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Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules


Aug 15, 2015
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Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules
Published1 day ago
Related Topics
Shamima Begum in camp in Syria in 2020
image captionShamima Begum, pictured here in 2020, is currently living in a camp in northern Syria
Shamima Begum, who left the UK for Syria to join the Islamic State group as a teenager, will not be allowed to return and fight her citizenship case, the Supreme Court has ruled.
The court said in a unanimous ruling that her rights were not breached when she was refused permission to return.
Ms Begum, 21, wants to come back to challenge the home secretary's decision to remove her British nationality.
She is currently in a camp controlled by armed guards in northern Syria.
Ms Begum was 15 when she and two other east London schoolgirls left the UK in February 2015 and travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State group.
In 2019, the then-Home Secretary Sajid Javid stripped Ms Begum of her citizenship on national security grounds.
Last July, the Court of Appeal ruled that the only fair way forward was to allow her into the UK because she could not effectively appeal against the decision from the camp in northern Syria.
The Home Office subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court to reconsider the Court of Appeal's judgement, arguing that allowing her to return to the UK "would create significant national security risks".
On Friday, Lord Reed, president of the Supreme Court, said the government had been entitled to prevent Ms Begum from returning to the UK.
Announcing the ruling, Lord Reed said: "The Supreme Court unanimously allows all of the home secretary's appeals and dismisses Ms Begum's cross-appeal."
He said the Court of Appeal's judgment "did not give the home secretary's assessment the respect which it should have received" given the role's "responsibility for making such assessments" and accountability to parliament.
Lord Reed added the Court of Appeal had "mistakenly believed that, when an individual's right to have a fair hearing... came into conflict with the requirements of national security, her right to a fair hearing must prevail."
He said the right to a fair hearing did "not trump all other considerations, such as the safety of the public".
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Analysis box by Dominic Casciani, home and legal correspondent

Shamima Begum says she wants forgiveness - but all she's achieved after two years of battles over her citizenship is legal limbo.
That's the the extremely unusual outcome of her epic struggle against the home secretary over whether she can still call herself British.
It is the role of judges and the courts to uphold the rule of law - and protect the universal right that each of us has to make our case fairly in court.
But, when it comes to matters of national security - threats to the nation - judges won't tell ministers that their assessment is wrong unless they have heard compelling evidence to prove it.
In the Begum case, that means she is at the heart of an imperfect world of her own making.
She is stuck, with no right to return under the law.
But, at the same time, her lawyers maintain she can't take part in her own case to have her citizenship returned because of the uniquely dangerous situation she is in.
Other people banned from the UK have found a way to take part in appeals from overseas - but the camp she is in won't even let her lawyers visit.
And so the highest court in the land says her entire case must now be paused until she can find some way of taking part.
And perhaps that will never, ever happen.
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Lord Reed said the appropriate answer was not to force the government to bring Ms Begum back to the UK - but to pause her legal fight over citizenship until she is in a safer position to take part in her appeal.
He added: "That is not a perfect solution, as it is not known how long it may be before that is possible. But there is no perfect solution to a dilemma of the present kind."
The current home secretary, Priti Patel, said the Supreme Court's judgement had "reaffirmed the home secretary's authority to make vital national security decisions".
She added: "The government will always take the strongest possible action to protect our national security and our priority remains maintaining the safety and security of our citizens."
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Who is Shamima Begum?
Shamima Begum during her interview with BBC's Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville, at al-Hawl refugee camp in north-eastern Syria in February 2019
image captionShamima Begum spoke to the BBC at al-Hawl refugee camp in north-eastern Syria in February 2019
Ms Begum was born in the UK to parents of Bangladeshi heritage.
When she was 15, she and two other schoolgirls left the UK for Syria to join IS.
Ms Begum travelled via Turkey to IS headquarters in Raqqa, where she married a Dutch recruit.
She lived under IS rule for more than three years, and was found, nine months pregnant, in a Syrian refugee camp in February 2019.
The baby later died of pneumonia and Ms Begum said she had previously lost two other children.
You can read more here.
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Mr Javid also welcomed the ruling, saying any "restrictions of rights and freedoms" faced by Ms Begum were a "direct" result of her "extreme" actions.
He said: "There are no simple solutions to this situation but any restrictions of rights and freedoms faced by this individual are a direct consequence of the extreme actions that she and others have taken, in violation of government guidance and common morality."

media captionWho is Shamima Begum and why is her case so important?
Liberty, the human rights group which intervened in Ms Begum's case, said the latest ruling sets "an extremely dangerous precedent".
Rosie Brighouse, a lawyer with Liberty, said: "The right to a fair trial is not something democratic governments should take away on a whim, and nor is someone's British citizenship.
"If a government is allowed to wield extreme powers like banishment without the basic safeguards of a fair trial it sets an extremely dangerous precedent.
"The security services have safely managed the returns of hundreds of people from Syria but the government has chosen to target Shamima Begum."
Good, all this nonsense of her getting groomed because she was young is bs, she was 15, my little brother is 15 and even he is happy she isn’t coming back, he has the brain and knowledge of knowing what’s right and wrong. She chose to go to isis and she chose to bring other people with her, now she should bare the consequences, people like her are the reason people think bad about Muslims.

Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules
Published1 day ago
Related Topics
Shamima Begum in camp in Syria in 2020
image captionShamima Begum, pictured here in 2020, is currently living in a camp in northern Syria
Shamima Begum, who left the UK for Syria to join the Islamic State group as a teenager, will not be allowed to return and fight her citizenship case, the Supreme Court has ruled.
The court said in a unanimous ruling that her rights were not breached when she was refused permission to return.
Ms Begum, 21, wants to come back to challenge the home secretary's decision to remove her British nationality.
She is currently in a camp controlled by armed guards in northern Syria.
Ms Begum was 15 when she and two other east London schoolgirls left the UK in February 2015 and travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State group.
In 2019, the then-Home Secretary Sajid Javid stripped Ms Begum of her citizenship on national security grounds.
Last July, the Court of Appeal ruled that the only fair way forward was to allow her into the UK because she could not effectively appeal against the decision from the camp in northern Syria.
The Home Office subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court to reconsider the Court of Appeal's judgement, arguing that allowing her to return to the UK "would create significant national security risks".
On Friday, Lord Reed, president of the Supreme Court, said the government had been entitled to prevent Ms Begum from returning to the UK.
Announcing the ruling, Lord Reed said: "The Supreme Court unanimously allows all of the home secretary's appeals and dismisses Ms Begum's cross-appeal."
He said the Court of Appeal's judgment "did not give the home secretary's assessment the respect which it should have received" given the role's "responsibility for making such assessments" and accountability to parliament.
Lord Reed added the Court of Appeal had "mistakenly believed that, when an individual's right to have a fair hearing... came into conflict with the requirements of national security, her right to a fair hearing must prevail."
He said the right to a fair hearing did "not trump all other considerations, such as the safety of the public".
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Analysis box by Dominic Casciani, home and legal correspondent

Shamima Begum says she wants forgiveness - but all she's achieved after two years of battles over her citizenship is legal limbo.
That's the the extremely unusual outcome of her epic struggle against the home secretary over whether she can still call herself British.
It is the role of judges and the courts to uphold the rule of law - and protect the universal right that each of us has to make our case fairly in court.
But, when it comes to matters of national security - threats to the nation - judges won't tell ministers that their assessment is wrong unless they have heard compelling evidence to prove it.
In the Begum case, that means she is at the heart of an imperfect world of her own making.
She is stuck, with no right to return under the law.
But, at the same time, her lawyers maintain she can't take part in her own case to have her citizenship returned because of the uniquely dangerous situation she is in.
Other people banned from the UK have found a way to take part in appeals from overseas - but the camp she is in won't even let her lawyers visit.
And so the highest court in the land says her entire case must now be paused until she can find some way of taking part.
And perhaps that will never, ever happen.
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Lord Reed said the appropriate answer was not to force the government to bring Ms Begum back to the UK - but to pause her legal fight over citizenship until she is in a safer position to take part in her appeal.
He added: "That is not a perfect solution, as it is not known how long it may be before that is possible. But there is no perfect solution to a dilemma of the present kind."
The current home secretary, Priti Patel, said the Supreme Court's judgement had "reaffirmed the home secretary's authority to make vital national security decisions".
She added: "The government will always take the strongest possible action to protect our national security and our priority remains maintaining the safety and security of our citizens."
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Who is Shamima Begum?
Shamima Begum during her interview with BBC's Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville, at al-Hawl refugee camp in north-eastern Syria in February 2019's Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville, at al-Hawl refugee camp in north-eastern Syria in February 2019
image captionShamima Begum spoke to the BBC at al-Hawl refugee camp in north-eastern Syria in February 2019
Ms Begum was born in the UK to parents of Bangladeshi heritage.
When she was 15, she and two other schoolgirls left the UK for Syria to join IS.
Ms Begum travelled via Turkey to IS headquarters in Raqqa, where she married a Dutch recruit.
She lived under IS rule for more than three years, and was found, nine months pregnant, in a Syrian refugee camp in February 2019.
The baby later died of pneumonia and Ms Begum said she had previously lost two other children.
You can read more here.
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Mr Javid also welcomed the ruling, saying any "restrictions of rights and freedoms" faced by Ms Begum were a "direct" result of her "extreme" actions.
He said: "There are no simple solutions to this situation but any restrictions of rights and freedoms faced by this individual are a direct consequence of the extreme actions that she and others have taken, in violation of government guidance and common morality."

media captionWho is Shamima Begum and why is her case so important?
Liberty, the human rights group which intervened in Ms Begum's case, said the latest ruling sets "an extremely dangerous precedent".
Rosie Brighouse, a lawyer with Liberty, said: "The right to a fair trial is not something democratic governments should take away on a whim, and nor is someone's British citizenship.
"If a government is allowed to wield extreme powers like banishment without the basic safeguards of a fair trial it sets an extremely dangerous precedent.
"The security services have safely managed the returns of hundreds of people from Syria but the government has chosen to target Shamima Begum."

@Indus Pakistan

What are the opinions of your favourite person above?
@Indus Pakistan

What are the opinions of your favourite person above?
Opinions? I hope she suffers every day. I hope she dies a dogs death. And I hope that mongrel kid of hers is never allowed into UK. We can do without a future terrorist. Everytime I see some far right scumbag using her ugly face to complain about Muslims I want to spit in her face.

Now let her enojoy living in her pristine ummah and Islamic paradise under Islamic state. Anyway she should be glad she is not living in kuffar UK full of white devils.

And just to confirm this ugly diseased cow is BANGLADESHI. Not Pakistani.
Wow. Decision made. Precedent set. Done deal. Now the door has been opened for the UK to take away citizenship from any or all of you EVEN if you were born in the UK. UK court decisions are relevant to all ABCANz nations.
Wow. Decision made. Precedent set. Done deal. Now the door has been opened for the UK to take away citizenship from any or all of you EVEN if you were born in the UK.

Where would the caucasian terrorists go?
Where would the caucasian terrorists go?

I have no idea. Perhaps the Caucasus to serve the Israelis? Greater Israeli will need workers and soldiers. But beats me. I am just saying what the ruling does.
Wow. Decision made. Precedent set. Done deal. Now the door has been opened for the UK to take away citizenship from any or all of you EVEN if you were born in the UK. UK court decisions are relevant to all ABCANz nations.
Obviously your ability to comprehend what the Judges said is limited by your lack of intelligence.
Obviously your ability to comprehend what the Judges said is limited by your lack of intelligence.

Just because you don't like what the ruling does doesn't make me not understand. Tough luck. The Gov't can take away citizenship of a person who was born in the UK. They can take away your citizenship.
Remember that rich racist on the underground who was punched out? Rich people are usually in the know....what did he say?
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