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Shiekh Nimr last speech


May 21, 2006
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He was arrested and jailed. Don't see any reason to execute. This is normal in Western and Pak-India politics. He sound more democratic and may be remember as first voice of democracy in Saudi Arabia, openly and unguarded , peacefully.A son of Hijaz.

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I dont know why this guy kept pushing his luck in such a country. Saudis dont care, and dont care that you care.

He was the leader of a community that is living under suppression since a century.

If he do not raise voice, then who will ? being a leader it was his responsibility.

His blood will change Arabia and this is only the beginning.

for sure the monarchy is now doomed and do not know what to do.

they are now trying to build a 34 nation military that could defend monarchs.
He was the leader of a community that is living under suppression since a century.

If he do not raise voice, then who will ? being a leader it was his responsibility.

His blood will change Arabia and this is only the beginning.

for sure the monarchy is now doomed and do not know what to do.

they are now trying to build a 34 nation military that could defend monarchs.

His blood will do nothing in Arabia. It may inflame Shia-Sunni tension even further in the region, I doubt people in power in those countries care.
His blood will do nothing in Arabia. It may inflame Shia-Sunni tension even further in the region, I doubt people in power in those countries care.

it is not the issue of one boundry anymore. syria, iraq, yemen and now in saudi.
Strong words , I am unaware of the man or his background but if he said all this living in KSA he must be a brave man.

It is not in the interest of the world for things to reach a tipping point between KSA & Iran , at least not yet.
Shiekh Nimr was to Saudia what Burqa Molvi Aziz is to Pakistan-
Only difference is saudis dont care they execute- while we worry too much about the possible backlash-
Blah Blah Blah..Utter garbage!
He smells of nasty Iranian propaganda..he has no shame..His wife was treated in USA on state expense..his son is enjoying high education on state expense..Aramco is dominated by Shia staff despite being state most crucial enterprise...

He was arrested and released several times by authorities..among those sentenced to death were mostly Al-Qaida men some of whom were convicted of attacking Shia in Saudi Arabia...I dont see Shia showing any gratitude for that..their needle is stuck on this one man for no apparent reason???

Shiekh Nimr was to Saudia what Burqa Molvi Aziz is to Pakistan-
Only difference is saudis dont care they execute- while we worry too much about the possible backlash-

Saudi Arabia set an example for us..if we treated our mullahs the same...we will not be fighting terror today!

Funny this is that this stooge was educate in Syria and Iran..but never once he condemned the mass murdering of Al-Assad family or the repression in Iran..especially its thousands of extra-judicial killing of political activist each other...good riddance of a stooge!

I like the fact that state security has become more stringent under King Salman...he has thrown away pacifist policies of King Abdullah...and is heading forward with iron fist!

He was the leader of a community that is living under suppression since a century.

If he do not raise voice, then who will ? being a leader it was his responsibility.

His blood will change Arabia and this is only the beginning.

for sure the monarchy is now doomed and do not know what to do.

they are now trying to build a 34 nation military that could defend monarchs.

Buddy, there are Shias living all over the Kingdom..but some how..only those in Qatif and Awamiyah are repressed?? Funny logic..this sheikh has no following outside few streets of Awamiyah!

By the way Shia are some of the wealthiest people in Saudi...
Blah Blah Blah..Utter garbage!
..his son is enjoying high education on state expense....

I don't know how many sons he has, but isn't his teenage son currently on death row?
Thats his Nephew...
Face palm when your country is trolling someone and dont know jack about them!

You are right, I searched online again, and it seems I made a mistake, it was not his son. Thank you for correcting my mistake.
Blah Blah Blah..Utter garbage!
He smells of nasty Iranian propaganda..he has no shame..His wife was treated in USA on state expense..his son is enjoying high education on state expense..Aramco is dominated by Shia staff despite being state most crucial enterprise...

He was arrested and released several times by authorities..among those sentenced to death were mostly Al-Qaida men some of whom were convicted of attacking Shia in Saudi Arabia...I dont see Shia showing any gratitude for that..their needle is stuck on this one man for no apparent reason???

Saudi Arabia set an example for us..if we treated our mullahs the same...we will not be fighting terror today!

Funny this is that this stooge was educate in Syria and Iran..but never once he condemned the mass murdering of Al-Assad family or the repression in Iran..especially its thousands of extra-judicial killing of political activist each other...good riddance of a stooge!

I like the fact that state security has become more stringent under King Salman...he has thrown away pacifist policies of King Abdullah...and is heading forward with iron fist!

Buddy, there are Shias living all over the Kingdom..but some how..only those in Qatif and Awamiyah are repressed?? Funny logic..this sheikh has no following outside few streets of Awamiyah!

By the way Shia are some of the wealthiest people in Saudi...

Dude you have no shame in insulting the great and brave Man.

history is not going to forget him. monarchs will feel the heat and monarchy will begin to melt.

Respect for the brave man for talking truth and following the Path of Imam Hussain a.s.

your monarchs tried to bribe him, but failed. they had no choice but to kill him to save their monarchy.
What do you expect a sellout and terrorist to say?

What you expect from Monarchs ?

opposition is not terrorism. you can't kill anyone on grounds of opposition.

He is hero of Islam against monarchy.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قَالَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ والهِ وَسَلَّمَ
أَحَبُّ الْجِهَادِ إِلَى اللَّهِ كَلِمَةُ حَقٍّ تُقَالُ لإِمَامٍ جَائِرٍ
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