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Sharif calls for visa-free travel between India and Pakistan

We are doing business /trade I very mature manner with India. The onus is you to stop your hardline Hindu groups from attacking such trade/business.

You can join zaravan for verbal diarrhea treatment of yours
well jana ji do you have any idea how much indian good land in pakistan wia dubai every year or thru "other channells " just imagine if trade opens how much we could both take advantage india can source dry fruits , and handloom cotton textiles from pakistan and india can give you spare parts , automobiles , mediciens and medical treatments among many other

we gave you MFN 16 years back but there is still hesitation from your side and you say your dealing with us in a mature fashion lolzzzz
on the other hand chankya was the man who trained a slave boy to become the greatest emporer who was insturmental in breaking the moral of alexander who was trying to indavde whole world and not onli halted his advances but also made him go back and later took over his empire and ashoka was his grandson

even today the teachings of chankya in feilds of diplomacy and economy are very much relevant and he wrote them 2300 years back ...ps just dont hate a person just because he was not of your relgeon look at the brighter side and use it to improove your condition ...Thanks

Chandra Gupta Mauraya is not a slave boy, he is from a family who used to tame Pea cocks,( More in Hindi), reason why his name became Maurya.
on the other hand chankya was the man who trained a ordinarry boy to become the greatest emporer who was insturmental in breaking the moral of alexander who was trying to indavde whole world and not onli halted his advances but also made him go back and later took over his empire and ashoka was his grandson

even today the teachings of chankya in feilds of diplomacy and economy are very much relevant and he wrote them 2300 years back ...ps just dont hate a person just because he was not of your relgeon look at the brighter side and use it to improove your condition ...Thanks

:what: read again what I said before saying the bold part.

I studied him and I know more than you know about him. Your ignorance about him is visible . I found him a fine diplomat and as I said you Indians are too naïve to copy him accurately.
:what: read again what I said before saying the bold part.

I studied him and I know more than you know about him. Your ignorance about him is visible . I found him a fine diplomat and as I said you Indians are too naïve to copy him accurately.

fair enof please care to explain the bolded part in detail Thanks
Whats Nawaz Sharif doing? Is it too much to expect sharafat and ghairat from him.

well amna in diplomacy sharafat and ghairat are sissy words in my opinion.

These are good at street level but have no place in foreign affairs. Its a good diplomacy to talk about something that cant happen but at the same time score you brownie points
I call for dual nationality for all Indian and pakistanis. :coffee:
bwahahahahahahahah you need some treatment.

India is NOT a princely state neither we are Ghaznavis.

You should think about your own invasion. may be in few decades many Muslim countries if NOT conquered will be invaded for sure giving you plenty of chances to go to field and fight ;)

Nothing is cooking up here. Nawaz is soft in real on India. He has own reasons. He is a businessman and he in reality wants this come true.

The problem is that India-Pakistan both cant trust each other besides Indian hawks are too powerful to allow any such thing
What we are and what we are not India will sooner or a little later know and what they are and their reality will be also be made cleared and they will be conquered lady by than you want to live in fear keep living but this will happen
well amna in diplomacy sharafat and ghairat are sissy words in my opinion.

These are good at street level but have no place in foreign affairs. Its a good diplomacy to talk about something that cant happen but at the same time score you brownie points

Well thats you're opinion and i don't agree with that. I am not talking about India but no leader in the world gives statements like these when there are issues on the forefront that need attention. Mr Nawaz Shariff isn't the first time prime minister of this country he should know by now what to say and when as well as which actions he should be taking.
What we are and what we are not India will sooner or a little later know and what they are and their reality will be also be made cleared and they will be conquered lady by than you want to live in fear keep living but this will happen

stupidity of the utmost level.

Its not the era of conquests. And its NOT about fear at all. If you want to live in delusion of conquering India its your wish BUT kindly do not use the specific wording like "WE" in this case because I know exactly from where you are coming. :)) the person infused this into your head also knows well what my thoughts are and were over such misadventure laden sentiments sans any logical back up.
did Modi supporters adopt any of his fine diplomatic policy ??
not realli but its just a pipe dream which many in pakistan watch and dream daily but thing is NaMo was a RSS cadre like me since earli childhood and was reared with key RSS phylosofies

1. Bhaarat Varsh (india) hamari Matr Bhoomi hai kevel bhoomi matr nahi aur jo isko nuksan pahunchayega wo hamar dushman hai

2. never leave your path and strive always for equality , justice and growth thru hard work and dedication

3. justice to all appeasement to none

4. India and hindusism are same and there is no difference try to understand and propogate it to make it even better

5. keep a look for trouble makers from owtside and inside and treat them occording to there actions showing no mercy or leaneancy

thes are a few of RSS ideologies well im not a learned man nair saab and king kobra will explain you better in this regard

as for chankya well hir teachings were more to do with diplomacy and economics and if Namo is talking those advices serousli i dont think its wrong do you
Well thats you're opinion and i don't agree with that. I am not talking about India but no leader in the world gives statements like these when there are issues on the forefront that need attention. Mr Nawaz Shariff isn't the first time prime minister of this country he should know by now what to say and when as well as which actions he should be taking.

Indeed have all rights to disagree with my personal opinion.

As I said earlier NS is a businessman and he as history of his politics proves that, always worked for his own interests. Above all he is famous for sentimental hollow egoistic statements
stupidity of the utmost level.

Its not the era of conquests. And its NOT about fear at all. If you want to live in delusion of conquering India its your wish BUT kindly do not use the specific wording like "WE" in this case because I know exactly from where you are coming. :)) the person infused this into your head also knows well what my thoughts are and were over such misadventure laden sentiments sans any logical back up.
The era of conquests never stops lady it is continuing and it will continue you call it stupidity I call ignorance of yours of really great heights war with India is inevitable and things are moving towards that and this time it would be one final war one of us would survive and other have to become history
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