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Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules

Rules are changed for Minorities it is not a new event , it has happened in past across history
The moral high ground has to be maintained

For every war , 1 side needs to be "Morally" on a path which takes them to heaven and other party of course is collaborator with evil , the Devil and of course all the evil stuff. The thing is

For me the people who dropped a Bomb on a building or Hospital are equally guilty then the folks on horses or Toyota Trucks, Let us call it the way it was , it was a War to build strategic bases and carve out some positions


Normally after every war , when the dust settles , Soldiers and people , sit down and scratch their head , ok we just went thru a traumatic experience, what exactly did we did we do ?

  • One Soldier goes , well ok I dropped a bomb on a Wedding
  • Then another goes , well ok I was in a helicopter and well I shot at something killed 7-8 people with no guns by error
  • Then another goes well ok you know I was just shooting a bunch of rounds for fun to kill some time and ended up killing some one
  • Others just simply drive a SUV in another country and then drive over someone else's citizen

Than another Guy comes up and tells these folks don't worry all your Sins are gone because I said so , and then he hands them a prescription meds for Mental Illness

:coffee: Yes Moral ground crimes are of course a privilege , these are well documented in history no wonder when war ends many people are left with Brain Disorders because they can't justify stuff what happened

But of course , the Underage person what was it 15-16 year old , will take full brunt of responsibility , it is the reality of life and it is a privilege

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Probably both. If you don't like the UK and want to become a terrorist then leave and NEVER come back. Also, prepare to have your BRITISH citizenship revoked as you are after all, "ANTI-BRITISH".

makes me think of that Constantine movie. Gabriel, all white, supposedly good, given everything but did bad and wrong. In the end God no longer had Gabriel's back. We reap what we sow. What was given by God can be taken away by God.

If the British were good they would have protected her. A sheep dog and shepherd protect the sheep, black, white or shaved, from the wolves.
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Considering the person was "Underage" , normally the Children's law is applicable , and they can be reintroduced into society with Training, similarly they can't be charged as adult

Laws which punish Immigrants on borders, and forced to sleep with Tin foil blankets on ground or
Excessive Laws which punish underage children is not good

Special laws just to harm children of minorities of course have existed in society for long time, in this case
There are many aspect of story which are not clear , mostly speculation and suggestions made by one party what was the reality

The case is a simple case of Under age person making a wrong choice in life
There was no moral high ground in Syrian War anyone involved were equally dirty with blood dripping on their hands

Various soldiers of Rich countries have immunity from crimes when they knowingly killed civilians overseas
So that proves there is no moral high ground , in general , to claim this some sort of special case , or important issue has no merit

Someone above made a comment about her racial association as being Bengali , again it is irrelevant
Just a underage person , made a wrong choice in life

If this was a white child the issue would have been resolved close door with some counselling

But she is NOT white nor Ethnically English and she should ALWAYS remember that. The TRUTH is that ALL non-Whites can NEVER truely be British or English because the blood of NON-WHITES does not originate from England. We will always be guests here and we should always remember that. Thinking otherwise is politically correct retarded nonsense. Don't want your citizenship taken away then don't go against the state and become a terrorist.
Laws always change to favor one party with influence

This past week I watched documentary about Jeffrey Epstein on Netflix , he raped countless (At least 100 ) 12 yea -15 year old and then he was allowed to walk free after mere 10-12 months on a soft arrest which allowed him to leave his prison for 12 hours every day, This guy while serving a tap on his hand , also was able to change the charges on him from Rape to Payment based sex behind doors, with out consent of any of the victims. The victims of Rape were told they no longer have "Rights" to demand answers why this man is not charged for rape

This guy had connections with alot of Political people , like Bill Clinton , or even Prince Andrew of British Monarchy and and many of the rape victims at least stated the British Guy was involved in rape, how many Rich people were connected to the
Ring no one really knows but list was big enough , to stop Federal Authorities to stop their investigation against this Epstein guy

So this British Prince , was raping underage women with this Epstein Guy this was one victim
who appeared in documentary but he continued to live free because he had certain privilege
Basically women were told they would get help with their Education or Get good working Job and lured into
Islands where these Rich guys would abuse them as there was no police


When the Federal Agencies went after him he was protected by Federal Agent who gave him a soft deal for "UNKNOWN" reason what kind of Blackmail info he had on politicians

Guy on left is Epstiene and the guy on right was the guy in Government who helped him get the softest possible sentence


Various Political people visited this Pedo's Islands in Private Jets included many Political people which was covered in documentary with Video testimony of people such as workers on Island , or people who did the electronics and camera security system on islands

They claimed every one on Island knew what was happening but all these guys had lot of Power and political power

:coffee: Moral High Ground humph

When this crook Federal Guy was exposed he resigned
:rofl: and he had the nerve to come on National TV and act like he was some sort of saint

This guy , secretly protected that Epstein guy , and hid the information from Victims

He claims he is so happy about Economy and don't wants to talk about a 10 year old case which he closed personally
ignoring the reports by 100+ women who laid charges of Rape on this Epstein guy

  • Now this guy (Epstein) retained his citizenship , infact he was called a philanthropist, a donator champion of donation​
  • Now he continued to be in Prison but go out 12 hours every day for exercise and work​
  • Avoided Rape of 100 women between ages of 12-16​

There you go folks !!!! Always scrutinize data as it is fed to you by Media controlled by the Rich
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NUFF Respect going out to brother Sajid Javid for revoking the British citizenship of this despicable prostit**e having multiple kids from multiple deformed male terrorists.................................8-)

Sajid Javid ZINDABAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............................................:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
A child of a Polish/Armenian migrant easily becomes socially acceptable mainstream British. Polish people often change their surnames by anglicization . A fourth generation even white skinned Pakistani born British kid is still a Pakistani in Britain. I have seen the same trend in the USA. The reason : colonial spoils and fellow Judeo-Christian European descend are never the same in the eyes of the Europeans. This is the reality.
A child of a Polish/Armenian migrant easily becomes socially acceptable mainstream British. Polish people often change their surnames by anglicization . A fourth generation even white skinned Pakistani born British kid is still a Pakistani in Britain. I have seen the same trend in the USA. The reason : colonial spoils and fellow Judeo-Christian European descend are never the same in the eyes of the Europeans. This is the reality.

But do you want to be a White English European, Judeo-Christian? Non-whites don't fit in with White European Christian/Jews in any way. It's just natural human instinct and nature. ALWAYS has been. ALWAYS will be.
Not anymore. Her British citizenship was revoked.

NUFF Respect going out to brother Sajid Javid..........:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

So where is this stateless person suppose to go?

She was born as the Queens subject like every other Brit, be it Sajid Woodgate or Oliver Bhatti.
So where is this stateless person suppose to go?

She was born as the Queens subject like every other Brit, be it Sajid Woodgate or Oliver Bhatti.

She can stay in the ISIS "Ummah" where she helped perpetuate war crimes against Iraqi and Syrian civilians. Hopefully she will be executed by hanging for crimes against humanity too.
She can stay in the ISIS "Ummah" where she helped perpetuate war crimes against Iraqi and Syrian civilians. Hopefully she will be executed by hanging for crimes against humanity too.

Isn't she already in UK?
Good. Keep her out permanently.

BUT...what we did to her innocent child is a travesty. Other civilised nations let children in even when their parents were guilty of terrorism. Why on earth should a child die in some refugee camp because of the crime of its parents?
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