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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

You are a dumb @ss. You people justify killing our soldiers and you have no problem with that.

And why should I have a problem about it, are these not the same soldiers who are time and again found guilty of rape, murder, abduction, fake encounters, and the list goes on. So get your head out of the no sun shine zone, and see the light.
Well India does not need to go around exploding bombs in Pakistan.... Pakistanis are doing a fairly good job on this themselves....for whatever reasons....India does not need t export terrorists to Pakistan ....there are enough already...

We would rather trouble Pakistan Diplomatically and economically..rather than killing innocent civilians.

Well that is a fact that remains to be uncovered. But yours is not such a peace loving nation which will let go of a chance to destroy Pakistan, and that also includes blowing up people when ever they get a chance.
And also Mr. Keeda my point remains you need to discuss the topic, keep it to the topic. Neither NWFP nor Baluchistan are disputed, or part of the discussion.
Let me tell you something you dumb retard. And yes I called you that.

This topic and the discussion is related to Kashmir

Did you miss the title?? :rofl: :rofl:

Any second thoughts over who is the real "dumb-retard" here?? :lol:

And also Mr. Keeda my point remains you need to discuss the topic, keep it to the topic. Neither NWFP nor Baluchistan are disputed, or part of the discussion.

Topic? what topic? I think I am educated enough to understand that the discussion is about India and pakistan and not specifically about disputed regions only.
Well that is a fact that remains to be uncovered. But yours is not such a peace loving nation which will let go of a chance to destroy Pakistan, and that also includes blowing up people when ever they get a chance.

Considering that we have got a great neighbor...who loves to instigate trouble in our homeland....I would rather not want to be a peace loving nation....but there is a bigger geopolitical game that India intends to play...and Pakistan is not relevant enough to appear in that scheme of things...so we can live with some kaboom ...and rattattatta...happening in some random places and then collect evidence against Pakistan and flog Pakistan in front of the whole world so that it is devoided of whatever support it has got ...and then wait and see how things shape up......I mean thats what we have been doing for past couple of years and its pretty effective and costs a much less then a full blown war.
Did you miss the title?? :rofl: :rofl:

Any second thoughts over who is the "dumb-retard" here??
Actually the topic is that India wants Pakistan to trust her. Pakistan refuses to trust an enemy. India is an enemy till it doesn't end its illegal occupation of Kashmir.

Pakistan and India's poor relations center around Kashmir. You're living in denial mode if you pretend that the issue is anything else.
Actually the topic is that India wants Pakistan to trust her. Pakistan refuses to trust an enemy. India is an enemy till it doesn't end its illegal occupation of Kashmir.

Pakistan and India's poor relations center around Kashmir. You're living in denial mode if you pretend that the issue is anything else.

There exists insecurity in pakistan about alleged indian involvement in NWFP, baluchistan and afghanistan. So even that is in purview of discussion.
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Actually the topic is that India wants Pakistan to trust her. Pakistan refuses to trust an enemy. India is an enemy till it doesn't end its illegal occupation of Kashmir.

Pakistan and India's poor relations center around Kashmir. You're living in denial mode if you pretend that the issue is anything else.

Well it is illegal for you but not for us.The Maharajah had given Kashmir to India .So legally it is ours and Pakstan is the one who is illegaly occupying parts of kashmir.
Really now, your own government and military realize that they cannot take Kashmir from India militarily. Its a far cry from the days when Pakistan thought it could militarily defeat India.

The ONLY option you have to gain even an inch is through diplomacy, and your not doing a good job of it because India is rather happy with status quo! Its upto you to get concessions from India.
The discussion has moved from the main topic of trust between Indo-pak to kashmir and India pakistan bashing........welcome to PDF.
The soldiers are there to fight and stop Pakistan from liberating Kashmir. It makes sense to kill them to secure Kashmir.

The trouble about the rhetoric about "Indian soldiers" being fair game for Pakistani backed terrorists is that too often the same freedom fighters extend the fight to civilian targets like the attacks on the Parliament, 26/11, Delhi blasts, Red Fort attack. And India cant be expected to sit down and differentiate between these attacks and the Kashmir encounters and then weigh its response. Both these types of attacks are more or less by a similar group of people, harboring similar thoughts of hatred, aligned to similar organizations and backed by the same agencies.

And please don't start with the plebiscite BS. By now you should have read the full text of the UN's 1948 Kashmir resolution to understand the pre-requisites of such a move.
ur goal is linked with more than billion population of india,which has made habit to think kashmir as an indian state.liberation means breaking the souls of billions of indians.which will never happen.

and promoting terror in india is pak goal,if u recieve the answer than it's equality.

great!!! this statement highlights the indian perspective!! TRUST??? what trust everything was lost when india talked about surgical strikes!

it was further eroded by india always saying "pakistan defence procurements are a threat to india"

solve kashmir remove the "excuse for freedom struggle":coffee:
Really now, your own government and military realize that they cannot take Kashmir from India militarily. Its a far cry from the days when Pakistan thought it could militarily defeat India.

The ONLY option you have to gain even an inch is through diplomacy, and your not doing a good job of it because India is rather happy with status quo! Its upto you to get concessions from India.

And just in case people here have problems understanding why diplomacy is the only solution, please check out Najam Sethi's views here -
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