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Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules

Laws always change to favor one party with influence

This past week I watched documentary about Jeffrey Epstein on Netflix , he raped countless (At least 100 ) 12 yea -15 year old and then he was allowed to walk free after mere 10-12 months on a soft arrest which allowed him to leave his prison for 12 hours every day, This guy while serving a tap on his hand , also was able to change the charges on him from Rape to Payment based sex behind doors, with out consent of any of the victims. The victims of Rape were told they no longer have "Rights" to demand answers why this man is not charged for rape

This guy had connections with alot of Political people , like Bill Clinton , or even Prince Andrew of British Monarchy and and many of the rape victims at least stated the British Guy was involved in rape, how many Rich people were connected to the
Ring no one really knows but list was big enough , to stop Federal Authorities to stop their investigation against this Epstein guy

So this British Prince , was raping underage women with this Epstein Guy this was one victim
who appeared in documentary but he continued to live free because he had certain privilege
Basically women were told they would get help with their Education or Get good working Job and lured into
Islands where these Rich guys would abuse them as there was no police

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When the Federal Agencies went after him he was protected by Federal Agent who gave him a soft deal for "UNKNOWN" reason what kind of Blackmail info he had on politicians

Guy on left is Epstiene and the guy on right was the guy in Government who helped him get the softest possible sentence


Various Political people visited this Pedo's Islands in Private Jets included many Political people which was covered in documentary with Video testimony of people such as workers on Island , or people who did the electronics and camera security system on islands

They claimed every one on Island knew what was happening but all these guys had lot of Power and political power

:coffee: Moral High Ground humph

When this crook Federal Guy was exposed he resigned
:rofl: and he had the nerve to come on National TV and act like he was some sort of saint

This guy , secretly protected that Epstein guy , and hid the information from Victims

He claims he is so happy about Economy and don't wants to talk about a 10 year old case which he closed personally
ignoring the reports by 100+ women who laid charges of Rape on this Epstein guy

  • Now this guy (Epstein) retained his citizenship , infact he was called a philanthropist, a donator champion of donation​
  • Now he continued to be in Prison but go out 12 hours every day for exercise and work​
  • Avoided Rape of 100 women between ages of 12-16​

There you go folks !!!! Always scrutinize data as it is fed to you by Media controlled by the Rich

England, UK is a white country where the whites have all the power, Jews, English etc. Non-whites don't have those privileges nor will they ever. That is the reality.
That baby could have gone to some foster parents or grandparent and been brought up properly. Instead, he died a shitty death in a refugee camp. Absolute disgrace.
So where is this stateless person suppose to go?

in some movie Tom Hanks had to live in an airport for years because he was stateless (true story). Don't know if even that works anymore since that Hauwei girl was snatched out of Van international airport.
That's just more deplorable. Trialed in Absentia.

Women seem to be perpetually facing Witch Trials in UK.

Simple answer: don't become terrorists or join terrorist organisations. Don't go against the British. Problem solved. She sowed the wind, now let her reap the whirlwind.
in some movie Tom Hanks had to live in an airport for years because he was stateless (true story). Don't know if even that works anymore since that Hauwei girl was snatched out of Van international airport.

Myanmar has lots of empty airports.

She needs to just see out Brexit.
Britain allows hundreds and hundreds of male jihadists who actually engaged in fighting to return back to Britain, but when it comes to 15 year old female kid-- they revoke her citizenship
Wow. Decision made. Precedent set. Done deal. Now the door has been opened for the UK to take away citizenship from any or all of you EVEN if you were born in the UK. UK court decisions are relevant to all ABCANz nations.

A very dangerous precedent I might. Whilst not necessarily wrongly implemented in this case, the precedent does nevertheless provide space for future evictions of non-desirables. With the ongoing rightwards tilt in global and British politics this case could become very relevant in the future.
Simple answer: don't become terrorists or join terrorist organisations. Don't go against the British. Problem solved. She sowed the wind, now let her reap the whirlwind.

Did the problem start when she as a brit went against the Arab country or when she tried coming back to UK as British citizen not looking like Tony Adams?

Lots of European recruits all over Middle East.
A very dangerous precedent I might. Whilst not necessarily wrongly implemented in this case, the precedent does nevertheless provide space for future evictions of non-desirables. With the ongoing rightwards tilt in global and British politics this case could become very relevant in the future.

but it is not just non-desirables. She lost her citizenship because she was a "security risk". Anyone the thieves that stole the UK do not own or control can be a national security risk.
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When I was 15/16 I was a secondary school athlete running the 1000m for my school at the London Basset's challenge at Barn Elms (Fulham) way back in 1994/95.
When I was 16/17, I began at Sixth Form and my highlight of the day was playing tennis [thinking I am gonna the next Borg] or football. Or being spending my saturdays standing in city centre holding a Help the Old Age can collecting pennies.

Look at this Ummah maker has achieved. Lost her nationality, bred some mongrels, got them killed and now wants to come back ....
when she tried coming back to UK as British citizen not looking like Tony Adams?
Before she left. She knew she did not look like Tony Adams unless she can prove she never looked at the mirror.

They call it white privilage. It exists.
When I was 16/17, I began at Sixth Form and my highlight of the day was playing tennis [thinking I am gonna the next Borg] or football. Or being spending my saturdays standing in city centre holding a Help the Old Age can collecting pennies.

Look at this Ummah maker has achieved. Lost her nationality, bred some mongrels, got them killed and now wants to come back ....

She is suffering from the "entitlement syndrome" that unfortunately many UK born Muslims feel. If she really wanted to help Islam or the "Ummah" she could have gone to her native bangladesh and did some charity work there. Instead she went to a nation she has 0 connection to and that has 0 commonality with her, to carry out terrorism. She didn't even ONCE ask herself, "How much has syria or syrians done for bangladesh?"...........................:disagree:........................I am noticing a trend her. Those that commit terrorism or get involved in such activities NEVER EVER have a strong sense of identity or a connection to their ROOTS. Always deformed social misfits with low IQs................................:disagree:

PS Well Done for being good at tennis! It's one of the most difficult sports. My PE teacher always used to scold me as I could never hit the ball within the permitted space. Every time I hit the ball it would fly out of the tennis court..........................:disagree:
Why are Pakistanis not demanding combing operations in UK?
Good, all this nonsense of her getting groomed because she was young is bs, she was 15, my little brother is 15 and even he is happy she isn’t coming back, he has the brain and knowledge of knowing what’s right and wrong. She chose to go to isis and she chose to bring other people with her, now she should bare the consequences, people like her are the reason people think bad about Muslims.
we muslims didnt ask you to goto Iraq war
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