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Shiekh Rasheed Interview with Sami Ibrahim | May 3 2022

Air Wolf

Oct 10, 2020
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Saudi Arabia
Today's interview of Sheikh Rashid with Sami Ibrahim....

Watch from 32:14

"The only problem is that institution wants to stay with US and they say that IMF will give us money whereas you want to go with Russia and take gas/oil @ 30% less and you want to go with China & CPEC. This is the only problem"

Things have started to come out in the open confirming that our institution wants to stay as the lapdog of US and don't want to have an independent dignified position on the world stage. The real question is why?

1. Dollar Khori - Institution has been addicted to dollars after war on terror and the huge influx of non-audited dollars received from US. As it has been stopped so they are behaving like an addict without his fix.

2. Personal Interests - Personal interests of top generals and core commanders. Their children studying here, living there, doing businesses there, and the general themselves want to have a lavish retired life in the west.

3. Resistance to Change - Since last 70 years Pakistan has been aligned with US and the institution don't want to change the direction towards Russia & China. Don't know what kind of ally we were though considering Pak was one of the most heavily US sanctioned and droned country. US back stabbed Pakistan and left it high n dry everytime their interest was over.

US never gives Pakistani army anything. They canceled AH-1Z sell.

It's not "never". Pak got US stuff but they had a very poisonous carrot n stick transactional relationship with Pakistan since beginning. And they want you to toe their line as a payback.

This attitude is not acceptable anymore. The people are tired of this slave/master type of relation but apparently army is still happy to liick the shoes.
US never gives Pakistani army anything. They canceled AH-1Z sell.
True. They even blocked engines for T-129. Never gave us money back for the F-16 we had paid for before arms embargo.

China on the hand is a true brother. JF-17, J-10C, Al Khalid, Type 039 etc...

army is still happy to liick the shoes.
There are still Pakistani PDF members licking Yankee shoes. We need people in charge who put Pakistan first and only Pakistan first. No other country on the planet should come before Pakistan.
Why is he complicating things for khan?
Why do you need to say these things in public? Say if IK comes in power, Is it even possible to cut ties with USA? Do we want USA to be our Open enemy like North Korea? Why do we need to be in any camp?
He could have simply said We want to be neutral in this new cold war and staying neutral not take any steps that adversly effect our stretegic repations with China.
When will our statesmen learn diplomatic language.
Why dont you promise us a Pakistan that Exports to USA and Buys weapons from China at the same time?
What is diplomacy for if you want to come under a BLOCK
US never gives Pakistani army anything. They canceled AH-1Z sell.

Meanwhile China gave us J-10, Civil Nuclear Technology (Hualong One Nuclear reactor) in Karachi, CPEC. I know this is a loan but still..they even deferred the repayment on IK's request.

Also, Russia is still giving us cheaper oil and wheat.. Iran also willing to extend energy agreements..
US never gives Pakistani army anything. They canceled AH-1Z sell.
Even if they do, we shouldn't be their lapdogs like our generals. Imran Khan tried to teach our army how to be more dignified and courageous but they chickened out. It only happens in a country like Pakistan where the military is the biggest sell out.
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Why is he complicating things for khan?
Why do you need to say these things in public? Say if IK comes in power, Is it even possible to cut ties with USA? Do we want USA to be our Open enemy like North Korea? Why do we need to be in any camp?
He could have simply said We want to be neutral in this new cold war and staying neutral not take any steps that adversly effect our stretegic repations with China.
When will our statesmen learn diplomatic language.
Why dont you promise us a Pakistan that Exports to USA and Buys weapons from China at the same time?
What is diplomacy for if you want to come under a BLOCK

And that's exactly what Imran Khan was trying to do. He has always maintained that he is not against US or west but US can't dictate Pak on who to trade with or who to befriend.

If india can buy oil @ 40% discount while being a Quad member why Pakistan can't make deals which are in the best interest of our people. Why army has a problem with that?

When army starts interfering in foreign policy they are overstepping their bounds. It's no secret how Bajwa and his cronies has played with Khan. Before leaving for Russia, they agreed with the trip and later went crying to their master that it was Imran's sole decision. This is already confirmed in the cypher.
If india can buy oil @ 40% discount while being a Quad member why Pakistan can't make deals which are in the best interest of our people.

India is now paying 35$ per barrel for Russian crude. The US is happy for Putin to sell his national treasure at fire sale prices :lol:

its win-win for India and the US

Amid mounting pressure from isolating sanctions imposed by the US, UK and EU among others on Russia, a Bloomberg report has revealed that the sanctioned nation offered India oil at a heavily discounted price of $35 a barrel.

India is now paying 35$ per barrel for Russian crude. The US is happy for Putin to sell his national treasure at fire sale prices :lol:

its win-win for India and the US

Amid mounting pressure from isolating sanctions imposed by the US, UK and EU among others on Russia, a Bloomberg report has revealed that the sanctioned nation offered India oil at a heavily discounted price of $35 a barrel.

All we can say is good for India as they were able to make decisions which were in their interest. Maybe because there are less sellouts in Indian military.

Some people say Pakistani generals don't plan long term. I say the opposite. They plan very long term - for their retirement and their children and grandchildren's retirement in the USA.

Yes, but this has been going on far too long and MUST end now. Otherwise there is no future.
India is now paying 35$ per barrel for Russian crude. The US is happy for Putin to sell his national treasure at fire sale prices :lol:

India is getting a $35 discount, not at $35.

its win-win for India and the US

If this is such a 'win' for the US, why is it encouraging Europe to stop buying Russian oil/gas? The US is putting a brave face on the Indian slap on its face.
All we can say is good for India as there were able to make decisions which were in their interest. Maybe because there are less sellouts in Indian military.

its realpolitik, the Russians want India to emulate the legendary Mizaru ape and see no evil in Ukraine. Pakistan's indifference on the other hand is only worth a paltry 30%. Pretty sure China is milking the Russian bear real hard as well... :lol:

we don't mind..
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