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Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules

Isn't that a German male line? She is not the male line.

As far as her ancestry goes, she is German. I don't get Mosaic laws of inheritance
The day every Pakistani living in the west enjoying free education housing medical care and decent jobs stops vociferously cursing the west and singing how wonderful Pakistan is, return to that paradise on earth called Pakistan.
After all it's the Pakistani's who abuse and curse the West, Indians tend not to as they do not spit in the face of the country they have settled in.

It took you one second to jump ship from

" UK bad. Colonial. Pillaged India"


"Its all Pakistan and Pakistanis fault"
As far as her ancestry goes, she is German. I don't get Mosaic laws of inheritance

I am not the one pulling strings, deciding what happens and moving puppet people around. If you are not a puppet master then we are both just guessing. Guessing what the puppet masters will do with all of us.

here is my guess about the Queen:
mt dna haplogroup H is found predominantly in Europe. The newer types of mt dna haplogroup H spread East. I'd say she is European not German.
Compare with y dna haplogroup R. Old forms are found in South/Central Asia newer forms found moving West. Opposite from mt dna haplogroup H.
Opinions? I hope she suffers every day. I hope she dies a dogs death. And I hope that mongrel kid of hers is never allowed into UK. We can do without a future terrorist. Everytime I see some far right scumbag using her ugly face to complain about Muslims I want to spit in her face.

Now let her enojoy living in her pristine ummah and Islamic paradise under Islamic state. Anyway she should be glad she is not living in kuffar UK full of white devils.

And just to confirm this ugly diseased cow is BANGLADESHI. Not Pakistani.

My sentiments EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................................................:lol:

Just to clarify, all 3 of her kids are dead.
She was brainwashed in one of the no go areas of the UK.

Why are Pakistanis not demanding combing operations in UK?

She is not Pakistani. She is bangladeshi.
Wow. Decision made. Precedent set. Done deal. Now the door has been opened for the UK to take away citizenship from any or all of you EVEN if you were born in the UK. UK court decisions are relevant to all ABCANz nations.

If you are not White Western European, you can NEVER be a TRUE BRITISH or ENGLISH Person. At most, you can ONLY ever be a British CITIZEN. Nothing more. If non-whites don't want their citizenship revoked, don't commit crime, terrorism or join terrorist organizations.
If non-whites don't want their citizenship revoked, don't commit crime, terrorism or join terrorist organizations.
Good enough for me. High five to the queen once a year is good deal. I value my British passport and the privilages it gives.
When is the Queen being deported back to Germany?
When she goes to fight for Islamic state.
My sentiments EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................................................:lol:

Just to clarify, all 3 of her kids are dead.

She is not Pakistani. She is bangladeshi.

If you are not White Western European, you can NEVER be a TRUE BRITISH or ENGLISH Person. At most, you can ONLY ever be a British CITIZEN. Nothing more. If non-whites don't want their citizenship revoked, don't commit crime, terrorism or join terrorist organizations.

I am very certain the decision to revoke citizenship is not being questioned here, the matter discussed was if she should be allowed back to fight her case in the UK.
My opinion is that the court was right to not grant her permission to come to the UK. The trial can be heard online or via other means, in respect to her citizenship status - I don't agree with the government line, she was born in the UK. Just because Bengali law states that Bengali parents pass on their nationality to their kids doesn't mean P.Patel should invoke her citizenship.

I know how hard it is for me to say this considering I lost someone in Manchester and she was not very remorseful when Manchester was brought up.
Good enough for me. High five to the queen once a year is good deal. I value my British passport and the privilages it gives.

If these people want to an "Ummah" then just leave the UK and set up one. No need to join and partake in terrorism and then start crying when your "kuffar" British citizenship is taken away. When I was 15/16 I was a secondary school athlete running the 1000m for my school at the London Basset's challenge at Barn Elms (Fulham) way back in 1994/95. I was also listening to Junaid Jamshed and Vital Signs. When Shamima Begum was 15/16 she was having kids from multiple terrorists and looking after these terrorists while they were beheading, torturing, raping and murdering innocent Iraqis and Syrians.
If these people want to an "Ummah" then just leave the UK and set up one. No need to join and partake in terrorism and then start crying when your "kuffar" British citizenship is taken away. When I was 15/16 I was a secondary school athlete running the 1000m for my school at the London Basset's challenge at Barn Elms (Fulham) way back in 1994/95. I was also listening to Junaid Jamshed and Vital Signs. When Shamima Begum was 15/16 she was having kids from multiple terrorists and looking after these terrorists while they were beheading, torturing, raping and murdering innocent Iraqis and Syrians.

Vital signs and Nazia Hassan those were the days, completely agree on the radicalisation part, age is no excuse for getting radicalised.
I am very certain the decision to revoke citizenship is not being questioned here, the matter discussed was if she should be allowed back to fight her case in the UK.
My opinion is that the court was right to not grant her permission to come to the UK. The trial can be heard online or via other means, in respect to her citizenship status - I don't agree with the government line, she was born in the UK. Just because Bengali law states that Bengali parents pass on their nationality to their kids doesn't mean P.Patel should invoke her citizenship.

I know how hard it is for me to say this considering I lost someone in Manchester and she was not very remorseful when Manchester was brought up.

I hope she NEVER has her british citizenship reinstated. It will set the precedence that if you commit terrorism or go against the british state then your citizenship will be revoked. It will send a strong message to some misguided UK based Muslims who are thinking of partaking in terrorist activities. It will ACTUALLY decrease terrorism in the UK and help lower Islamaphobia.
Vital signs and Nazia Hassan those were the days, completely agree on the radicalisation part, age is no excuse for getting radicalised.

In my opinion this is the GREATEST song EVER............................:angel:..........................:yahoo::

Love this too........................:-):

Considering the person was "Underage" , normally the Children's law is applicable , and they can be reintroduced into society with Training, similarly they can't be charged as adult

Laws which punish Immigrants on borders, and forced to sleep with Tin foil blankets on ground or
Excessive Laws which punish underage children is not good

Special laws just to harm children of minorities of course have existed in society for long time, in this case
There are many aspect of story which are not clear , mostly speculation and suggestions made by one party what was the reality

The case is a simple case of Under age person making a wrong choice in life
There was no moral high ground in Syrian War anyone involved were equally dirty with blood dripping on their hands

Various soldiers of Rich countries have immunity from crimes when they knowingly killed civilians overseas
So that proves there is no moral high ground , in general , to claim this some sort of special case , or important issue has no merit

Someone above made a comment about her racial association as being Bengali , again it is irrelevant
Just a underage person , made a wrong choice in life

If this was a white child the issue would have been resolved close door with some counselling
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Considering the person was Underage , normally the Children's law is applicable , and they can be reintroduced into society with Training

Laws which punish Immigrants on borders, and forced to sleep
Excessive Laws which punish underage children is not good

The case is a simple case of Under age person making a wrong choice in life

Most 15 or even 13 year-olds clearly know the difference between right or wrong. Even aged 20/21 last year, she said she had no regrets about what ISIS did to innocent Iraqis or Syrians. She made her choice. Now she as to live by them. If she comes back to the UK, she will be living off the taxes that people like me and you pay. I personally believe that the Iraqis and Syrians should execute her for her part in the crimes against Iraqi/Syrian civilians.
Very poor decision. Once you become a citizen, all should be equal in front of the law.
She should be allowed to contest her case in uk as a citizen and imprisoned if found guilty.
Taking the shelter of national security is really a Chinese communist level move. Not becoming for the self annointed human rights champion of the world.
If you are not White Western European, you can NEVER be a TRUE BRITISH or ENGLISH Person. At most, you can ONLY ever be a British CITIZEN. Nothing more. If non-whites don't want their citizenship revoked, don't commit crime, terrorism or join terrorist organizations.

Is that what the ruling means? Or does it mean that anybody can have their citizenship revoked? Anybody who doesn't serve and obey the gov't. Whatever it means the ruling is made.
Is that what the ruling means? Or does it mean that anybody can have their citizenship revoked? Anybody who doesn't serve and obey the gov't.

Probably both. If you don't like the UK and want to become a terrorist then leave and NEVER come back. Also, prepare to have your BRITISH citizenship revoked as you are after all, "ANTI-BRITISH".
If this was a white child the issue would have been resolved close door with some counselling

First off the law is not selective see below this is recent news. Prosecution is done on the basis of best conviction available - Which was applied in this case.

As far as Begum is concerned British Citizenship is a privilege granted to non-citizens, its not a right and can be revoked, that being said, its not true that she will be left stateless, Bangladesh as per her laws will be obligated to give her citizenship if she applies as her parents are Bengali however is she were to travel to Bangladesh - their minister has already said punishment for her crimes is the death penalty.

This brings the age old adage: If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
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