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Shireen Mazari quits PTI, active politics ( rumor: Shah Mehmmod Qurashi leaving, will call press conference)

Can't blame her

She is a old lady at the end of the day, no husband, one daughter

She can take on the state
another one gone ! that's the end of team IK, folks..


only the last rites remain now

loud boos, stadium begins emptying out as team Fauz moves in for the kill, the fans in disarray, they can't believe what's happening


they still fighting hard, but I'm afraid this is the end

it promised so much, but wasn't to be.

well played, team fauz.. this is your moment, this your movement.. ! :sloot:
it is sad what this country ahs come to. if we stay, we are no better than second class citizens with no say in how things are being run and no protection that law could provide. if we leave, then we are 2nd class citizens. its a shame.

This reminds me of what I heard a long time ago as a kid. A senior naval officer quit and was moving to the US. People told him that he’ll be a 2nd class citizen there. He said:

“It’s better to be a 2nd class citizen in a 1st class country rather than a 2nd class citizen in a 3rd class country.”
They cannot eliminate/disqualify IK, so they target his team. 2nd or 3rd team PTI leaders mean very little, awam will still support IK. Duffers are going crazy as nothing they do is working
Yes, as project RCO did not get the desired results, target shall be to break party members and break party.
Making IK example of AH.
This reminds me of what I heard a long time ago as a kid. A senior naval officer quit and was moving to the US. People told him that he’ll be a 2nd class citizen there. He said:

“It’s better to be a 2nd class citizen in a 1st class country rather than a 2nd class citizen in a 3rd class country.”

very true. funny how the same people who are the ones holding Pakistan back, are the ones who retire and settle abroad. Look no further than Mir Bajwa who is now seen walking the streets of Dubai. ugly bastard
Asim Muni is fulfilling all the promises he made with NS in return of making him COAS.
Imran Khan shameless behavior is responsible for this. His and pirni arrest is red line but thousands of PTI supporters can be arrested. All for his lies and desperation to get back in power.

PTI shouldn't have disolved Punjab/KP assemblies.

While PDM and Army are angels who believe in rule of law

Please tell how many donkey naans you had today ?
From my long observation of Pakistani politics, I can say with high degree of confidence: PTI is ending as a political party for the next few years at least. Imran's personal options, in best case scenario, is a forced exile and his Pakistani passport to be revoked so he won't be allowed back until and unless the Establishment gets tired of the old faces of PPP and PMLN--again!
The corrupt don't care what the masses think they just want to take out key players rigg heavily then announce PMNL elections victory. That is the plan.
Time for people of Pakistan to decide what they want. Live freely in their country or continue the status quo.

If out 223 or if we believe the new census 225 million people, one million can’t take a stand and just park their behind on the streets - do they really deserve to be free?

People of Pakistan need to learn from Kashmiris and Palestinians who have been fighting for over 50 years.
From my long observation of Pakistani politics, I can say with high degree of confidence: PTI is ending as a political party for the next few years at least. Imran's personal options, in best case scenario, is a forced exile and his Pakistani passport to be revoked so he won't be allowed back until and unless the Establishment gets tired of the old faces of PPP and PMLN--again!
and end of paksitan as country a major war in KPK where napak fauj will surrender like 1971 . many new countries will emerge and imran khan will be back like hero to one of them .paksitan is bankruppt failed and banana republic ruled by wild ISI and military . how long it can go without bailout ?
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