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Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman famous speech against the neutrals: Joy Bangla! Joy Pakistan!

Bro don’t you think we would have continued as one country under a more loose federal system? I’m quite ignorant on this topic but I would imagine that Islamic links would be a sufficient adhesive if greater autonomy provided to Bengal (and other provinces).
Yes. We did asked for it back then.
Imran Khan seemed to be much more of an honest and pragmatic leader to us non-Pakistanis.
TBH, he should have been more diplomatic and should have invested to keep the establishment happy. He tried to bring change without securing his government. Thats an idiotic move in my pov...
We never got rid of the feudal system and those who supported it and it’s these individuals that have became cancerous to us
Aww, how Pakistani feudalism works or look like?
With united pakistan there would be 2 PMs, 1 President. Everything else would be local
Good idea.

But, past leadership should have employed some local and foreign Political, Social Scientist and Economists to develop a Federal System for Pakistan.
Well I heard that after independence , state of India took all the Farming Land from every one and only handed out limited land , and this allowed for easier tracking of farming income and taxing

Pakistan , on other had I believe handed out Acres and Acres of Land post independence to people affiliated with Government of British Raj , this created a niche class of citizens who owned thousand and thousand acres of land , and had unlimited income potential and remained out of taxation loop

This is what Bhutto Clan is a product of Large Land ownership free from Taxation System

The Sanp family is given milk by State of Pakistan since inception

1971 The Bhutto Snake bit Pakistan , it continues to do same masking itself as Zardari clan now

In Pakistan when anyone talks of bringing Taxation on these "Special" Power groups , the governments get toppled

PDM is fueled by these pressure groups , tribal families who own large land and now there are also Politicians who have become Industrialist due to looting done in last 30 years masking themselves as PML Nawaz Sharif Enterprise

Mean while in Karachi , no one has more than a Plot under their Name
Let that sink in

Obviously a problem raised recently with South Punjab being underdeveloped is on discussion boards

Of course , in Islamabad people can afford to have "25 Crore Villas" the prestigious RedZone (2.4 Million Dollar Villas). They have 15-20 cars parked in these massive Villas this is the Islambad life style for the Ultra Rich

I was watching the video of a demo of property in Posh Islambad area , I was shocked Prime Luxury villas , worthy of a NBA player's residence

If in 1947 Pakistan has claimed all Land back owned by State Taxation of Farming would have been simple process , buy land and you pay certain % tax

All Problems Pakistan faces are creation of Pakistani Leaders at Top
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Jhaur, facts through those who served and lived in that part of the subcontinent rather than an emotional plonker from Twitter.

History says otherwise the main reason Bangladesh even exists is because of the Delhi sultanate and the Mughal empire who gave the Bangla sultanate a common Religion to unite its far flung lungi dwellers into Bangla. There are many examples Bangla happens to be one of them.

Islam is beyond the knowledge of tooters like yourself.

Possessing great knowledge of Islam yourself and your country, you have performed superbly well, the whole world drops hat in admiration. Congrats! Who can help a loser who continues to be a loser?
Well I heard that after independence , state of India took al the Farming Land from every one and only handed out limited land , and this allowed for easier tracking of farming income and taxing

Pakistan , on other had I believe handed out Acres and Acres of Land post independence to people affiliated with Government of British Raj , this created a niche class of citizens who owned thousand and thousand acres of land , and had unlimited income potential and remained out of taxation loop

This is what Bhutto Clan is a product of Large Land ownership free from Taxation System

In Pakistan when anyone talks of bringing Taxation on these "Special" Power groups , the governments get toppled

PDM is fueled by these pressure groups , tribal families who own large land and now there are also Politicians who have become Industrialist due to looting done in last 30 years masking themselves as PML Nawaz Sharif Enterprise
Oww, than do a French Revolution on them...
I basically agree with his reason why it was not called sazish by neutrals..kept saying this here but they wont listen

This famous speech of Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman is an eye opener. It exposes the lies of neutrals aka property dealers who still claim that the guy who won 1970's elections under military regime fair and square was actually a traitor!
View attachment 858913
@UKBengali @Bilal9 @Black_cats @Homo Sapiens @bluesky @SMX 3.0 @Wood @maithil @Joe Shearer @Skull and Bones @Blueindian @INDIAPOSITIVE @Sudarshan @koolio @Verve @Dual Wielder @Zibago @AZ1 @ziaulislam @ghazi52 @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Jazzbot @Indus Pakistan @SIPRA @Ssan @Patriot forever @RescueRanger
He was meeting indians requesting assistance much before that.
Both wings couldn't agree on a constitution. East wing should have been a separate country from the beginning.
Possessing great knowledge of Islam yourself and your country, you have performed superbly well, and the whole world drops its hat in admiration. Congrats! Who can help a loser who continues to be a loser?
Pakistan is a united nation of different ethnicities and marshal tribes all under the banner of Islam which unites us all isn't that more than enough to bust your dumb concocted dream of Islam is not a uniting fair force. It's the same country that has survived a Soviet incursion on its neighbourhood and a hostile Hindu Fascist nation to the East.

Certainly, the only thing worthy of admiration is your brain cells occasionally taking a stroll down the gold-plated streets of Dhaka. Which by the way was founded by Mughals to unite the lungi dwellers under a Bangla identity.

If Islam wasn't fair and just you wouldn't see Pakistan standing. This is the answer to your original brain stroll.
Well it is tough to Judge who Mr Mujib was meeting or not meeting

What is clear is he won the Elections in 1971 and should have been Head of state

The elections are there for reason to determine who is the ideal winner to lead the country

If this basic principle if misunderstood based on allegation that person had ties to india or not , its tragic

For Pakistani the lesson should be let us not be blinded by our
"Ahsaas-e-Takabur" that we loose sight of Pakistan

Nawaz Sharif Corporation Enterprise is not important
Bhutto is not Important , I personally don't consider him anything special

Support the Honest Man like Imran Khan while there is chance
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Pakistan is a united nation of different ethnicities and marshal tribes all under the banner of Islam which unites us all isn't that more than enough to bust your dumb concocted dream of Islam is not a uniting fair force. It's the same country that has survived a Soviet incursion on its neighbourhood and a hostile Hindu Fascist nation to the East.

Certainly, the only thing worthy of admiration is your brain cells occasionally taking a stroll down the gold-plated streets of Dhaka. Which by the way was founded by Mughals to unite the lungi dwellers under a Bangla identity.

If Islam wasn't fair and just you wouldn't see Pakistan standing. This is the answer to your original brain stroll.

Keep pooping through your mouth, nobody can stop that. At the end of the day the whole world will tell you your status, your pooping through your mouth won't help. Happy pooping, loser.
This famous speech of Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman is an eye opener. It exposes the lies of neutrals aka property dealers who still claim that the guy who won 1970's elections under military regime fair and square was actually a traitor!
View attachment 858913
@UKBengali @Bilal9 @Black_cats @Homo Sapiens @bluesky @SMX 3.0 @Wood @maithil @Joe Shearer @Skull and Bones @Blueindian @INDIAPOSITIVE @Sudarshan @koolio @Verve @Dual Wielder @Zibago @AZ1 @ziaulislam @ghazi52 @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Jazzbot @Indus Pakistan @SIPRA @Ssan @Patriot forever @RescueRanger
Army was made a scapegoat while Bhutto came out clean. Thanks to Bhutto, East Pakistan was lost.
Keep pooping through your mouth, nobody can stop that. At the end of the day, the whole world will tell you your status, your pooping through your mouth won't help. Happy pooping, loser.
Oh, here we go again the usual suspect of retarded brain cells taking the casual shitty stroll to the Dhaka railway lines. Frankly, I didn't expect a thoughtful reply from plonkers like yourself so carry on your usual hike.
@Great Janjua

While I don't agree with you , you have picture of Honorable Musharaf Sahib
if nothing is wrong in State of Pakistan why is this Honest man living life of exile in UK , ill on his last breath?

Can you answer me this ?

The criminal enterprise system running in Pakistan is the reason why he is out of Pakistan

The Nawaz Sharif Mafia Corporation , has exiled Honorable Musharaf Sahib
what was his crime ? that he kicked out Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif out of Pakistan ? We had record economic boom during 1999-2007

The felons like Nawaz Sharif and his daughter are convicted felons , should be in prison but they are both out living in their villa ? Why ????

I see her Ugly face and Nawaz Sharif's Ugly mug daily on newspaper ? Why ?

Why the criminal Lady is on TV or on Newspaper front page daily ? When she is convicted by Court of Pakistan ? Why is she special ?

Why was not even a single image released of these two in Prison? The cases lasted for 5 years ?

What is so special ? About them that they are above the Law ?

This whole group is a Criminal Mafia Enterprise

If a Honest officer like Musharraf, obviously a Distinguished and respectable General could not live in Pakistan , due to Bhutto and Nawaz Criminal mafia

Is it not possible Mr. Mujib also faced similar circumstances with Bhutto Senior ?
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Army was made a scapegoat while Bhutto came out clean. Thanks to Bhutto, East Pakistan was lost.
The Pakistan Army also practically split by 1971. So, the mainstay Army wasn't "the" problem, it was specifically Bhutto, Yahya Khan, and other individuals. It only takes individuals to ideate treachery, but disinformation, mob mentality, and emotions for groups to implement it.

Our failure was not spotlighting Yahya Khan, Bhutto, etc, early enough to stop them.
Pakistan is a united nation of different ethnicities and marshal tribes all under the banner of Islam which unites us all isn't that more than enough to bust your dumb concocted dream of Islam is not a uniting fair force. It's the same country that has survived a Soviet incursion on its neighbourhood and a hostile Hindu Fascist nation to the East.

Certainly, the only thing worthy of admiration is your brain cells occasionally taking a stroll down the gold-plated streets of Dhaka. Which by the way was founded by Mughals to unite the lungi dwellers under a Bangla identity.

If Islam wasn't fair and just you wouldn't see Pakistan standing. This is the answer to your original brain stroll.

Don't mind him. He is basically a false-flagger Indian as are many here in the Bangladesh section. Some of these are West Bengalis unfortunately, of the BJP kind, having a special venom against Pakistan. His MO is kinda subtle than the other Indian trolls. His handle should be some indication.

I determined this long ago. There are a few others too. Ask some of the real patriot Bangladeshis in here. You can see what we post and who we support. Real Bangladeshis don't hate Pakistan. They don't lick Sanghi boots either.

If people are born, bred and grew up in Bangladesh, I don't expect them to be such ingrates and support interests of India instead of their own country.
@Great Janjua

While I don't agree with you, you have picture of Honorable Musharaf Sahib
if nothing is wrong in State of Pakistan why is this Honest man living life of exile in UK , ill on his last breath?

Can you answer me this ?

The criminal enterprise system running in Pakistan is the reason why is out of Pakistan

The Nawaz Sharif Mafia Corporation , has exiled Honorable Musharaf Sahib
what was his crime ? that he kicked out Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif out of Pakistan ?

The felons like Nawaz Sharif and his daughter are convicted felons , should be in prison but they are both out living in their villa ? Why ????

Why was not even a single image released of these two in Prison? The cases lasted for 5 years ?

If a Honest officer like Musharraf, obviously a Distinguished and respectable General could not live in Pakistan, due to Bhutto and Nawaz Criminal mafia

Is it not possible Mr Mujib also faced similar circumstances with Bhutto Senior ?
I support no one my loyalty is to those who will do good for this country but some people are overly emotional and will take to heed everything without a second thought just like the recent issue with the army leadership people don't realise the army leadership is a rotating chair it's not limited to one person it's foremost loyal to the nation.

The only way people can remove the corrupt is by exercising their right to vote and not undermining national institutions only for brownie points.

By now we know Pakistan has not been blessed with the best civil servants we wanted but through thick and thin we have marched through the smog due to our uniting faith. And I hope we don't lose that faith be it in the army or GOD.

Don't mind him. He is basically a false-flagger Indian as are many here in the Bangladesh section. Some of these are West Bengalis unfortunately, of the BJP kind, having a special venom against Pakistan.

I determined this long ago. There are a few others too. Ask some of the real Bangladeshis in here. You can see what we post and who we support. Real Bangladeshis don't hate Pakistan. They don't lick Sanghi boots either.

If people are born, bred and grew up in Bangladesh, I don't expect them to be such ingrates and support interests of India instead of their own country.
Well, I did determine him to be a sore sod when he called Islam a non-binding force he stunk of Hindu insecurity right there and then.
I am sick and tired of watching Nawaz Sharif cases for 5 years when he was convicted he was let loose from system

And now Sick of watching a convict felon lady Daughter on newspaper daily preaching what Pakistani people should be doing next

April "Mid Night" Fiasco was my tipping of iceberg

I can only imagine how the temperatures are simmering at ground level on Pakistani Streets, specially after the Price hikes fiasco going about for last 2 months

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