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Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

Hey I am Indian American ....Im doing what I see is the best for both countries. Its in our interests to partner up. As for this accident, its truly tragic but the IAF has suffered greatly due to its reliance on Russia on spares and other issues. Look at the US crash rate, its quite low. Not hard to sell a great product :azn:

They already bought American made C-17s, C-130 Super Hercules, P-8Is, and likely to procure Apaches.

I really doubt if they are going to buy the F-35.
now the question which arise is that will the Rusky replace the jet or atleast refund the 36 million , coz the jet crashed during the trials ,
also we dont even know whether this jet was meant for Russian Navy or Indian Navy , coz russian navy was also suposed to accept Mig29k in service in october 2011

all we got is a word from some russian manager ,
mig 29k s have been flying quite well for last 18 months in the Indian navy and even IAF is quite happy with there 20 yr old models , which are currently undergoing MLU
Hey I am Indian American ....Im doing what I see is the best for both countries. Its in our interests to partner up. As for this accident, its truly tragic but the IAF has suffered greatly due to its reliance on Russia on spares and other issues. Look at the US crash rate, its quite low. Not hard to sell a great product :azn:

great product?buddy go to RAAF vs F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter this website . read the white papers published and analyses done by people for the Australian government . then talk . mind you these are the guys who are partners in the F35 program
F-35 is expensive and in a simulation if failed against 4thn gen SU-35 fighters i think IAF and IN air arm will be better off with MiG-29k
now the question which arise is that will the Rusky replace the jet or atleast refund the 36 million , coz the jet crashed during the trials ,
also we dont even know whether this jet was meant for Russian Navy or Indian Navy , coz russian navy was also suposed to accept Mig29k in service in october 2011

all we got is a word from some russian manager ,
mig 29k s have been flying quite well for last 18 months in the Indian navy and even IAF is quite happy with there 20 yr old models , which are currently undergoing MLU

It explicitly states this was meant for INDIAN NAVY. And I'm sure this will be replaced at no cost to IN as it happened in Russia with Russian pilots before it had been officially handed over to IN. if you'd paid for a car and it crashed on way to dealership you'd expect a refund or replacement.
Just pitching a superior product and highlighting the Russian failure in any and every thread

one thing hes right about is Russia and there after sales policies IAF has lost so many MiG aircraft due to lack of spares but still RIP to those two russian pilots

India needs to start focusing on indigenous weaponry more and developing its domestic defense industry 40 years ago China relied on Russia from helmets to fighter jets now they're building aircraft by the day on there own albeit reverse engineered but still we are lagging in domestic defense development
I don't know why the we selected Mig29 in the first place ? I mean it has structural problems and thats why Russian air force grounded them all. I bet this is going to be the next flying coffin for our pilots.
I don't know why the we selected Mig29 in the first place ? I mean it has structural problems and thats why Russian air force grounded them all. I bet this is going to be the next flying coffin for our pilots.

Actually despite appearances the Mig29k and Mig29A/B are two very different machines and the K has many new and safer features
I don't know why the we selected Mig29 in the first place ? I mean it has structural problems and thats why Russian air force grounded them all. I bet this is going to be the next flying coffin for our pilots.

Question: Why didn't the IN choose the SU-33 instead? Isn't that a better option to the MIG-29K?
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