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Sharia Scare Shakes UK: 'Law of the land go to hell'

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@hinduguy do you want details on that 1? :angel:

be my guest madam jee.. you are on a mission to educate the world... :)
All I was pointing to is, naming something doe not make it so.
I have seen enough girls with names like 'sundari' or 'sunaina' to speak with authority. :sick:
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I agree.
It's quite necessary to an extent.

In my local area, there is a small masjid, much much smaller than the local mosque.
We (the tolerant and considerate Muslims) try not to go to that mosque. It seems everyone there is so extreme, the Imam there is like that.
When I was living in UK, we had a LARGE masjid in our area (well looked large enough for UK as compared to the other small centers I saw in other parts of UK) But the backward community there took over the area designated for women and banned us from the Masjid :blink: took our basic right if you ask me! I mean such a big masjid yet not a single room for women...shame on those misogynist mindset

But THANK GOD they do not go around policing the area

be my guest madam jee.. you are on a mission to educate the world... :)
All I was pointing to is, naming something doe not make it so.
I have seen enough girls with names like 'sundari' or 'sunaina' to speak with authority. :sick:
@hinduguy if you knew even the basics of Arabic language you would know that each word carries more than 1 meaning and Many of the times each of the meaning fits in to the sentence and in context...

Islam has 5 meanings
Sincerity & Purity of Intention

And each and every of the words define the meaning of Islam
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When I was living in UK, we had a LARGE masjid in our area (well looked large enough for UK as compared to the other small centers I saw in other parts of UK) But the backward community there took over the area designated for women and banned us from the Masjid :blink: took our basic right if you ask me! I mean such a big masjid yet not a single room for women...shame on those misogynist mindset

But THANK GOD they do not go around policing the area

For women its not necessary to go to masjod..but for men it is.
You are making an issue of something religion doesnt ask you to do.

If you see it from feminist point of view then yes..the shock the horror..
But from religious point of view its not even required of women to go mosque.
Instead of being cross you should have asked in written to the masjid committe about why they took away the ladies prayer hall,and they may have given you a valid reason other than being mysogynist.
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For women its not necessary to go to masjod..but for men it is.
You are making an issue of something religion doesnt ask you to do.
@Safriz I am asking for a basic right...I didnt say it is compulsory...Nor did I make any issue...When Prophet SAW said even a husband can not PREVENT his wife from going to Masjid IF SHE WANTS TO...who are these people?

THEY are making their own rules!

In Saudi women go to Masjids, in Wales, women go to Masjids, In Malaysia women, In Indonesia women go to masjids, In MANY MASJIDS of USA, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN,THAILAND women go to masjids ....ALL THEIR CHOICE...Why do men from India and Pakistan mostly India put this restriction? THAT is MY ONLY question!

Sahih Bukhari Volume:2 Book :13 Number :23, Narrated Ibn Umar:
One of the wives of Umar (bin Al-Khattab) used to offer the Fajr and the 'Isha' prayer in congregation in the Mosque. She was asked why she had come out for the prayer as she knew that Umar disliked it, and he has great ghaira (self-respect). She replied, "What prevents him from stopping me from this act?" The other replied, "The statement of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) : 'do not stop Allah's women-slave from going to Allah s Mosques'

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Do not prevent your women from attending the mosque if they seek your permission to do so."Ibid., 4/161

"Do not prevent the female servants of Allah (SWT) from attending the mosques of Allah (SWT)."Fath al-Bari, 2/382, Kitab al-jumu'ah, bab al-idhn li'l-nisa' bi'l-khuruj ila'l-masajid; Sahih Muslim, 4/161, Kitab al-salah, bab khuruj al-nisa' ila'l-masajid.

"If your womenfolk seek your permission to go to the mosque, then let them do so." Sahih Muslim, 4/161, kitab al-salah, bab khuruj al-nisa' ila'l-masajid.

Why are women restricted? When Prophet SAW did not pose this restriction though he said to pray in corner of the house is better BUT HE NEVER RESTRICTED...

When Prophet never restricted WHO are these men to do so? Are they more knowledgeable than the Prophet? Do they have more authority than the Prophet?

yes the afghanis, and people immigrating from ciwil war hit zones in muslim ward due to uprising.
@Screambowl and what about those from Eastern Europe? :pop: oh yes they do not fall under your category coz they are NOT MUSLIMS...
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@Safriz I am asking for a basic right...I didnt say it is compulsory...Nor did I make any issue...When Prophet SAW said even a husband can not PREVENT his wife from going to Masjid IF SHE WANTS TO...who are these people?

THEY are making their own rules!

In Saudi women go to Masjids, in Wales, women go to Masjids, In Malaysia women, In Indonesia women go to masjids, In MANY MASJIDS of USA, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN,THAILAND women go to masjids ....ALL THEIR CHOICE...Why do men from India and Pakistan mostly India put this restriction? THAT is MY ONLY question!

Why are women restricted? When Prophet SAW did not pose this restriction though he said to pray in corner of the house is better BUT HE NEVER RESTRICTED...

When Prophet never restricted WHO are these men to do so? Are they more knowledgeable than the Prophet? Do they have more authority than the Prophet?

@Screambowl and what about those from Eastern Europe? :pop: oh yes they do not fall under your category coz they are NOT MUSLIMS...

you always come up with a contradicting statement

Try writing in english...

who made you junior think tank ? lol
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@Safriz Oh wait I have also prayed in Pakistani Masjid (Faysel Masji) In Saudi (Masjid-ul-Haraam, Masid-ul-Quba and Masjid An-Nabawi) ...No one will stop you from praying there based on your gender so why these backward people take away women rights? Based on what?

you always come up with a contradicting statement
@Screambowl Is that what they call the truth now a days? :pop:
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@Safriz I am asking for a basic right...I didnt say it is compulsory...Nor did I make any issue...When Prophet SAW said even a husband can not PREVENT his wife from going to Masjid IF SHE WANTS TO...who are these people?

THEY are making their own rules!

In Saudi women go to Masjids, in Wales, women go to Masjids, In Malaysia women, In Indonesia women go to masjids, In MANY MASJIDS of USA, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN,THAILAND women go to masjids ....ALL THEIR CHOICE...Why do men from India and Pakistan mostly India put this restriction? THAT is MY ONLY question!

Why are women restricted? When Prophet SAW did not pose this restriction though he said to pray in corner of the house is better BUT HE NEVER RESTRICTED...

When Prophet never restricted WHO are these men to do so? Are they more knowledgeable than the Prophet? Do they have more authority than the Prophet?

@Screambowl and what about those from Eastern Europe? :pop: oh yes they do not fall under your category coz they are NOT MUSLIMS...

Obviously you could have asked the masjid commite for their reasons,and they may have had a solid reason.
But you chose to jump to conclusions i guess.
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@Screambowl and what about those from Eastern Europe? :pop: oh yes they do not fall under your category coz they are NOT MUSLIMS...

my point is they do not believe in your religion. Their constitution is what that prohibits. Constitution is the supreme and who does not follow it, has no right to be in that country simple. If they can accept you in their country, then you have to accept their feelings and way of living.
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Obviously you could have asked the masjid commite for their reasons,and they may have had a solid reason.
But you chose to jump to conclusions i guess.
@Safriz their excuse was coz we said so...Nice enough....But I do not care...Like I said my only question is why...When people refuse or are incapable of answering you know how much knowledge they have!

Besides that was just an example of what sort of ignorant people are in SOME MASJIDS....

Though I have to admit the Arabs in the Islamic center in Wales were nice ...at least the women, but even they had a clash with such communities who had some uncle run the masjid ...an uncle who couldnt speak proper English nor Arabic...but based on elder man they gave him the IMAM role! Such incidents do occur....

Imam is not supposed to be the oldest fossil we have but the MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE or at least one who is capable of answering questions if needed as HE IS SUPPOSED TO LEAD A CONGREGATION but our community goes for the aged fossils :sigh:

my point is they do not believe in your religion. Their constitution is what that prohibits. Constitution is the supreme and who does not follow it, has no right to be in that country simple. If they can accept you in their country, then you have to accept their feelings and way of living.
@Screambowl I travel alot, I know laws of the counties I have been to..If you read my posts, I do not agree with what those people do, ALL I said was it is not as common as the loud noise the media is making about it!

2ndly, constitution states freedom to practice religion...so those bashing Islam should be ashamed ...were they to bash thee INDIVIDUALS It is not my concern then :angel:
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my point is they do not believe in your religion. Their constitution is what that prohibits. Constitution is the supreme and who does not follow it, has no right to be in that country simple. If they can accept you in their country, then you have to accept their feelings and way of living.

Now you are changing subject :lol:
First you say that ONLY muslims immigrate to UK for financial reasons and due to political instability in their countries..
But when you were shown the hoards of european and ex soviet republics migrants who come here for exactly the same reasons..you tactfully try to change subject.
Nice try :lol:
Outrageous, the Muslim communities in the UK must condemn these fanatics, otherwise people will never like us ,don't you agree?
@Safriz their excuse was coz we said so...Nice enough....But I do not care...Like I said my only question is why...When people refuse or are incapable of answering you know how much knowledge they have!

Besides that was just an example of what sort of ignorant people are in SOME MASJIDS....

Though I have to admit the Arabs in the Islamic center in Wales were nice ...at least the women, but even they had a clash with such communities who had some uncle run the masjid ...an uncle who couldnt speak proper English nor Arabic...but based on elder man they gave him the IMAM role! Such incidents do occur....

Imam is not supposed to be the oldest fossil we have but the MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE or at least one who is capable of answering questions if needed as HE IS SUPPOSED TO LEAD A CONGREGATION but our community goes for the aged fossils :sigh:

@Screambowl I travel alot, I know laws of the counties I have been to..If you read my posts, I do not agree with what those people do, ALL I said was it is not as common as the loud noise the media is making about it!

2ndly, constitution states freedom to practice religion...so those bashing Islam should be ashamed ...were they to bash thee INDIVIDUALS It is not my concern then :angel:

Arabs follow a different 'fiqah' ..while most Pakistanis follow hanafi.
Rules are different in both.
Try reading what fiqah hanafiah says about women attending mosque....
Masjid comitte should give detailed response with logic and religious referrences..'we said so' is ignorant and arrogant...i may have been very angry if i was told off the same way.
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@Screambowl I travel alot, I know laws of the counties I have been to..If you read my posts, I do not agree with what those people do, ALL I said was it is not as common as the loud noise the media is making about it!

2ndly, constitution states freedom to practice religion...so those bashing Islam should be ashamed ...were they to bash thee INDIVIDUALS It is not my concern then :angel:

If you start wearing Burkha in England then any one can take advantage of it and carry out terror attacks. Or disguise the security forces. Constitution also states that, security of a nation state is the priority. So it contradicts the previously described freedom of religion. But the point is not how much they accept you, point is also that how you accept them. And I think Muslims do no at all accept the westerns in their own country. this is my personal view.
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