actual crime committed. But this is a rising trend.For example, just two days back a nurse brought rape charges against the owner of the Nursing home in West Bengal. She told police that the owner is raping her for two years!! Now, everybody understands that legally this is a rape charge but she only complained when the owner sacked her from the job. This sort of news are on a surge in recent days.
There was no mistake in what I wrote. It is you who needs a pillow to thrash on someone as always.

Pathetic. I guess I was wrong about you.

No you are not.
He is absolutely right. Do you have any idea of the prevalence of such cases in metro cities like Delhi or Mumbai?

It is being used as a coercive measure for a variety of issues - forcing a guy to marry, forcing settlement, helping in divorce proceedings. It is heading in the exact same path that the anti-dowry laws are being used for.

You are deliberately misunderstanding what scorpionx said. He did not even imply that prostitutes can be raped and/or that people should get away with raping. He implied that women are using this - rape charge - as a tool.

Every law in the world is subject to abuse. From kidnapping to theft to fraud to anything you can think of.

What I find interesting that you and your like-minded friend choose to showcase your mock outrage only on laws that serve women. I take it you are guys ? :P

I understood perfectly well what he said. We all did.
Pathetic. I guess I was wrong about you.

Every law in the world is subject to abuse. From kidnapping to theft to fraud to anything you can think of.

What I find interesting that you and your like-minded friend choose to showcase your mock outrage only on laws that serve women. I take it you are guys ? :P

I understood perfectly well what he said. We all did.
And when some of those laws become major tools of harassment, then circumspection is required instead of outright dismissal. The new rape laws in which an accused becomes assumed guilty needs to be re-looked.

An example would be when the highest court of the country calls the anti-downry laws as 'legal terrorism'.If it were up to people like you, we should have kept a blind eye and not even acknowledged the massive abuse of the dowry laws as well.

That is not how democracies work. A law needs to be mindful of how it is being used and changed accordingly.
And when some of those laws become major tools of harassment, then circumspection is required instead of outright dismissal. The new rape laws in which an accused becomes assumed guilty needs to be re-looked.

An example would be when the highest court of the country calls the anti-downry laws as 'legal terrorism'.If it were up to people like you, we should have kept a blind eye and not even acknowledged the massive abuse of the dowry laws as well.

That is not how democracies work. A law needs to be mindful of how it is being used and changed accordingly.

A straw-man defence. Along expected lines. :coffee:
Not really. Defending indefensible laws is a straw-man defense. Something you are doing.

:lol: ...... clearly you do not even know what a straw-man defence is.

What is a Straw Man Argument? (with picture)
A straw man argument is a rhetorical device that is meant to easily prove that one’s position or argument is superior to an opposing argument. However, the straw man argument is regarded as a logical fallacy, because at its core, the person using the device misrepresents the other person's argument. The person does this because it then becomes easier to knock down the weaker version of the opposing argument with one's more substantial counter argument.
Those who are oiling their guns to be fired upon Shiv Sena, please understand that the usual morons have tried to say something that really needs to be heard with patience. Nobody denies that rape is a serious issue and nobody in their correct senses would defend a rapist. But isn't it true that rape is used as a "charge" against the person by a set of people for the sake of vengeance? With the growing capitalist economy this unfortunate tendency among aspiring models and actors is also growing who for earning quick success just “use” the influential like politicians, bureaucrats or other actors who are already touched peak of success. .

Those who trade their flesh to buy a ladder to success should not be allowed to be regarded as “rape victim”. Shiv Sainiks have often found themselves on the opposite side of reasoning and sanity, but this time their concern must be heard.

I dont remember correctly but it was some politician in a position of power who said rape is ok in some circumstances.
so its not just shiv sena alone
:lol: ...... clearly you do not even know what a straw-man defence is.

What is a Straw Man Argument? (with picture)
A straw man argument is a rhetorical device that is meant to easily prove that one’s position or argument is superior to an opposing argument. However, the straw man argument is regarded as a logical fallacy, because at its core, the person using the device misrepresents the other person's argument. The person does this because it then becomes easier to knock down the weaker version of the opposing argument with one's more substantial counter argument.
Sure sure. :rolleyes:
Sure sure. :rolleyes:

Straw-man defence:

A: Sunny days are good.
B: If all days were sunny, we'd never have rain, and without rain, we'd have famine and death.

In this case, B falsely frames A's claim to imply that A believes only sunny days are good, and B argues against that assertion. A actually asserts that sunny days are good and, in fact, says nothing about rainy days.

Read slowly.
We do not have any convincing data but it is certainly less than the actual crime committed. But this is a rising trend.For example, just two days back a nurse brought rape charges against the owner of the Nursing home in West Bengal. She told police that the owner is raping her for two years!! Now, everybody understands that legally this is a rape charge but she only complained when the owner sacked her from the job. This sort of news are on a surge in recent days.

The examples of false allegations are far less than the actual crime so we must not justify such statements by generalising .

On the other hand i perfectly understand that politicians and opinion makers are at greater risk of being grilled by media through blowing their statements out of proportion, so i feel they should think before using any phrase
I dont remember correctly but it was some politician in a position of power who said rape is ok in some circumstances.
so its not just shiv sena alone
If the victim use physcial relationship to gain something then she should not be allowed to use that as rape later. This is what these politicians are trying to say more or less.
@Spring Onion
Rape in its true sense is a real issue for Indian society. No denial.
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