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Sharia Scare Shakes UK: 'Law of the land go to hell'

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@Screambowl Ahh angry are we?

1stly, UK doesnt follow your mindset nor YOUR idea of laws...So, in what case are you tit for tatting?

2ndly, Look at my posts and then look at yours...I never said anything that you are accusing me of! When did I say I wanted shariah in UK? please quote me if not then throw your allegations elsewhere maybe on your comprehension skills!

I dont have comprehension problem, but your post about pentagon and mecca, cleared a lot of things.

Thank UK that they atleast allow Muslims in their country :)
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Mecca is neither legislative nor executive nor strategic branch of saudi Arabia. it is dedicated for God. If you want a better argument only them mention me. Please do not post absurdity baseless arguments.

its liek comparing Kilo gram to meter and adding 2kgs to 3 meters lol
But non Muslims are legally not allowed in mecca so any visitor should respect their law....
Vatican can ban me as a Muslim from visiting Vatican city..i wont insist..In fact i wont be bothered...
I dont have comprehension problem, but your post about pentagon and mecca, cleared a lot of things.

Thank UK that they atleast allow Muslims in their country :)
@Screambowl UK is a country...without foreign investors it will die a sorry death!!

UK in its full awareness signed treaties, human rights and right to practice religion and other rights were CLEARLY written...No one forced UK to sign...they wanted it...

While, Mekkah and Madina are 2 cities not a country...

2ndly, Saudi is not obliged by any law to reconsider this matter NOR anyone is SO DESPERATE to go to either ...Nor has it affected anyone's livelihood...soo your who argument is baseless!
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I dont have comprehension problem, but your post about pentagon and mecca, cleared a lot of things.

Thank UK that they atleast allow Muslims in their country :)

religion ans state are two different things..Immigration matters are state matters not decided on basis of religion.
to be honest Muslims who want to practice their religion will practice anywhere under any circumstances whether allowed by the state or not.
Btw they also allow hindus sikhs and jews in UK..
I see sikhs with big turbans everyday and hindu women with that tikka on their forehead and jews with skull caps...
so whats your point?
But non Muslims are legally not allowed in mecca so any visitor should respect their law....
Vatican can ban me as a Muslim from visiting Vatican city..i wont insist..In fact i wont be bothered...
@Safriz @Screambowl they do not allow ANYONE except cardinal into that building where the pope sits (Papacy), no one cries rivers over it :angel:
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@Screambowl not for you...then please do not ask absurd questions...

1 min you were talking about rules of a country how constitution should be followed and now you yourself are challenging the RULES of Saudi Arabia?

Furthermore, Non Muslims are not loosing any basic right or anything else from not being allowed into Mekkah so your question itself is baseless!

Basic Right: To be allowed to worship irrespective of which religion you follow

Saudi Arabia: You cannot make temples, churches, lord Bhuddha statues, gurudwaras

to be fair, why should UK EVEN allow a mosque to be built? So isn't it unfair to open Masjids in UK.
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Why is the U.S. not supporting these freedom fighters with money and arms and liberating the UK from the oppressive representative monarchy of the queen regime? We have to arm them or it will end up in a blood bath!
@Safriz @Screambowl they do not allow ANYONE except cardinal into that building where the pope sits (Papacy), no one cries rivers over it :angel:

In Mecca they are doing thing according to them and In Vatican its Orthodox majority. If things were so straight and true there wouldn't be so many countries. Simple logic. Every one is lion of its den.
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@Screambowl UK is a country...without foreign investors it will die a sorry death!!

UK in its full awareness signed treaties, human rights and right to practice religion and other rights were CLEARLY written...No one forced UK to sign...they wanted it...

While, Mekkah and Madina are 2 cities not a country...

2ndly, Saudi is not obliged by any law to reconsider this matter NOR anyone is SO DESPERATE to go to either ...Nor has it affected anyone's livelihood...soo your who argument is baseless!

I am not favoring non Muslims , neither I am favoring muslims. what I am simpliy saying is, everybody finds his or her faith superior to other's that is human nature and it will not change. At places you are a minority and some times you are in majority.

So bringing faith every time is also not good, be it Islam, Hinduism , Christianity or etc. People need to be calm and just dont b proud of their faith. it is something to follow and learn. It is not about some competition.

I am personally against such rules where religion bars some person of different faith not to enter a premises. Very sad. It is more business policy rather faith.
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This is a form of neo-bigotry that seems to be gaining ground in the West. I would hold the evangelical Christian organisations in the US indirectly responsible for this form of bigotry. 95% of all Islamophobic websites are created and run by them. Europeans are getting influenced too.

PS: There is no sharia law zones in UK. Anyone who lives in the UK knows that it is illegal and perpetrators can be arrested. It is a propaganda by scaremongers, islamophobes and racists to justify their existence eg. EDL.
religion ans state are two different things..Immigration matters are state matters not decided on basis of religion.
to be honest Muslims who want to practice their religion will practice anywhere under any circumstances whether allowed by the state or not.
Btw they also allow hindus sikhs and jews in UK..
I see sikhs with big turbans everyday and hindu women with that tikka on their forehead and jews with skull caps...
so whats your point?

My point is due to some reasons, I will call it historical reasons, relation between christian and muslims are not too well, so one must understand this. in 21 century, be it a century of smart phones, tablets etc.. but human is still run by ideology of faith and believes. Hence even the strategy in Pentagon or British Parliament or, Pakistani or saudi parliament, they are based on faith which is used to as a tool.
Basic Right: To be allowed to worship irrespective of which religion you follow

Saudi Arabia: You cannot make temples, churches, lord Bhuddha statues, gurudwaras

to be fair, why should UK EVEN allow a mosque to be built? So isn't it unfair to open Masjids in UK.

Yes, it may be seen by some as a double standard, but one that has religious backing. Plus, KSA never claimed to be a multicultural society like the UK. Both UK and KSA sticks to their words - that UK is multicultural and KSA is mono-religious. If UK claimed to be multicultural but didn't allow mosques to be built, wouldn't that be hypocritical?

A hadith, or saying of the Prophet, has Mohammed, on his deathbed, saying that only Islam can exist in Arabia[1]

Narrated Said bin Jubair: Ibn 'Abbas said, "Thursday! What (great thing) took place on Thursday!" Then he started weeping till his tears wetted the gravels of the ground . Then he said, "On Thursday the illness of Allah's Apostle was aggravated and he said, "Fetch me writing materials so that I may have something written to you after which you will never go astray." The people (present there) differed in this matter and people should not differ before a prophet. They said, "Allah's Apostle is seriously sick.' The Prophet said, "Let me alone, as the state in which I am now, is better than what you are calling me for." The Prophet on his death-bed, gave three orders saying, "Expel the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula, respect and give gifts to the foreign delegates as you have seen me dealing with them." I forgot the third (order)" (Ya'qub bin Muhammad said, "I asked Al-Mughira bin 'Abdur-Rahman about the Arabian Peninsula and he said, 'It comprises Mecca, Medina, Al-Yama-ma and Yemen." Ya'qub added, "And Al-Arj, the beginning of Tihama.") - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 288

Whether or not he actually did say this, it is strongly believed that he did. So, rather than go against the will of the Prophet, Saudi Arabia will exclude the public practice of any religion other than Islam. The government has stated many times that it does not prevent private worship -- though many people would differ on that point.
@gambit you ever been to London?
Yes. Many times. I was stationed in the UK from 1984-1987. Things were much different then. Now, my English friends tell me not to return to visit. They say the London we knew back then is no longer. Got much worse.

@gambit : There is no daily clash in london, sometimes there is some clash in a sh*tty place called luton, I would blame racist thugs rather than muslims for that.
I said there WILL be. The 'Clash Of Civilization' is already underway.

So what you're saying is that despite extremism that exists in pretty much any religion.
Terrorism and killing is a trait of Islamic extremism only?

I beg to differ buddy.
I bet you that if you put ANY Abrahamic religion in Afghanistan in the mid-80's or in the Arab Israeli in the place of Islam, you would today see their version of Al Qaeda.

The problem is not of religion.
It is entirely to do with socio-economic issues and war at it's root.
Only? No. But currently dominant? Yes.
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In Mecca they are doing thing according to them and In Vatican its Orthodox majority. If things were so straight and true there wouldn't be so many countries. Simple logic. Every one is lion of its den.
@Screambowl ok now I agree with @Safriz write in English please! Mekkah is also more Orthodox then Vatican ...what so many countries?

Dont see anything logical in your statement! Dont even see proper English in it!

I am not favoring non Muslims , neither I am favoring muslims. what I am simpliy saying is, everybody finds his or her faith superior to other's that is human nature and it will not change. At places you are a minority and some times you are in majority.

So bringing faith every time is also not good, be it Islam, Hinduism , Christianity or etc. People need to be calm and just dont b proud of their faith. it is something to follow and learn. It is not about some competition.

I am personally against such rules where religion bars some person of different faith not to enter a premises. Very sad. It is more business policy rather faith.
@Screambowl the day you voice out about Vatican as loudly as this...is the day I will believe your sentences

I am not favoring non Muslims , neither I am favoring muslims

I am personally against such rules where religion bars some person of different faith not to enter a premises.

Yes. Many times. I was stationed in the UK from 1984-1987. Things were much different then. Now, my English friends tell me not to return to visit. They say the London we knew back then is no longer. Got much worse.
@gambit back in those days America too had racist laws against blacks...whats your point?
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Yes. Many times. I was stationed in the UK from 1984-1987. Things were much different then. Now, my English friends tell me not to return to visit. They say the London we knew back then is no longer. Got much worse.

I said there WILL be. The 'Clash Of Civilization' is already underway.

Only? No. But currently dominant? Yes.

Please tell us what your English friends tell about EDL. London am sure has changed, for the better. I was watching a documentary of that period showing English people mostly rioting, when not eating boiled potatoes and beans.
Oh and also there was terrorism (IRA).

Enlish people moan a little, but am sure they will tolerate a tiny little bit of terrorism for their daily dose of curry and kebabs. I will.
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