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Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman famous speech against the neutrals: Joy Bangla! Joy Pakistan!

now also accept what your people did against muslims in India, pre 1947
Sadly, this violence was initiated in both directions. Since you appear to be breathing heavily and letting out your emotions, rather than what you know, or perhaps letting out your knowledge as well, it may be useful to read about the Great Calcutta Killing of the 15th of August, 1946; or about the Noakhali massacres of 1947.

I could go on and add to this, but that would make me another idiot picking at the scabs of past wounds, just to add to my online persona what is missing in my life offline. Fortunately, I do not have that obsessive urge. It is not an example that is being forced on others, but it is there for those with the sense to see what is good for them. :enjoy::enjoy:
Bro don’t you think we would have continued as one country under a more loose federal system? I’m quite ignorant on this topic but I would imagine that Islamic links would be a sufficient adhesive if greater autonomy provided to Bengal (and other provinces).

Islam unfortunately is not a strong enough glue to bind people of different backgrounds. Justice and fairness are.
Sad about the events of 1970 and 1971 as I think that both BD and Pakistan would now be better off if Mujib led the country after his election win.

He would have dismantled the feudalism and limited the power of the military, which were probably the two main reasons he was not allowed to take his rightful place as leader.

Yes Pakistan and BD would have went their separate ways eventually but it would have been peaceful and as friends and allies, rather than the bitterness and suspicion that was created from 1971.

Pakistan could have evolved in to 2 units with own governments, East and West Pakistan because the Banglis were also Pakistanis who fought for Pakistan under Muhammad Ali Jinnah and followed Allama Iqbal. Having a federal ruling authority to rule with both PMs, Presidents on common interests. The war and hatred could have been affoided.
Bangladesh creation was PPP and Bhutto's stupidity

I don't accept Bhutto as a honorable Leader due to his active role in the stupidity

Let me guess Military was "NEUTRAL" then as well

Any idiot who would support PPP 16% over Mr Mujib 39% vote was culprit in the blunder
Social Injustice is what created Bangladesh

Had Mr Mujeed was given chance to govern as Head of State as by the Election of Pakistan Pakistan and Bangladesh would have been united

1- Bangladesh was poor due to Hurricane and Cyclones and destruction happening every 2-3 years ( I believe this 100%)
2- Yes they were more poorer due to floods and natural disasters

The Election fiasco was last nail in coffin

I asked my Parents and they also affirm they were sad when Pakistan was separated like that split into two they remember it and the injustice

I don't consider Bhutto as anything "Revolutionary"
Yes he given flashy speeches but in end , losing election to Mujib he did not stepped down so I don't have any respect for him

39% > 19%

What did the Neutrals claim then ?

Life is based on Justice !!! Islam is based on Justice

When you win 39% vs 16% and you don't get government what else would East Pakistani do ?

Sit and send you Money ??

Today , PML says , Pakistani Overseas can't vote but we want your Remittance ?? WTF
This sounds like Saying "Bangali Pakistanis can't run Pakistan in Government to me" same narrative

Anyway you Look at it After election 39% Winner should have been allowed to be Pakistan Head of State
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The root cause is

"Ahsaas e Takabur"

This is what destroyed Bhutto and split Pakistan in 1971

This 39% > 16% loss to East Pakistan and then have this "Ahsaas e Takabur"

This is what split Pakistan !!!

This same "Ahsaas e Takabur" showed on April Mid night fiasco when every Pakistani was shocked !!! I was shocked and every Pakistani Patriot was shocked

I did not see "Neutrality" what I saw was "Ahsaas e Takabur" that night, when Pakistan's Elected government was Toppled and Army stood still

Aj due to this "Ahsaas e Takabur" , Pakistan's economy is Tanking
Yes, you are right. Military alone was not responsible for the 1971 debacle. It was a collective failure

But the question is that why does the Army, the country's dominant power center, always support the "wrong" side?

They always support unpopular leaders against the popular ones

Mujib was more popular than Bhutto, Army supported Bhutto
Bhutto became the most popular leader of (west)Pakistan, Army killed him
Benazir was more popular than Nawaz Sharif, Army supported (rather created) Nawaz in 1980s
Nawaz won 2/3rd majority in 1997, Army imposed martial law and exiled him
Nawaz was more popular than Imran Khan, Army supported Imran in 2018
Imran is the most popular leader in Pak ryt now, Army is supporting PDM against him

The Army always goes against the will of the majority to retain their role as country's dominant power center

The Army is not willing to concede the political power to the people of Pakistan

We have already lost half of the country because of this, and we may lose what we are left with
A lot of what is stated is because we enjoy the benefit of hindsight. Yes, the establishment has acted extra-constitutionally in the past, no denying that, however not everything is wrong/extra-constitutional or a case of the establishment going against majority. Case in point, the PTI's ouster. The establishment does what it thinks is best for Pakistan, the same as the policies of any of the political parties when in power. Do these parties always have absolute mandate when they push their policies through? No, so just like that is an imperfection, so are the calls made by the establishment.

Mujib was more popular than Bhutto, Army supported Bhutto
Army, primarily of West Pakistani origin, was cajoled to ensure West retained its leadership of the Federation of Pakistan over the East. Who cajoled the military? One should ask that question as the politicians in the West were not open/allowing MuR to form government. ZAB was hell-bent against it as were countless other Punjab based politicians. One should look up the newspaper reports from the time. I did that in microfiche format in the late 90s at the Library of Congress. Countless leaders spoke out against it and were asking the military to take action for the sake of Pakistan's survival (I was reminded of the same during the Lal Masjid Operation days when everyone was asking why the Army is not taking action only to leave the blame on the army after action was taken).

Bhutto became the most popular leader of (west)Pakistan, Army killed him
Army did not kill him. You should ask the family of Nawab Muhammad Ahmed Khan Kasuri about what transpired there. A murder was committed of this gentleman and the criminal case implicated ZAB as having been behind that case. Yes, Zia did approve his death sentence but a civilian court prosecuted his case lodged (in 1974) before Zia Ul Haq took power in 1978. So these facts should be kept in mind before assigning blame to the army. A mercy petition on the death sentence went to the President of Pakistan (Zia) and he rejected it. That was the only part that Zia played in it. No other army personnel were ever involved in either framing the case or prosecution etc.

Benazir was more popular than Nawaz Sharif, Army supported (rather created) Nawaz in 1980s
Yes, agreed that establishment supported NS because the Army high command did not trust BB as she was deemed too close to the West and anti-army then and just like it used ISI to support IK in 2017-18, similarly it tried to influence national elections. However, NS was as popular as BB (the usual Punjab vs. Sind split) so it wasn't a case of the establishment supporting a minority leader in NS.

Nawaz won 2/3rd majority in 1997, Army imposed martial law and exiled him
Army preserved its own leadership which was not being allowed to land after the then CoAS visiting SL. There were a lot of other misalignments too including Kargil, tussle with the judiciary, corruption cases etc. and the ongoing, dire situation with the economy that resulted in the establishment taking over the government. I don't condone this but also feel that in those times, the public came out thanking the military for booting NS out of office given the mess that had existed.

Imran is the most popular leader in Pak ryt now, Army is supporting PDM against him
I think it is a misinterpretation to see establishment as supporting PDM. There has been a reset till next elections. PTI took certain support for granted to stay in power. That support was withdrawn. However there is no support for PDM nor PTI currently. Imran may be the most popular leader for a certain segment of the society, but that does not translate into PTI winning absolute majority at the polls. On top of that, IK/PTI made plenty of decisions that hurt Pakistan as well and we are living through these issues now. The same goes for all involved including the establishment in the past.
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Stop calling "Establishment" please use term "Army" confront the elephant in room head on

Army is not some honky tonk Jini in lamp , it can't be touched, poor families from Pakistan send their Youth to Join Military so they are part of Pakistan I don't like to use the TERM "ESTABLISHMENT"

It's Pakistan ARMY , say it like it is , it is not some Secret Society , untouchable

1971 Fiasco was Bhutto's stubbornness after loosing 16% vs 39% he should have conceded
> Ask anyone who is not Pakistan what should be ideal case and they would say well 39% guy won

Army made it a matter of personal pride them vs Mujib and result is simple Pakistan split in 1971

Where is Bhutto and his "Ahsaas-e-Takabur?" He is 6 feet under the ground
Where are the Military Nuetrals of the time ? They are all 6 feet under the ground

Ask a 5 year old Pakistani Bacha , beta , if you get 39% Good reviews and your brother gets 16% who did better in reviews he will say

"Certainly 39% > 16%"

But there was "AHSAS-E-TAKABUR!!! " How can we accept loss to Mujib?
99% of Pakistan see Bangali as our Brothers / Second cousin but Bhutto had this "AHSAS-E-TAKABUR!"

I blame the poverty and Natural Disasters for deep mistrust in East Pakistan

But the Elections of 1971 were final nail in coffin Bhutto was responsible for all of it

Today we have this same "AHSAS-E-TAKABUR" which is protecting Nawaz Sharif Enterprise and who is getting killed Citizens of Pakistan

The poor are crying on camera on YouTube the people at ground level

I am simple Pakistani Citizen , I see , Nawaz Sharif Enterprise is Untouchable
They can destroy NAB
They can get out of Jail
They can move money out of Pakistan at will
They can kill their Maqsood Chaprasi
They can control Supreme court
They can control High court

If anyone questions the Enterprise , Rules of Game are changed at will

I only see this "AHSAS-E-TAKABUR" running veins of Nation , like a Cancer
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Sad about the events of 1970 and 1971 as I think that both BD and Pakistan would now be better off if Mujib led the country after his election win.

He would have dismantled the feudalism and limited the power of the military, which were probably the two main reasons he was not allowed to take his rightful place as leader.

Yes Pakistan and BD would have went their separate ways eventually but it would have been peaceful and as friends and allies, rather than the bitterness and suspicion that was created from 1971.

Mujib was the modern day Mir Jaffar who back stabbed Pakistan and joined hands with the enemy India. May he rot in hell.
I like what I am saying, and how I say it. People seem to like it, too. So, if you don't mind awfully, I'll wait until someone with greater credibility joins you in your personal attacks. :enjoy:

Dada how about not picking up a fight not worth fighting?
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One should realize there are many here who are not supporters of IK but that does not automatically make them supporters of PML-N/PPP either.

It is indeed unfortunate. I have no issues with PTI fans mud slinging their political opponents but will never accept they dragging our military for their petty political point scoring fights.
Mr Mijib won the Elections in 1971 that is historical fact and was denied chance to be Head of State of Pakistan, I can feel the deep pain East Pakistani must have felt

As Pakistani we must accept the blunders of Pakistan , me as Pakistani admit it was a blunder done by Bhutto and thus I don't respect Bhutto , this is a Personal view based on evidence I See before me.

I also don't consider Benazir as anything Extra Ordinary as saw economy was horrible under her government

Modern Era Nawaz Sharif Enterprise , is Operating as a Corporation (faking itself as a political party) .

This Corporation is Million times more dangerous to Pakistan , then Bhutto
However Nawaz Sharif Enterprise has same level of "Ahsaas-E-Takabur" all its party members believe in it Blindly. They live by the Mantra of Being Elite above others

The financial wealth , behind the Operatives of Nawaz Sharif Enterprise, has greater control over Media , news paper publishing and also on Judges and Supreme court affairs

The financial Strength of the Group involved in Nawaz Sharif Enterprise is highly disruptive and is a real threat against Pakistan's National Security because they can change any rule and are above the law

They have figured out ways to By Pass Laws of State , during Bhutto's time while he was a stubborn bastard he had no such control over affairs of Judges and law

This list below , sounds familiar this is repeated over period of 5-13 years while guilty stays out of court

a) Delays in court proceedings
b) Extensions
c) Judges refusing to listen to court cases
d) Extensions , More extensions
e) Medical Leave of Absence with Doctor's note
f) Sudden onset of Cancer or Kidney stones
g) Delays in court cases due to urgent need to be out of country
h) More time to gather evidence
i) Extra Ordinary need to visit Mother overseas for her Medical care extension
j) Judge retires , new Judge comes in so they start over from point a
l) Witnesses die or found dead
m) Witnesses leave country
n) Witnesses fail to appear at court prosecution fails
o) Out of court settlement
p) Transfer of case officer
q) Lawyers die (natural death or just unknown reason)
r) NAB officer can't get a ruling it's over 7 years now
s) Guilty joins National Assembly or Senate , passes new laws which help him in his court case
t) Judges meanwhile join the political circle of politician families due to inter marriages
u) Business man do active business with guilty politicians so they continue to make more money

When people ask Military , now military says they are Blind / Neutrals

Nawaz Sharif Enterprise is quite dangerous due to above points I listed which prevent them being persecuted by Law

I mean look at Maryem Nawaz running wild free out of Prison she is a Felon should be in Prison , same with Nawaz Sharif they are both out of Prison

It shows we have "Ahsaas-e-Takabur" running rampant which prevents these Rich Enterprise family members being imprisoned
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Mr Mijib won the Elections in 1971 that is historical fact and was denied chance to be Head of State of Pakistan

As Pakistani we must accept the blunders of Pakistan , me as Pakistani admit it was a blunder done by Bhutto and thus I don't respect Bhutto
I wouldn't have minded Mujib being the leader of Pakistan.

But to declare independence, how stupid could one get.
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