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Shias from Iran and Iraq rally up to fight Sunni ISIS in Iraq - Suicide Bombers and Kids

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Hasn't America been arming these guys against Assad until just recently?

ISIS seems to be better armed than the Iraqi military, according to news reports.

I'm not sure; even the Afghan Intelligence was hosting the number 2 guy of the TTP (the one's who were attacking us) & the Americans busted them before taking him into their custody so I don't think that they're supporting religion-motivated terrorism per se but they're still up to their old interventionist policies whereby they do support proxies of choice !

Plus I think they were supporting a whole lot of Anti-Assad Militias in Syria & the ISIS are a splinter group of them !

What I'm worried about are the Iranians using their proxies of choice whereas the Arabs using theirs - So whether you use Hezbollah or the ISIS - I don't think a terrorist changes through a change of sect !
I'm not sure; even the Afghan Intelligence was hosting the number 2 guy of the TTP (the one's who were attacking us) & the Americans busted them before taking him into their custody so I don't think that they're supporting religion-motivated terrorism per se but they're still up to their old interventionist policies whereby they do support proxies of choice !

Plus I think they were supporting a whole lot of Anti-Assad Militias in Syria & the ISIS are a splinter group of them !

What I'm worried about are the Iranians using their proxies of choice whereas the Arabs using theirs - So whether you use Hezbollah or the ISIS - I don't think a terrorist changes through a change of sect !

That's true, sectarianism is a curse, and will only lead to further bloodshed.

It's like the Chinese Civil War, brothers killing brothers, due to some "label" like CPC or KMT. Such horror and bloodshed inflicted over such meaningless labels.
Not shocked. ISIS is an extremist group and Iran would have to be a pure fool to sit around watch the Iraqi forces run away and ISIS gain control. I am sure Iran would support the shia militia group and would have its on shia trained forces there too. The end result would be the same. ISIS would be left to sunni majority areas while shia majority areas will be under the control of shia militia both being funded by arabs and iran respectively. This will lead to mass sectarian violence around iraq.
Sad they make this a Shia-Sunni think. If the Shia government was inclusive they would have much better position.
Not shocked. ISIS is an extremist group and Iran would have to be a pure fool to sit around watch the Iraqi forces run away and ISIS gain control. I am sure Iran would support the shia militia group and would have its on shia trained forces there too. The end result would be the same. ISIS would be left to sunni majority areas while shia majority areas will be under the control of shia militia both being funded by arabs and iran respectively. This will lead to mass sectarian violence around iraq.

and this is what western and some khaliji kings wanted so badly ...
just keep Muslims busy with sectarian war when they are enjoying their free time ....
That's true, sectarianism is a curse, and will only lead to further bloodshed.

It's like the Chinese Civil War, brothers killing brothers, due to some "label" like CPC or KMT. Such horror and bloodshed inflicted over such meaningless labels.
The problem is Iraq and Syria are artifical countrys whose borders was drawn on the map by Brits and French, the only way to stop all this is to split them up into Shia and Sunni countrys, its probably not the ultimate solution for the region but there is no point in trying to keep alive a artifical country that will split up one day anyway.
The problem is Iraq and Syria are artifical countrys whose borders was drawn on the map by Brits and French, the only way to stop all this is to split them up into Shia and Sunni countrys, its probably not the ultimate solution for the region but there is no point in trying to keep alive a artifical country that will split up one day anyway.

I guess that may be the best solution, since it is going to be inevitable anyway.
The Iran-Iraq was is irrelevant; the supporting of proxies of choice by both Arabs & Iranians throughout the Middle-East, South Asia, African Maghrib & even in non-muslim majority countries like Nigeria is not 'defending one's self' !
Iran's the so-called proxies has defeated israel 3 times ... they have never targeted Muslim countries or Muslims they don't blow up themselves in the middle of cities ...

Hezboallah is a political party which has got MPs in the parliament and ministers in the cabinet and is believed by Lebanese people as a resistance group,

"....While the Shias were 35 per cent of the population demographically in Lebanon, each government discriminated against and disfranchised them to unfairly show them to be 10 to 15 per cent population-wise. Then, their land of south Lebanon became occupied by the Palestinians and then the Israelis. The Shias of southern Lebanon tolerated that. However, on March 17, 1974, in Baalbek, Bekaa valley, Imam Musa delivered an important speech:
“Starting from today, we will no longer complain nor cry. Our name is no longer the Mitwalis; our name is ‘men of refusal’. ‘Men of vengeance’. ‘Men who revolt against tyranny’ even though this costs us our blood and our lives.”
Shia was oppressed in Lebanon , they chose to become strong to defend themselves and fight with tyranny ... and they did ... but they didn't attack the other countries by the name of Islam to destroy everything unlike ISIS, AL-Q and so on ...

The same for Hamas .... In Iraq Shias are in the majority around 65-70 % of Iraqi ppls are Shia and it's called democracy but someone has missed the Saddam era when a minority were ruling the country ....."
1991 uprisings in Iraq (Sha'aban Intifada, Shiite Uprising In Southern Iraq)
The death toll was high throughout the country. The rebels killed many Ba'athist officials and officers. In response, thousands of unarmed civilians were killed by indiscriminate fire from loyalist tanks, artillery and helicopters, and many historical and religious structures in the south were deliberately targeted under orders from Saddam Hussein. Saddam's security forces entered the cities, often using women and children as human shields, where they detained and summarily executed or "disappeared" thousands of people at random in a policy of collective responsibility. Many suspects were tortured, raped, or burned alive.
Many of the people killed were buried in mass graves. Mass burial sites containing thousands of bodies have been uncovered since the fall of Saddam Hussein in April 2003. Of the 200 mass graves the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry had registered between 2003-2006, the majority were in the South, including one believed to hold as many as 10,000 victims.

In Saddam era non of these Arabs condemned him for waging war against a Shia country (using chemical weapon and ...) or cracking down Shia uprising in southern Iraq ... He represented minority and governed on majority by brutality.

I'm not saying that Iranian-backed groups are innocent at allbut in comparison with AL-Q and its linked groups backed by saudis are angels ..... and what about Arabs? what have they done? in Afghanistan? Iraq? Syria? Lebanon? Pakistan?
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The problem is Iraq and Syria are artifical countrys whose borders was drawn on the map by Brits and French, the only way to stop all this is to split them up into Shia and Sunni countrys, its probably not the ultimate solution for the region but there is no point in trying to keep alive a artifical country that will split up one day anyway.

Only kurds seek splitting, they are Iranic a total different people. The rest doesn't seek any of it.

Artificial in what sense, Iraq itself as a whole doesn't belong to any of it's neighbors when you look at the thousands of years of history, East you have Persia, South you have Arabia, West you have the Levant mainly known as Phoenicia and other Syriac names throughout history. North there were many other entities. Iraq which represents most of Mesopotamia has never really belonged to another part, it has been conquered but you can't change it & the history.

Shia and Sunni states is something no one seeks either, no one calls for it except a few politicians whom do so because of sheer hunger for power. If Sunnis or Shias wanted their own state they would be announcing it all over the place however I have not met any that has so neither will you find them on the internet. All nation borders are artificial actually, if Syria and Iraq are 'artificial' in that way then every other state in the region is as well, the other states have a shorter history backing up the existence of their state.

The only thing that has to be done is fight the terrorists ISIL, get seculars to rule the country instead of Islamists and things will get better eventually.


As for the Mahdi militia suicide bombing pics, obviously fake bombs for posing. Their message must be 'we are all shuhada'.
They won't be bombing themselves, better worry about the real suicide bombers of ISIS.
people in pakistani punjab attacked and injured 2 shia muslims for cheering iran in WC against argentina .

what a disgrace . anyway , the most hateful thread i've ever seen from a pakistani .

keep up this shyt .
good point . but do not worry ...............

all countries shud voluntarily help Iran overtly n covertly to destroy this subhuman ISIS scum......
Iran will not accept it . never ever .

“Iran will never cooperate with U.S. in war against ISIL: top commander”
Tehran Times 6-18-14… “Iran will never cooperate with U.S. in war against ISIL: top commander” | Alternative
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When was the last time a shia blew himself up in a market place in Pakistan or Iraq? What's that? Is that a cricket sound I hear? That's right stfu.

Hundreds of terror attacks and bomb blasts in India in the last 25 years. Not one Shia has ever been involved. Same is the case 'largely' with Pakistan. These guys are fooling no one but themselves.
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