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Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

R.I.P. to our fallen Russian brothers.
Mig 29 is a much more reliable jet than the mig 21 and in the IAF the attrision rate is very low just like MKIs.Most probably pilot error was the case here.
Question: Why didn't the IN choose the SU-33 instead? Isn't that a better option to the MIG-29K?
Oh don't start this $hit again. IN got what best suited THEIR unique operational requirements. I think they're in a better position to make a decision knowing what they need based on DECADES of operational experience then you on your laptop
Oh don't start this $hit again. IN got what best suited THEIR unique operational requirements. I think they're in a better position to make a decision knowing what they need based on DECADES of operational experience then you on your laptop

Never started any sh!t. First time I asked.

If everybody know everything, then what's the point in sharing knowledge in PDF? :D

Anyways, Spark answered my simple question.

Wasted your time typing all that flame-bait ;)
I don't know why the we selected Mig29 in the first place ? I mean it has structural problems and thats why Russian air force grounded them all. I bet this is going to be the next flying coffin for our pilots.

we have been flying mig 29s for over 20 yrs and have had extremely few crashes..... What makes you think they will become the next flying coffin( which is a pretty derogatory word for one of the most successful fighter plane in history, whose crashes in the iaf have been mainly due to india buying low quality spares from eastern european nations)
In my view IN might have thought that if they selected Su 33 then they could not deploy enough fighters to their smaller carriers.So they went for the smaller Mig 29Ks.Again this is only my thought and I can very well be wrong.
we have been flying mig 29s for over 20 yrs and have had extremely few crashes..... What makes you think they will become the next flying coffin( which is a pretty derogatory word for one of the most successful fighter plane in history, whose crashes in the iaf have been mainly due to india buying low quality spares from eastern european nations)

You are absolutely right bro.The Mig 29 is one of the most successful fighter and serve IAF extremely well with negligible attrition rate.Calling it a potential flying coffin is an insult to it.Mr Angel is a very informed forumer but does not like russian fighters much.
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