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Sheikh Hasina: An Emerging Dictator

nope u cannot say that as she is democratic dictator :)
Indians troops attacked Jessore on November 20th and by December 3rd there was all-out war.
Sources of Indian Traditions: Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
edited by Rachel Fell McDermott, Leonard A. Gordon, Ainslie T. Embree, Frances W. Pritchett, Dennis Dalton

To reinforce this impression of a strip of independent Bangladesh captured along the border , on Nov 20, Indians launched small-scale offensive operations all along the border, aimed at drawing the Pakistani forces outwards and imposing on them an exaggerated forward defensive posture. Niazi obliged them by ordering his forces to deploy along the 1,700-mile long border — as a consequence, he diluted his forces in space and uncovered Dhaka. East Pakistan, as it stood on Dec 3, 1971, was ready to fall like a ripe plum.

Bangladesh is lost somewhere in its history..First thing first fix your history..
You missed the original point(not surprisingly)...the point is YOU attacked India when YOU were most vulnerable...that's why YOU LOST the war....proving the point YOU Pakistanis act without thinking...just because there were small scale attacks on East Pakistan from their side of the border(they didn't even invade) you bombed an airbase inside their borders...and you were already the weaker side.Get it?
Openly defying India would be a daredevil act for Bangladesh EVEN if China is behind you.
The best hope for BAngladesh is to get a govt. that plays good cop /bad cop with India.Not sure if your present govt. fits that role.
Well mate, you exactly spoke my word. The real problem is Bangladeshi folks are extremely emotional, unrealistic and totally devided, so they prefer party/ideology over everything perhaps over their own family.
I won't call it as hypocrisy, just most of those folks are too much emotional to understand the reality. If you were Bangladeshi and said so ( about India) you will be tagged as Indian dalai instantly.
( on the contrary if you refuse single part regarding 71 propagated by R&Away, you will be tagged as Pakistani dalai instantly).
This is the reality of virtual Bangladeshi area now.

However currently Awami League govt is trying to play like this, just leftist thugs are propagating extreme cult like culture regarding 71 incident.
However hopefully Sheikh hasina is different ( we have proves that I can give you). Her anti Pakistani stance is political I believe.

And also she doesn't want to offend India openly as we are incapable countering India openly at that moment. Even if we will be much stronger in future yet we are surrounded by India b 3 sides and open enmity with India will be a bad choice.
Emotional Bengali folks are too much interested to provoke war with neighborhood because our glorious Islamic history mistakenly make them think that since we are Muslims, so we can finish Indian Hindu Army in a blink. Those absurd thoughts are changing time to time.,yet still a huge number of population believe in such shit.
However current govt is playing such role, not fully but party atm and will play in future. just we need a stable govt and that's why one paltry rule backed my military is extremely useful.

Thats why Bangladesh needs multiple power centers in its country (im not sure how many they have) In the long run you might need a stronger military judiciary and civil services that tame politicians and their corruption.Secondly improve your relations with Myanmar .You cant fight both at the same time.Get your trade running with Nepal through India and sign a strategic relationship with Nepal and China.This last one is the wild card
About military they already backing the govt from behind, otherwise the non elected govt wouldn't survive a single nigh. Look at the 15 February 1996 BD election. BNP didn't survive a month right?
Awami League is ruling since 2014 as non elected govt. So probably military is backing them, it's a common sense that most BD folks don't understand. And we need much time to create such civil administration in order to counter politicians.

They have only 2 cards, religious aka anti Indian card and 71 aka anti Pakistan card ( that is turning to pseudo secular aka anti Islamic and anti Bangladesh card by r&aw moles)

And now if I agree with you about miyanmer, many of my country folks will start stabbing me right now if I write further ( but you already know what I am saying and you know I agree with you !).

And that's the reason Awami League government want to solve rohingya crisis, yet they want better relationship with miyanmer,
But this part anti Bangladeshi vicious circle will refuse and will bash govt and want to wash others(both our and other country folks) brain against current BD govt. You saw some indians here are too desperate to bash our govt with anti Bangladesh partisan posters ( who are pro bnp here) ? If it would be BNP regime then anti BD Awami wing would do the same despite good works of govt.

Some folks in Bangladesh is pro Awami League and pro bnp instead of pro Bangladeshi, that's the real disaster.

Now the bottom line, yes the wild card shout be the future of Bangladesh.
Finally I really appreciate your idea, I believe this is the best choice for Bangladesh.
Your comment ( this one I am replying) is actually the best comment (IMHO) I have ever read in pdf from the well wishers of Bangladesh. Thanks a lot and respect to you for this sane and realistic post
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You missed the original point(not surprisingly)...the point is YOU attacked India when YOU were most vulnerable...that's why YOU LOST the war....proving the point YOU Pakistanis act without thinking...just because there were small scale attacks on East Pakistan from their side of the border(they didn't even invade) you bombed an airbase inside their borders...and you were already the weaker side.Get it?

Oh yes they invaded.they invaded!!..thats why i say again you Bengalis need to fix your history... it wasnt anything like small scale attacks from 'their' side.
They came inside with artillery and armour they also used MIGs.
You are too naive to understand the gravity of situation.Indians had their men standing on your east west and northern borders and a blockade on bay of bengal ( you guys have an amazing geography).Had Pakistan Army decided to be defensive and protect Dacca only they would have still lost the territory(as country side was infested with mukti ) just with more casualties.Put it like this, India would have continued doing had Pakistan bombed the bases or not. Pakistan thought they could restrain by retaliating where India was weakest(AJK) but it didnt work..BTW the demarcation we have with India across KAshmir is NOT an international border any skirmish over it is not considered an act of war but conflict as technically war is fought over international borders.
And now if I agree with you about miyanmer, many of my country folks will start stabbing me right now if I write further ( but you already know what I am saying and you know I agree with you !).

Now the bottom line, yes the wild card shout be the future of Bangladesh.
Finally I really appreciate your idea, I believe this is the best choice for Bangladesh.
Your comment ( this one I am replying) is actually the best comment (IMHO) I have ever read in pdf f
Knowing your enemy is crucial. Bangladesh has to understand which of the two countries is a threat(foreign and domestic) to its existence and then act accordingly....If its none of them then its lucky unlike Pakistan. It will also decide whether you sit on the border or take the US or China camp.
Thanks for the kind words, all the best.
On the contrary, Sheikh Hasina is visionary stateswoman who rebuilds Bangladesh from the ashes of BNP's corruption.

Some of her achievements are:

Above 6% GDP growth for almost a decade

Above 7% GDP growth since 2016-2017 fiscal year

A lower middle-income economy

Achieved millennium goal

Achieved higher HDI than India and Pakistan

Achieved higher doing business rating

Downgraded Transparency International rating

Added 24,000 MW Electricity capacity

Padma Bridge—First Bangladeshi funded bridge

24+ Megaprojects for Infrastructure, roads and ports
On the contrary, Sheikh Hasina is visionary stateswoman who rebuilds Bangladesh from the ashes of BNP's corruption.

Some of her achievements are:

Above 6% GDP growth for almost a decade

Above 7% GDP growth since 2016-2017 fiscal year

A lower middle-income economy

Achieved millennium goal

Achieved higher HDI than India and Pakistan

Achieved higher doing business rating

Downgraded Transparency International rating

Added 24,000 MW Electricity capacity

Padma Bridge—First Bangladeshi funded bridge

24+ Megaprojects for Infrastructure, roads and ports

Agree on all but she has not yet added 24GW capacity. She will by 2024 though.
It's your military dictators actually who is controlling govt from behind. Court is eye washing, don't you think so?
no you are just another Pakistan hating brainwashed bong "NawaJ" was disqualified becuase of his corruption and money laundering and for speaking Lies in parliament he is not Honest and truthful

"we" is your military establishment
We is democracy and Justice system which you dont have in your Country you belong to country worse than north Korea A country where Sharing Photoshopped Image of Modi can make you get arrested
no you are just another Pakistan hating brainwashed bong "NawaJ" was disqualified becuase of his corruption and money laundering and for speaking Lies in parliament he is not Honest and truthful
Am I Pakistan hater? Or its you who are too much extremist who believe that your country is flawless? Don't play word game. Bangladesh and Pakistan both are from same origin and if our peoples are bad ( according to you) your peoples are not angels, mind it.
I just have no taste talking such hateful moron like you.
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Am I Pakistan hater? Or its you who are too much extremist who believe that your country is flawless? Don't play word game. Bangladesh and Pakistan is from same origin and if our peoples are bad ( according to you) your peoples are nor angel, mind it.
I just have no taste talking such hateful moron like you.
how your rants are even Remotely related to Nawaj Sharif and his corruption and Disqualification?
All dictator face geedar ki maut. La-Hasina better come to realization and return back to way of democracy before it is too late.

BD people unpredictable in kind. They are calm most of the time but you just don’t know when someone decide to go beyond unthinkable.
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