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Shining Pakistan - South Asia from space

@MilSpec Where did you get that one? Looks like one I wanna check it out.

EDIT: nvm you provided the link, my bad!

What is the ooops for? That map almost reflects the same as I provided. Compare them before you give off oops. Or is the "oooops" because NOAA conspired to make Pakistan look good?

And your source is Bing who rely on others for data. I used US NOAA directly as source which being US agency have their own satellite assets. Please refer to US NOAA.

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"The National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) was created by NOAA to operate and manage the United States environmental satellite programs, and manage the data gathered by the NWS and other government agencies and departments. NESDIS's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) archives data collected by the NOAA, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, the Federal Aviation Administration, and meteorological services around the world. NCEI comprises the Center for Weather and Climate (previously NOAA's National Climatic Data Center) and the Center for Coasts, Oceans, and Geophysics (created by a merger of NOAA's National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC), National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) and National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC)).

NESDIS has managed operational polar orbiting satellites (POES) since 1966 and operational geosynchronous satellites (GOES) since 1974. New generations of satellites are being developed to succeed the current polar orbiting and geosynchronous satellites: the Joint Polar Satellite System) and GOES-R. The first satellite in the GOES-R series is scheduled for launch in March 2016. The launch of JPSS-1 is scheduled for no later than March 2017"
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those data are from 2006....??
this is 2012...

View attachment 274282

dark areas are present more in central india... those less inhabited areas... jus like balochistan and tibet in china.... even USA has them in lot...

India's percapita electricity consumption is 744kwh wheras pakistans is 452kwh...

List of countries by electricity consumption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Consumption just touched 1000 KWH during peak summer this year.
This shoddy analyses is a ''new and innovative'' pakistani way of denying hard cold statistics and rankings on electricity generation, economy, hunger index, poverty etc etc. Take a few ten year old pictures, cut them where convenient, offer explanations for pakistani side and talk trash about others.

Its amusing the childish antics.

wait till he posts pics of rickshaws and chaiwalas...!!!!! :lol: ... i have seen a strange trait among pakistani posters here... they tend to compare development on the basis of pics and youtube videos... some fool days ago compared nuclear blast and yield on basis of youtube video... some compare Air drag on basis of air show pictures.... someone tell these fools to open international databooks and compare!!!! :hitwall:
@nForce coorect bro.... India’s per capita electricity consumption touches 1010 kWh - Livemint
wait till he posts pics of rickshaws and chaiwalas...!!!!! :lol: ... i have seen a strange trait among pakistani posters here... they tend to compare development on the basis of pics and youtube videos... some fool days ago compared nuclear blast and yield on basis of youtube video... some compare Air drag on basis of air show pictures.... someone tell these fools to open international databooks and compare!!!! :hitwall:

That would be inconvenient. When you live in a parallel universe, keeping alive the indus valley civilisation, you need parallel data sets and labored analyses.

No hard facts, trends and narratives will do ;)
If you are worried about frustration levels, worry about OP.
Do explain how OP is frustrated, its you who is hell bent to prove him wrong thus the frustration, anyways have a great day, can't wait to read more Pakistan related posts from you.
Do explain how OP is frustrated, its you who is hell bent to prove him wrong thus the frustration, anyways have a great day, can't wait to read more Pakistan related posts from you.

Nice try. But no cookies. The op is hell bent on proving official data and statistics wrong using selective visual analyses of old images cut in half. And this post HE has made about India, unless you are blind.

Your lack of intellectual honesty is not disturbing.
In the entire South Asia Balochistan has the lowest density. Have a look at the size of Balochistan yet the total population is less then many South Asian cities at 13 million. Central India is far more densely populated. Balochistan is high altitude desert plateaux with hot summers and freezing ice and snow in winter. Madya Pradesh in Central India is nearly 72 million people with density of 236 Km2 compared to 13 million and 19 Km2. in 1998 and even it has doubled since it will be less then 40 Km2.

Madhya Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

madhya pradesh has per capita electricity consumption almost twice than that of pakistan!!!! :lol: 618kwh !! that too in 2009-10 figure
India Per Capita Electricity Consumption State & Districts Wise – Yearly Statistics Demand/Supply Electricity India
Do explain how OP is frustrated, its you who is hell bent to prove him wrong thus the frustration, anyways have a great day, can't wait to read more Pakistan related posts from you.
Question for you. How do you calculate electrification in your country ? Based on area or population ?
@Nilgiri raised a good point there.
@Atanz ?
What is the ooops for? That map almost reflects the same as I provided. Compare them before you give off oops.

And your source is Bing who rely on others for data. I used US NOAA which being US agency have their own satellite assets. Please refer to US NOAA.

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Opps on the part that a "Think Tank Consultant" - Thinks Shining India is in reference to - Lumens per sqm in India.

Disregarding that, given impediments in narrative as expected, The source I provided does not rely on Bing for Light pollution data, but for Geographical maps, the Light pollution data source is "Earth Observation Group, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center." May be you have heard of it.


The light pollution map has two base layers (road and hybrid Bing maps), light pollution overlays and the user light pollution measurements overlay.
To add your SQM measurements turn on the "User SQM data" layer and click on the pencil icon. You can also display only measurements within a specified date range using the date selector bar.

The light pollution 2010 overlay was made from "Version 4 DMSP-OLS Stable Lights Coverage".
The light pollution 2012, 2014, 2015 overlays were made from "VIIRS DNB Cloud Free Composites".
Data from 2010 and 2012/2014/2015 is not comparable (different satellite systems)!!!

Data courtesy of Earth Observation Group, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center.
From a paper with some NOAA authors (lets ignore for now that this is all from 2007 and thus the data has changed somewhat):


There are several shortcomings for nighttime lights in poverty estimation that should be acknowledged. The detection of lighting is a sure indicator of the presence of an electric power grid. However, poverty is a multifaceted phenomenon for which access to electricity is only one aspect. In areas where no lighting is detected there is no basis to discriminate variations in poverty levels without bring in additional data. For instance, there are many rural areas in wealthy countries where lighting is too dim to be detected by the OLS. In these cases poverty rates may be overestimated. Another issue is that there are cultural preferences for lighting and technological differences in lighting between different countries that would need to be addressed to improve the accuracy of poverty estimates derived based on nighttime lights.
From a paper with some NOAA authors (lets ignore for now that this is all from 2007 and thus the data has changed somewhat):


There are several shortcomings for nighttime lights in poverty estimation that should be acknowledged. The detection of lighting is a sure indicator of the presence of an electric power grid. However, poverty is a multifaceted phenomenon for which access to electricity is only one aspect. In areas where no lighting is detected there is no basis to discriminate variations in poverty levels without bring in additional data. For instance, there are many rural areas in wealthy countries where lighting is too dim to be detected by the OLS. In these cases poverty rates may be overestimated. Another issue is that there are cultural preferences for lighting and technological differences in lighting between different countries that would need to be addressed to improve the accuracy of poverty estimates derived based on nighttime lights.
By OP's contention: China must be dirt poor.

The IEA figures you are quoting seem some what off from the recent ones. Here is more recent:


From: IEA - Energy access database

World bank numbers are also quite different, Pakistan is at 94% here:

Access to electricity (% of population) | Data | Table

So it depends on the source.

But basing poverty rates on area electrification visible from Space is a very poor estimate.

I doubt any Chinese member would accept that the NOAA chart at NOAA/NGDC - Earth Observation Group - Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, Boulder

represents the actual poverty level in China.

@TaiShang @Dungeness @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @ChineseTiger1986

For one look at the supposed poverty rates in parts of Norway (which I presume are relatively unlit). You telling me that makes sense at all?
Tibet 1.6people/km^2.... Xinjiang 13.75people/km^2
Of course it's dark.
:p:Tibet,access to electricity,100% in village,thank you.
By OP's contention: China must be dirt poor.

Hence why I invited some chinese members to this thread already. :)

:p:Tibet,access to electricity,100% in village,thank you.

But but....NOAA estimates that it is 75%+ poverty. :o: Can you explain to the OP why thats wrong plz?

Apparently most of China is a lot poorer than Pakistan as well.

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Hence why I invited some chinese members to this thread already. :)

But but....NOAA estimates that it is 75%+ poverty. :o: Can you explain to the OP why thats wrong plz?

Apparently most of China is a lot poorer than Pakistan as well.

This is intolerance. Let the op have some fun.
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