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Who said that sheikh mujib is a leftist? For the first time I hear this from you.
Where do you get that information that he is leftist? It is mawlana bhasani who was leftist not Sheikh mujib!
And in bangladesh no one support the leftist. Leftist parties have around 50/60 folks ( 6/6 are women )in field who try to show secularism and get beaten regularly.
However on paper they are extremely powerful though. They spread propaganda and almost all online blogs and our media too as Indian proxy .
Most of us hate them .
Currently awami league is with allaince with them in order to counter BNP who was ally with islamic party. ( That's the reason of endless harping and anti Pakistani sentiment in order to survive in politics)
However awami League will choose allaince with deobandis ( qaumi) in future too, but the times hasn't come yet , as they ( deobandis) aren't well organized in politics at that moment.

And what majority of our population want that really doesn't matter . If you want to survive you must have to satisfy the leftist media.
So although leftist has no popolarity yet they are very important in BD politics.

In Pakistan Mujib is considered a socialist left winger.Not Marxist.. but definitely a socialist. I dont know what Bibi Hasina tells you.

Indians troops attacked Jessore on November 20th and by December 3rd there was all-out war.
Sources of Indian Traditions: Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
edited by Rachel Fell McDermott, Leonard A. Gordon, Ainslie T. Embree, Frances W. Pritchett, Dennis Dalton

To reinforce this impression of a strip of independent Bangladesh captured along the border , on Nov 20, Indians launched small-scale offensive operations all along the border, aimed at drawing the Pakistani forces outwards and imposing on them an exaggerated forward defensive posture. Niazi obliged them by ordering his forces to deploy along the 1,700-mile long border — as a consequence, he diluted his forces in space and uncovered Dhaka. East Pakistan, as it stood on Dec 3, 1971, was ready to fall like a ripe plum.

Bangladesh is lost somewhere in its history..First thing first fix your history..
In Pakistan Mujib is considered a socialist left winger.Not Marxist.. but definitely a socialist. I dont know what Bibi Hasina tells you.
Do you think we don't know about this (BAKSHAL)?
And this leftist Bangladesh krishak shramik league was never leftist in its nature.
It doesn't matter what Pakistan think of him after 71 as that time Bangladesh was a separate country.
In reality BAKSHAL was a counter against India. Well if you want to say he is China sided leftist I have no problem.
In Bangladesh currently leftist are Indian proxy and in my previous post I was talking about those infamous leftists.

Do you think we don't know about this (BAKSHAL)?
And this leftist Bangladesh krishak shramik league was never leftist in its nature.
It doesn't matter what Pakistan think of him after 71 as that time Bangladesh was a separate country.
In reality BAKSHAL was a counter against India. Well if you want to say he is China sided leftist I have no problem.
In Bangladesh currently leftist are Indian proxy and in my previous post I was talking about those infamous leftists.


An advocate of socialism, Mujib became popular for his leadership against the ethnic and institutional discrimination of Bengalis.
Read my edited comment. I was talking about such leftist who are just Indian proxy. And only those types of leftist exist now in BD.
Im glad you edited your comment because you were factually wrong.
Regardless your folks are 'China sided' or ''Indian proxy' , they claim they are are the heirs of of Mujib and his socialist ideology which no doubt is a very uncomforting fact for Bangladeshis like you. The problem is only a new socilaist breed can kill this old socialist breed which is probably loyal to china ??
Interests of a country change with time. You countrymen will continue voting them unfortunately as they would find them ideologically closer to the founding father.
Thora deemag use kijiye bhai sahab. Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan were military dictators, and these two ladies are not.
You Will get huge support if you want to kick out direct military regime.
But if you want to kick out civil political leaders, you will only need military to do so, and that will not acceptable in this world.
And also Sheikh hasina is doing well despite her 71 harping.

In Bangladesh we just need to stop leftist to take control if Bangladesh.
Already grassroot Awami League is heavy brain washed by leftists.
So our only problem is leftist and western democracy whining propagated by various NGO.
It's crocodile tear though. So atm we don't need to worry about govt, but need to be worried about propaganda.
NawaJ was also democratically elected but we kicked him out
NawaJ was also democratically elected but we kicked him out
It's your military dictators actually who is controlling govt from behind. Court is eye washing, don't you think so?
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Well but really Awami League can't be considered as leftist party

im not that dumb my friend.i know what you are talking about, Bangladesh parties might not have remained ideological in true sense. this political party might not openly call itself leftist (just as ppp or anp/nap in pakistan).Of course for the sake of politics and votes but actions speak louder than words. Your forefathers ideology should be your ideology if you are pro-state of the bangladesh of 71 else you should be looking up a khoemini for a reset on bangladesh.
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Your forefathers ideology should be your ideology if you are pro-state of the bangladesh of 71 else you should be looking up a khoemini for a reset on bangladesh.
Well this a disaster that our countries future will be based on 71 this is a reality, doesn't matter if we like or not .
I just want it to limit it's tolerable stage ( that is free from present days R&AW mole) and our relationship will be increased significantly with Pakistan and it should be botherly realtion as it was always at past , or even more.
I believe such day will come again soon and will be established forever, no leftist ( indian version who has no credibility here ) won't dare to spread propaganda regarding those incident.
I hope awami league will accept the reality as long as they can have some ground other than 71 whining our in politics.
But if they keep barking and continue with leftist, the result will be painful in future, as you can't do politics against public opinion always .
Look at the turkey of kemal regime . It was much worse than present day bangladesh right ?
Now turkey is a great nation under Erdogan and becoming more Islamic day by day. I hope bangladesh will follow turkey model in future.
Maybe 71 will still be exist but only formally and on papers, it's true for so called leftist leaders too.
Now we just have to wait and see.
Well this a disaster that our countries future will be based on 71 this is a reality, doesn't matter if we like or not .
I just want it to limit it's tolerable stage ( that is free from present days R&AW mole) and our relationship will be increased significantly with Pakistan and it should be botherly realtion as it was always at past , or even more.
I believe such day will come again soon and will be established forever, no leftist ( indian version who has no credibility here ) won't dare to spread propaganda regarding those incident.
I hope awami league will accept the reality as long as they can have some ground other than 71 whining our in politics.
But if they keep barking and continue with leftist, the result will be painful in future, as you can't do politics against public opinion always .
Look at the turkey of kemal regime . It was much worse than present day bangladesh right ?
Now turkey is a great nation under Erdogan and becoming more Islamic day by day. I hope bangladesh will follow turkey model in future.
Maybe 71 will still be exist but only formally and on papers, it's true for so called leftist leaders too.
Now we just have to wait and see.

Openly defying India would be a daredevil act for Bangladesh EVEN if China is behind you.The best hope for BAngladesh is to get a govt. that plays good cop /bad cop with India.Not sure if your present govt. fits that role.
Thats why Bangladesh needs multiple power centers in its country (im not sure how many they have) In the long run you might need a stronger military judiciary and civil services that tame politicians and their corruption.Secondly improve your relations with Myanmar .You cant fight both at the same time.Get your trade running with Nepal through India and sign a strategic relationship with Nepal and China.This last one is the wild card.
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