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Share your super natural experiences

Super Natural :

Was with friends home basement night time , student life. Fairly large basement empty rooms , we all were sleeping in large room as we were all talking anyhow , we turned off the lights and peopls started to talk about Devil , and mysteriously the door to our room opened up on its own and we all ran for the lights immediately. We examined it out there was no fan or breeze factor and the door was closed , lets say we did not slept that night I never went back to that home again and they all moved out in few months as well. The time the door open concided with the mention of the word Devil (Sheytan) in our conversation which attacted the unknown.

Clear Dreams , viewing myself dieing:
I saw myself die it was in past it appeared that we were prisoners of some war at which point I was on ground and there was also my counter part women prisoner , all I remember is someone approaching and hitting me hard on my head after which it was `Darkness` woke up only thing I could feel was that was that real was I there when I died ? The weapons used were older I was hit by a very heavy object.

This dream came out of the blue from hidden corners of my mind I could not to this day explain the relation of what I saw , why did I remember something that I was never part of , it was so vivid and clear like I was almost there nor was it case that I watched something similar before it just came out of blue

Warning in Dreams:
I had dated a women in past , and I had a dream in one of the first nights , I saw her face again crystal clear face , yet she was hissing like a snake and evil , needless to say after some time later I found that the peson was indeed like a snake (This warning came from someone who cared read below story, I always feel that the person below send me this warning)

Strange Dream:
During one phase in my life , when I was just recovering from a breakup in school days I had this strange very very strange dream , where I saw an unhuman women offer herself to me in return if I would give myself to her (And agree to join her , in her world ... the proposal was that if I would let go of this world I will always have her to look up to ) , when I woke up I tried to make sense to the dream but this dream has stayed in my memory never have left even after many years have past

I just have never gone to even think more about the matter. She did seemed pretty high ranked in her relm. (When she appeared before me she was not in a form where she would be frightening or different but she was certainly not human) , the only thing I remember is what she said to me

Signs ...
My Mamoon (Mother's brother) , one week I had this dream and I remembered him in my dream
remembered how hard he worked , even when he had so little yet he always worked hard and never asked for money from anyone. My wish was that I will certainly get some nice gift or offering for him next chance I will get , and tell him how impressive it was for me to look up to him growing up
It was strange that , I had remembered him out of the blue ...

With in 1 week however, I found out from his sons he had passed away I heard about the news few days after his passing but that means when I had the dream I would have dreamt the dream very close to actual passing away time. I ended up donating the funds to his sons education

Luck or SuperNatural
I had a Job offer, I was about to start job on Monday so I had travel plans for Friday Night , however my travel plans changed by some stange events. So I decided to travel on Monday .....

However on Saturday Morning my Mother had a rare brain infection (there is no cure for it) @ the time she was alone in home , my father was away and my brother had gone away to camping.
During her condition she woke up , she was (Almost like in a trans state) I offered her water and soup
she drank little she got up went to washroom , and came back and then lost ability to stand and walk

"it was so odd the way she stared at the soup and water I gave her almost like as if it was the first time she was viewing it"

It was emergency trip to hospital and crazy week (the only cure was she had to survive the attack for 4-5) days and home that there is no permenent damage.

Strangely ... she has no recollection of the Morning when I woke her up and talked to her in morning But I had conversation with the person that monring , zero memory..

I wonder ..... was it a coincidence that my 100% guarenteed travel plan changed for a reason ? When I was 100% to travel on Friday night ... had I travelled that night in morning my mother would have gone into a coma state (she lost ability to stand , walk) by the time I was with her in hospital I noticed she could not open her mouth and talk

Luck or Super Natural ... but that is one day I will never forget

Viewing the Light this happened to me when I was a kid before any of the above happened
Its stated that when you are about to die , your life flashes before you and you see white light
when I was young I was messing around Deep Sea , stupidity really and suddenly a wave came in and swept me under. Needless to say that I was struggling and then had given up struggle , suddenly there was

CALMNESS.... bright light , I said to myself wow this is it then ... this is how it ends .. as soon as I uttered these thought words ... I was yanked out of water ...

I remember the calmness I felt and how I remembered some moments from my memory about my family etc untill I was yanked out ...

It was strange because I did not feel any pain , I know it was the white light I was going to travel thru it and accepted the fate ... instead of begging for more time ... instead I was thrown back ..

I got out had my hands wounded by sharp rocks in deep sea ..
There is nothing supernatural in this world.

All such beliefs are just superstition. Dreams are just projections of your sub conscious mind in an exaggerated fashion. For instance if your leg is hanging down from the cot, you might feel it, but because you are sleeping your mind may interpret it as if you are falling from the top of a cliff. And then you wake up startled.

So its just projections and there is nothing supernatural in life. All things happen because of some scientific reason behind them. No God, no supernatural being, no nothing.
There is nothing supernatural in this world.

All such beliefs are just superstition. Dreams are just projections of your sub conscious mind in an exaggerated fashion. For instance if your leg is hanging down from the cot, you might feel it, but because you are sleeping your mind may interpret it as if you are falling from the top of a cliff. And then you wake up startled.

So its just projections and there is nothing supernatural in life. All things happen because of some scientific reason behind them. No God, no supernatural being, no nothing.

You cant fault people for believing in God/supernatural power, until Science explains everything in a convincing way. Having belief in "some unknown scientific reason" is as bad as having faith "in some unknown powerful entity". You cant laugh at people having faith in that "unknown entuty" when even you place faith in another "unknown".

As regards the topic, I dont know if I can call them visions or something...but there are some times when certain things happen and I'm damn sure that I have already experienced it. I get a rather unexplainable feeling of deja vu those times.
I think your time is up bro :lol:


I wrote it and then suddenly the house burned- :woot:-
When we were kids, we used to stay in govt. quarters. It was a well secured complex basically. That complex was built on a graveyard people said.. I never believed them.

One night, there was a power outage and since there was nothing to do, we went to play outside in one of the several parks we had inside the campus. Fortunately/unfortunately, we were playing in the park which was in the back/corner side of the complex. There was nothing there except for a bitty road on the other side of the GATE which went to some village 2/3 kms down the road.

Yeah so were playing and then suddenly, we say one old fellow in shabby clothes just approach the park from one side.. he stood infront of the park entrance for quite sometime. We initially didn't pay much attention to him but then he just stood there. It was a full moon night. His white strands of hair were glimmering under moonlight.

Then that old fellow started walking down that road towards the back gate of the complex. When he had crossed the park's sidewalk by some distance and was almost about to reach the backgate of the complex, we just ran to the entrance of the park trying to see where that fellow was going. Then infront of all of us, he just disappeared.

The backgate used to be shut locked after dark mostly and coincidentally the guard room was also empty at that time. We were sh!t scared. I ran off to my dad and that night just slept beside him.
. .
Has anyone gone to Makli?
Me and a few friends of mine went there once during the sunset.I could almost swear I was hearing voices in my head when I was there,and there were people there as well...they looked kinda different though.
Wonder what it would've been like if we went there during the night.
I heard a scientific explanation of deja vu. Basically, the theory is that humans have two separate pathways for sensory input to the brain:

- One is a fast, emergency pathway for urgent reaction. It only feeds partial information but presumably enough to decide which way to run/hide, etc.
While I was walking at school in the middle of a conversation with my friend, a ball was heading at a super fast speed toward my head, although I didn't even see it, my hand was raised and got it, then I continued my story to my friend, until my friend said "
what was that?" starring his eyes like a fool...:azn: I didn't even know how was that happened
- The other pathway takes longer and provides the full sensory input.

Usually, the brain is smart enough to match up the two inputs and interpret them as one event but, sometimes, the brain gets confused and, when the longer pathway's input arrives, the brain sees it as a separate event. Hence the feeling of deja vu.
That's exactly my brain:D...
Okay my turn now with the scary stories...

When I was a child I used to fear getting into the bathroom at nights and when I enter the bathroom, I used to look at the window all the time. But one day at the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and as I finished the business I looked at the window and saw an eye (a brown one), it was very clear although it was dark outside, it was looking at me with confidence with no blinking, I just held myself together and tried not to freak out (although scared like hell), and when I opened the door I found my mother washing her hands (it's like she felt that there was sth wrong) and I hugged her, I told her and she looked at the window but the eye was gone. The problem is that no one believed me...:cry:
And whenever I tell my father, grandmother about it, they say, yah yah, you are just seeing illusions :hitwall:
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One of our drivers who drove the field shifts to AJK was apparently possessed by what his family called a "Chalawa", never seen one, but this driver was a 5 time praying ex subedar... So i don't think people like him scare easily, surely he saw something. The poor guy never recovered from this and died shortly after :(

Anyway, i have never seen the said thing, even though we have been hunting in those same fields etc, but i don't deny these things exist as in the Quran there is many verses that speak of the creation of the Unseen, and the Jinn etc... So who am i to doubt the word of god (SWT).
. .
My cousins house in multan is haunted but the jinns are good fellas there.Living in peace with mankind.:thank_you2:
Okay my turn now with the scary stories...

When I was a child I used to fear getting into the bathroom at nights and when I enter the bathroom, I used to look at the window all the time. But one day at the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and as I finished the business I looked at the window and saw an eye (a brown one), it was very clear although it was dark outside, it was looking at me with confidence with no blinking, I just held myself together and tried not to freak out (although scared like hell), and when I opened the door I found my mother washing her hands (it's like she felt that there was sth wrong) and I hugged her, I told her and she looked at the window but the eye was gone. The problem is that no one believed me...:cry:
And whenever I tell my father, grandmother about it, they say, yah yah, you are just seeing illusions :hitwall:

No one believing me again or what?:cry:
Okay my turn now with the scary stories...

When I was a child I used to fear getting into the bathroom at nights and when I enter the bathroom, I used to look at the window all the time. But one day at the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and as I finished the business I looked at the window and saw an eye (a brown one), it was very clear although it was dark outside, it was looking at me with confidence with no blinking, I just held myself together and tried not to freak out (although scared like hell), and when I opened the door I found my mother washing her hands (it's like she felt that there was sth wrong) and I hugged her, I told her and she looked at the window but the eye was gone. The problem is that no one believed me...:cry:
And whenever I tell my father, grandmother about it, they say, yah yah, you are just seeing illusions :hitwall:

Oh jeez man it was just @Mosamania checking you out ! :hitwall:
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