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Shashi Tharoor Asks Britain Why They Don't Teach Schoolchildren Colonial History

Spoken like a true white supremacist racist. Now tell me what the 14 words are comrade.

British schools now teach the Holocau$$t (TM) as part of its curriculum. They should also teach children about the engineered famine in Bengal by that dog Churchill. Millions were murdered in utter misery. That is an Indian Holocaust. Are Jewish lives superior to Indian ones?

Give me a single reason why i should worry about non italians? What benefits does this give me or my own people?
Why should you worry about anyone at all, including other Italians? What benefit does it give you?

Humans beings are tribal beings. I can only identify with my own. I want th best for my people.

Its an easy thing. When i´m Italian and you would be Libyan and i would apology for colonialism i would belittle my nation. I would belittle myself, my pride and my honor. While the Libyan one is raised on my expense.
As a Pakistani I have to admit Mr Shashi Tharoor has the balls to question the British elite, don't think any politicians in Pakistan has that kind of influence.
Give me a single reason why i should worry about non italians? What benefits does this give me or my own people?

I cant give you a single reason to give a damn about anyone but yourself. Now isnt that a great way to live your life padrone?

By the way, what is Italy's demographic future? 1.2 children at the moment? National suicide amigo.
Humans beings are tribal beings. I can only identify with my own. I want th best for my people.

Nonsense. Do you identify with some random Italian gangster? Would you still care for a mafia who kills your brother?

Nop. You care for Italians because that is the society you want to create - where other Italians also care for you (you see, it's entirely for selfish reason).

Similarly you can extend this reasoning beyond national boundaries. You already did actually -- somewhat -- after WW2, which is why you were able to create a better Europe.It wouldn't have worked if you said "I care only for my own family, city or country..!"
The problem i see is, that i deeply believe we must recolonize Africa. India managed to develop into a country one can respect. Africa did not achieve that level. In the end you and we sit in the same boat. My guess is, that India as well will have colonies in Africa in the near future.

Africa cant exist without outside guidance. Massive forced birth control, nation building and destruction of primitive customs.

Africans had some of the most developed historical civilisations like Ancient Egypt, the Malian Empire, Ethiopia, Nubia but youre saying that its African's fault they are the poorest continent..
India cant even control its own lands at the moment and most African countries arent even that far behind it in development.
@waz @Jungibaaz @Zaki move the op post to the stupid and funny section.

Why? Britain's colonial history is disgusting enough to be studied at degree level. Why relegate it to the funny and stupid section? Is the deaths, murder, rape and pillage of Natives all over the World by the British Empire a joking matter? I think not, sir. Britain needs to be exposed for the shit-stain that it is on human history. Thank you.
Why? Britain's colonial history is disgusting enough to be studied at degree level. Why relegate it to the funny and stupid section? Is the deaths, murder, rape and pillage of Natives all over the World by the British Empire a joking matter? I think not, sir. Britain needs to be exposed for the shit-stain that it is on human history. Thank you.
why study it? what will it bring? do you have a time machine to go back in time and change things.
besides you should be grateful, without us there wont be a pakistan.
why study it? what will it bring? do you have a time machine to go back in time and change things.
besides you should be grateful, without us there wont be a pakistan.

Without you there wouldnt be a British Empire either. Now that is a heart-warming thought isnt it? Are you proud of Empire matey?
@waz @Jungibaaz @Zaki move the op post to the stupid and funny section.

I have a lot of respect for Shahi Tharoor, he's an immensely articulate man. And this is one of things he has a bone to pick with about Britain.

And he's right frankly, we sugar coat colonialism and the British empire, or not bring up the subject at all, as far as I know, it is hardly taught in schools. I'm quite certain it's neglected to an extent on the national curriculum too. That is why feelings like these arise:


Also, if you're interested.

Here's Shashi Tharoor, in a brilliant segment from a debate on reparations at the Oxford Union.

Without you there wouldnt be a British Empire either. Now that is a heart-warming thought isnt it? Are you proud of Empire matey?
end of the day thats was life, yes people died now what do you want me to do? am i proud? sure, we have our flag on other countries flags.
in this world you either become the biggest or someone else will be, and we became the biggest even if it was at your (india's) expense.
end of the day thats was life, yes people died now what do you want me to do? am i proud? sure, we have our flag on other countries flags.
in this world you either become the biggest or someone else will be, and we became the biggest even if it was at your (india's) expense.

India's expense? I may be a Pakistani but human life is human life whether it is Indian or anyone else. Dont try that divide and rule crap with me. You British feckers fcked up a lot of the world do you know that? Seriously, do you know what you have done? And you are proud of this?
Africans had some of the most developed historical civilisations like Ancient Egypt, the Malian Empire, Ethiopia, Nubia but youre saying that its African's fault they are the poorest continent..
India cant even control its own lands at the moment and most African countries arent even that far behind it in development.

Pretty much nonsense.

Nubia, Ethiopia or Mali were primitives compared to Rome or any other european or asian culture. Egypt was respected but Egypt didnt see itself as African and saw Nubia as savage.

Egypt itself became part of our Empire.

And thats what i mean. I only respect those who belong to my group. In that sense "Italians" and in a greater way europeans. Or in old days in our Empire. Outsider? No. And thats a natural thing.
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