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Shias from Iran and Iraq rally up to fight Sunni ISIS in Iraq - Suicide Bombers and Kids

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Who's going to kill the terrorists used to "kill the terrorists" later ?

Hopefully no one is silly enough to use terrorists to kill other terrorists, which is what America has been doing since the days of the Afghan Muhajideen.
people in pakistani punjab attacked and injured 2 shia muslims for cheering iran in WC against argentina .

what a disgrace . anyway , the most hateful thread i've ever seen from a pakistani .

keep up this shyt .

I'm not hating on Iran here, I am simply posting something that interests me and sharing it.

I do not dislike Iran, most Pakistanis viewed Iran favourably during Ahmadinejad's rule.

And where did you hear about the incident you mentioned?
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Of course it is because the Iranian Ayatollahs and the Arab Clerics won't stop exporting their respective 'revolutions' all across the Muslim World !

If our Governments were only a little less shameless they would've rooted out the sectarian vermin within our ranks who's compass points either to Tehran or to Riyadh !

Maybe....just maybe in our case because of too much innocent blood being spilled by Pakistanis of Pakistanis when pandering to the Arab-Iranian sectarian BS, the Government's hand may actually be forced to clamp down on sectarianism spreading in Pakistan since the Iranian Revolution & the Arab response to that !

Iraq is a goner; unfortunately we may see things getting a lot worse before they get any better (as the cliche goes) because either side isn't behaving themselves & they are & they would continue to support their proxies of choice to the terrible ruin of the Iraqi people !
Ahhh that neutral view point, been yearning it for so.... so long. :cry:

Just take a seat & enjoy the big show ... Then I will introduce you some one !
Americans call him Shadow !
OMG dat z so kewl.... (as said by an American hipster general)

Never gonna happen! The US will never arm the Kurds..... don't forget the Turks....... you can only expect air cover along with American "advisors"........
If only the world was enough for thy keyboard warriors....
Btw i kinda disagree with you, i think Kurds are not the best but still good fighters.
Well, let's see what happens, Kurds sure are milking this situation though.
iranian revolution trigger the fitna .... no doubts
people in pakistani punjab attacked and injured 2 shia muslims for cheering iran in WC against argentina .
what a disgrace . anyway , the most hateful thread i've ever seen from a pakistani .
keep up this shyt .
They watch football!? but nobody told me :(
people in pakistani punjab attacked and injured 2 shia muslims for cheering iran in WC against argentina .

what a disgrace . anyway , the most hateful thread i've ever seen from a pakistani .

keep up this shyt .
really ..and they accused us for suspending Kashmiris...in Asia cup match..against Pakistan...
really ..and they accused us for suspending Kashmiris...in Asia cup match..against Pakistan...
First time hearing people fighting over football, you should know better how it is in our region, people usually if ever fight.... they fight over cricket. Mate got his facts wrong.
people in pakistani punjab attacked and injured 2 shia muslims for cheering iran in WC against argentina .

what a disgrace . anyway , the most hateful thread i've ever seen from a pakistani .

keep up this shyt .

Stop making things up
Hopefully no one is silly enough to use terrorists to kill other terrorists, which is what America has been doing since the days of the Afghan Muhajideen.

I don't think America will but our Arab & Iranian friends would !
First time hearing people fighting over football, you should know better how it is in our region, people usually if ever fight.... they fight over cricket. Mate got his facts wrong.
not football...its was cricket match....where university suspended 60 Kashmiri students for shouting pro- Pakistani slogan.....
Indeed there is; however I fail to see how that applies to the Iranian-Arab turf war that has been going around since the '80s ?

Sunnis & Shias were living in peace throughout the Muslim World before the Iranian Revolution & the Arab response to that - If only you guys would stop supporting your people of choice in whatever 'attack or defense' you think you're doing.....we'd be alright !

Who started Iran / Iraq war !?

A bastard ( no joking , Saddam was a real bastard & his father was a Jewish man ! ) started attacking us !

And others supported him ... USA ... Soviet ... France ... Germany ... etc

We were alone ... We are just trying to defend our selves from foreign gangs ...
Who started Iran / Iraq war !?

A bastard ( no joking , Saddam was a real bastard & his father was a Jewish man ! ) started attacking us !

And others supported him ... USA ... Soviet ... France ... Germany ... etc

We were alone ... We are just trying to defend our selves from foreign gangs ...

The Iran-Iraq was is irrelevant; the supporting of proxies of choice by both Arabs & Iranians throughout the Middle-East, South Asia, African Maghrib & even in non-muslim majority countries like Nigeria is not 'defending one's self' !
I don't think America will but our Arab & Iranian friends would !

Hasn't America been arming and funding these guys against Assad until just recently?

ISIS seems to be better armed than the Iraqi military, according to news reports.
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