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Shiekh Nimr last speech

He sounds peaceful ??? seriously . If he was so oppressed then why he didnt left the country like rest of his kind(By kind i mean "oppressed") . Still rest in peace
@somebozo @JonAsad and other saudis

Can you please tell me the background and "why" this Nimr guy was killed? Its all over media and everybody is making him a martyr.

Please enlighten me with details so I have knowledge to argue my points..
May Lord bless Pakistan.... .. .

May Lord save us from likes of sectarian terrorists ruining KSA & Iran........

Nimr hate speeches let to violent demonstrations and killing of 4-5 police men...killing of police men is a red line which state does not tolerate at any cost...beside that..Nimr has been a shia rights activist..and a critic of Saudi government..he has a history of being arrested and released several times..he wasn't punished for being shia..he was punished for his actions..he still had the right to appeal and pledge seclusion from all future political activism which he did not exercise..otherwise he wouldn't be seen as a hero..he has a strong following among the a minority part of total Saudi Shia population centered around Awamiyah....

Buddy your country would glow in dark if the Ayatollahs did not Strike a deal with the same great satan America..

You should ask this to millions of Shia living in Saudi?? What is their best example?? Iran...the worst state repression of modern time..
If you read history..Shia are the worst oppressors..just look at the Khums their clergy extract like jugga tax..
Self victimization is an easy political win...same mentality exploited by Hitler..

My friend US is our partner we hold them responsible for some degree for the shit hole Middle east today has become thats maturity we are not their slaves I repeat we partner America....

And Agree with U that Iran is no Holy Its another Mullah Shit

May be It will take a long time for Democratic institution to be established
Going by your logic..Osama Bin Laden was also a great brave man??? Because he was standing up to great evil empire the US of A and Israel??

I never understand the selective logic and ethics of Shias??

Only acceptable monarchy is that of an Ayatollah..Like the grand Ayatollah of Iran is now worth 90 Billion USD..
Selective logic and ethics..typical among Shia!

Monarchy is a style of government where rulership passes between a group of interlinked people..doesnt have to be a single family or relatives. All the grand power in Iran is in the hand of one Ayatollah...democracy is a sham in Iran..

World history shows that humans even progressed under monarchy like Roman empire or dictatorship like Hitler..but not under theocracy like Iran!

you are only a troll that is trying to defend the bloody saudi wahabists monarchs.

your biggest efforts is to start comparing with others to make others fool. roman hitler mongol you forgot. looks you are ignorant and do not know that many sunnis praise IRAN.

Do not you know that ISLAM does not approves monarchy. when Monarchy is banned and Haram in Islam how come you try defend the saudi. Haram is continuing in the holy lands.

you are not in position to defend the curse of monarchy.

Monarchy is a curse that was imposed on holy lands to Fool muslims and this curse still continuing without any shame in the holy lands.

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Nimr hate speeches let to violent demonstrations and killing of 4-5 police men...killing of police men is a red line which state does not tolerate at any cost...beside that..Nimr has been a shia rights activist..and a critic of Saudi government..he has a history of being arrested and released several times..he wasn't punished for being shia..he was punished for his actions..he still had the right to appeal and pledge seclusion from all future political activism which he did not exercise..otherwise he wouldn't be seen as a hero..he has a strong following among the a minority part of total Saudi Shia population centered around Awamiyah....

You think speaking against the government makes one eligible for the death penalty?
He was arrested and jailed. Don't see any reason to execute. This is normal in Western and Pak-India politics. He sound more democratic and may be remember as first voice of democracy in Saudi Arabia, openly and unguarded , peacefully.A son of Hijaz.

A true spiritual man, he was not a Shia, or Sunni, he was a MUSLIM. ALLAH (SWT) grant him entrance into Paradise and may he rest in the abode of the merciful , loving One.

الله يرحمه ويدخله فسيح جناته

He is hero of Islam against monarchy.


My friend US is our partner we hold them responsible for some degree for the shit hole Middle east today has become thats maturity we are not their slaves I repeat we partner America....

And Agree with U that Iran is no Holy Its another Mullah Shit

May be It will take a long time for Democratic institution to be established

Iran , as she has shown in recent years, is able to cooperate and handle multidimensional relations. She is a partner of China, Russia, Japan and Europe. Even with Israel and the United States. She shall address minor hiccups and political issues in the coming years. But any attempt to restrict or hinder her inevitable rise will be futile.
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A true spiritual man, he was not a Shia, or Sunni, he was a MUSLIM. ALLAH (SWT) grant him entrance into Paradise and may he rest in the abode of the merciful , loving One.

الله يرحمه ويدخله فسيح جناته


Iran , as she has shown in recent years, is able to cooperate and handle multidimensional relations. She is a partner of China, Russia, Japan and Europe. Even with Israel and the United States. She shall address minor hiccups and political issues in the coming years. But any attempt to restrict or hinder her inevitable rise will be futile.

this guy was exactly the same Kind of muslim Extremist like you japanese hate. It was not coincidental that he was executed together with ISIS/DAESH members in a row!

Saudi Arabia Need to cleanse the extremists and hate preechers. And they did great by executing These radicals.
this guy was exactly the same Kind of muslim Extremist like you japanese hate. It was not coincidental that he was executed together with ISIS/DAESH members in a row!

Saudi Arabia Need to cleanse the extremists and hate preechers. And they did great by executing These radicals.

He was a religious leader, and he should not have been given summary executing with the likes of takfiri DAESH individuals. He was executed because he was making critical statements against the way King Salman is handling minority rights in the Kingdom. His was a constructive criticism of the King's leadership; his views were also in contrast to the radical thoughts and points of view of the theocratic heads in the Kingdom.

Anways, i have expressed my views and they are MY views. As much as you are ENTITLED to YOUR views. Tho we disagree, i ultimately respect your right to share your views. I hope you do the same and give me the same.
Hail to the King

Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
Children roam the streets now orphans of war
Bodies hanging in the streets to adore

Royal flames will carve the path in chaos
Bringing daylight to the night
Death is riding in the town with armor
Because thail take all your rights
Hail to the king, hail to the one

Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun
Hail to the king (hail, hail, hail, the king)
Blood is spilled while holding keys to the throne
Born again, but it's too late to atone

No mercy from the edge of the blade
Thail'll escape and learn the price to be paid
Let the water throw it's shades of red now
Arrows black out all the light
Death is rotting in the town with armor
Thail've come to grant you your rights

this guy was exactly the same Kind of muslim Extremist like you japanese hate. It was not coincidental that he was executed together with ISIS/DAESH members in a row!

Saudi Arabia Need to cleanse the extremists and hate preechers. And they did great by executing These radicals.

he talked about the rights of his community and it is not a sin.

Many countries asked saud not to kill him and and no coincidence as all was deliberate PressTV-‘Saudi was awaiting executions backlash'


saudi monarchy will have bad days soon. The innocent blood has stamped and guaranteed that monarchy will not drag on for ever in Arabia.
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Arguably what Saudis did was cruel and extremely brutal. Wahhabis are known for their ruthlessness. History of Wahhabism is full of instances where they mercilessly butchered Shias and Turks. Nevertheless, Nimr was a Saudi citizen and a decree of the Saudi courts was carried out. No different from ZA Bhutto's hanging by Zia ul Haq. You may call it a judicial murder but it is Saudi internal matter.

Foreign governments have a right to protest, bring in a UN resolution to condemn the affair as happened in case of Trainman Square killing of student protesters in 1989. But under no circumstances foreign embassies should be attacked. United Nations Vienna convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 which was agreed by all members of the UN provides inviolability for the persons of diplomats and establishes their immunity from civil & criminal jurisdiction.

A foreign embassy is in fact foreign territory whose safety is guaranteed by the host government. The fact that Iranian gov’t allowed demonstrators to attack & burn Saudi Embassy could even be used as a pretext for war. It is also understandable that to order police to open fire on your own population can be unpalatable. Hence if the worse does happen, host gov’t should offer unreserved apology and offer to recompense all the losses as in the case of US Embassy in Islamabad in Nov 1979. Simple regrets from Iran is not enough.

I am not in any way condoning what the Saudis have done, but attacking of Saudi Embassy in Tehran has shied away many supporters of Iran. Apparently Iranians have not learnt any lesson from the 1979 siege of US Embassy. The keep repeating the same mistake
And you are an Iranian fan boy...
Iran is a Sh1thole where even twitter, facebook and social media is banned...Saudi Shia atleast have these kuffar inventions at their disposal for their activism...Obviously you will not condemn Irani terrorism in Iraq or on border of Saudi Arabia when Hoti rebels broke into Jazan border and demanded 70M USD in ransom??
Iran is a country which gained notoriety for stoning women.
Go ask any Saudi Shia if they would like to live in Saudi or Iran and you will have the answer...
Capital punishment in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fact is that Iranians clergy has no ethics and no loyalty..
Press TV = Iranian propoganda outlet..if something comes on Press TV...then it loses all credibility...Nimr wouldnt be executed if Iranians did not tow around the world with his name...Iranian towing actually sealed the fate of Nimr...see...working for Iranian agenda has got to be the worst thing in the world as these people lack even the most basic diplomatic skills and give away their activist easily by media campaigns...even if there was a bleak hope of pardon for Nimr....the Iranian politicians and media ensured it would not be fruitful...

Beside Nimr himself was a big hypocrite and his bad record as well as poor intner-personal behaviour, greed and manipulation is well knows in Saudi....Nimr never utthered a word about Alawai Shia repression of Sunni in Syria, or state repression of citizens in Iran itself...even if you are you send some Shia to Switzerland, after few days they will come up with a theory of being repressed...and the need for revolution in Switzerland..

you have fully lost your mind.

what you wrote confirms that Sh. Nimr was innocent and his killing is just a political assassination ( and this is what most confirm and believe.)

SHEIKH NIMR has openly told in his sermons what he wanted for his community.
You are fake as you say he was hypocrite. while it is monarchs who are hypocrites.

Saudi monarchs tried to buy Sheikh Nimr but he was a honest and Brave man who could not be bought by Monarchs.

Looting and plundering of Shia Oil Wealth and their rights and then blaming the victim is what that you learnt from the following of the Satan Monarchs.

Martyrdom of Shiekh Nimr at the hands of Monarchs has sealed the imminent downfall of the monarchy.
It will not work for long in saudi.

spread your terrorism and go on rampage in all countries.
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If there are 1000 terrorist like Nimr...we should behead 1000 of them...
We dont need any political activism threatening stability here and turn it into a sh1thole like Iran....

The economy is doing great, money is flowing in, people are happy, few bad apples will be crushed..

We should discuss what Shia terroist have done to Iraq, Syria and to Iran itself..from the progressive Shah era..to the hijack by Khomenist...

you have fully lost your mind.

what you wrote confirms that Sh. Nimr was innocent and his killing is just a political assassination ( and this is what most confirm and believe.)

SHEIKH NIMR has openly told in his sermons what he wanted for his community.
You are fake as you say he was hypocrite. while it is monarchs who are hypocrites.

Saudi monarchs tried to buy Sheikh Nimr but he was a honest and Brave man who could not be bought by Monarchs.

Looting and plundering of Shia Oil Wealth and their rights and then blaming the victim is what that you learnt from the following of the Satan Monarchs.

Martyrdom of Shiekh Nimr at the hands of Monarchs has sealed the imminent downfall of the monarchy.
It will not work for long in saudi.

spread your terrorism and go on rampage in all countries.
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