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Bangladesh to amend war crimes law amid protest

Reuters | 1 hour ago 0


People observe a sit-in protest around a national flag of Bangladesh with a map of the country on it, in Dhaka on February 9, 2013. — Photo Reuters

DHAKA: Bangladesh is planning to amend a law to allow the government to appeal for tougher penalties for war criminals, the law minister said on Sunday, the sixth day of protests since a convicted Islamist leader got a sentence many people think was too light.

The war crimes tribunal sentenced the Islamic party leader, Abdul Quader Mollah, to life in prison on Tuesday on charges including murder, rape and torture, the second verdict in trials that have reopened wounds from Bangladesh’s 1971 war of independence from Pakistan.

The sentence sparked protests by Mollah’s supporters, who say his conviction was politically motivated, but also counter-protests by many Bangladeshis who think his sentence was too lenient and he should have been sentenced to death.

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said proposal to amend the law would be placed before the cabinet on Monday for approval, and would then go to parliament for ratification.

The amendment would give both sides the right to appeal against any conviction including inadequate sentence or acquittal. Under the law now, the prosecution can appeal only against an order of acquittal.

“The amendment will be passed in the current parliament session,” Ahmed said.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina set up the tribunal in 2010 to investigate abuses during the nine-month war in 1971.

It delivered its first judgment last month, sentencing a former Jamaat-e-Islami and popular Islamic preacher, Abul Kalam Azad, to death on similar charges to the ones Mollah faced. Azad was tried in absentia as he fled the country in April.

Most Bangladeshis had also expected a death sentence to be handed down to Mollah, 64, assistant secretary-general of Jamaat-e-Islami – the country’s biggest Islamist party.

The main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of Hasina’s arch rival, former premier Begum Khaleda Zia, and its ally Jamaat-e-Islami, say the prime minister is using the tribunal as a political weapon against them.

Hasina has rejected accusations that the tribunal is biased but it has been criticised by human rights groups for failing to adhere to standards of international law.

Eight other Jamaat leaders along with two from the BNP also face charges in the tribunal.

Bangladesh to amend war crimes law amid protest | World | DAWN.COM
@Anonymous you asked me earlier about the legalities of this, hence feel free to read this article.

Stop being a kid and blaming everyone you hate of being a Jamaati. We have people in Bangladesh who care about the Pakistan-Bangladesh relationship rather than those who have a habit of stomping on our flags. What happened, happened. In case the writer of that post didn't notice Afghans want our land back which was taken 100+ years ago. Pakistanis don't which was taken 30+ years ago. Call it beghairati or whatever but we gave up half our land because you are happy and recognized Bangladesh.

Stop being such a belligerent person and picking fights with every Pakistani hammer-fist. I left you alone after our altercation because you are on some Ultra-chauvinist mission. Now you tag me. Also no one in Pakistan supports the taliban and these murders, especially aforementioned people.

1. Please refrain from personal attacks, insults and abuse.

2. The Pakistani posters I tagged are those aside from your emotional self are those who have spoken out against the Taliban and or Jamat in Pakistan. A former Jamati member (Shibir) here said the Taliban were essentially good thus I posted links and tagged some people who are anti-Taliban, anti-Jamat.

The rest of your highly emotional and abusive post is off-topic and makes no sense.
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you realy gave half of your land or just quit?

Just ignore him, this thread is not about Pakistan.

Do U even know that the more U blabber or parrot the worst U look like a Scumbag, Peps Quake here? Now answer to this, before Mush took complete U turn and submit the entire nation to the aggressors who then killed 1000s, killed over 1400 innocent students in Lal Masjid, sent army to FATA; was there any Talib's attack on PAK army? How about using Helo Gunship and letting innocent getting killed by drone?

I can copy, paste 1000 links that would look U just like a baffon. If U want it then open another thread in this regard and get Mods permission for full autonomy for discussion. U beat me I leave but if UR stupidity gets hammered then what would U do?

So M_Saint, you support the Taliban?
Bangladeshi students from abroad voicing their support for Shahbag movement and asking for death penalty of the war criminals.

Portion in Bangla of above post is just another lie out of many millions that have been told by RAWAMY criminals. After the fakes of Commie, atheist, Ganjakhor, Modkhor got out and people figured out there motives; especially seeing them drinking, smoking pots and using extremely insulting languages against Islam and Prophet (PUBH); they realized that the time was first approaching for the spirit, tempo to fade away, so pulling off such PR stunt. But if they think that they are too clever and always can get away by continuing lie, recurrent lie, spin on original lie; then I got a message for them. U haven't become more powerful than Neo-con or pharos yet...
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Who cares what these dumb dimwits have to say? Guys look like they couldn't get laid at a brothel and the chicks are ugly:lol:. I simply can't take an ugly chick seriously or men who have no swag:rofl:

These dumb dimwits brought Ershad down in 1990.

I do agree on the part that they don't get laid or not often enough.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Front Page
Spontaneous support boosts rally organisers

Spontaneous support boosts rally organisers


Expatriates in South Carolina in the USA hold their own demonstration there to demand death penalty for war criminals of the Liberation War and to express solidarity with the movement in Bangladesh yesterday. Photo: Courtesy Helemul Alam

People of all walks of life have been bringing food and water for the demonstrators at Shahbagh intersection to lift the spirit of the movement aimed at ensuring capital punishment to war criminals.

The movement, which was started by Bloggers and Online Activist Network on the evening of February 5, is still going strong. People are not only joining the movement to express solidarity but also bringing whatever they can for the protesters.

"It is indeed a great feeling. People out of sheer love are bringing food, like hotchpotch, biriani, puffed rice, biscuits, chocolates, fruits and drinking water. This is a huge encouragement for us," said General Secretary of Bloggers and Online Activist Network Mahmudul Haque Munshi Badhon.

He said their online group took to the street with no financial support whatsoever. So to meet the first day's necessaries they had to raise Tk 43,000 as donation from the protestors.

"But since then people have been helping us spontaneously. We received 1,000 packets of hotchpotch for lunch today [Friday] from a businessman," he said.

"I have brought some dry food and drinking water for the youths, who have been demonstrating here for the last four days, because I could not give much time here like they did," said a private job holder wishing anonymity.

The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University unit of Swadhinata Chikitsak Parishad has been providing primary treatment and free medicine, while Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority and Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) have been supplying water in lorries for the protesters.

The DSCC has also arranged four mobile public toilets for the demonstrators' convenience.

After talking to one of my relatives, who happened to teach 'The cream of the crop students of BD'; I predicted that current generation wouldn't have political acumen/profundity of understanding, although many of it would land to the top schools throughout the world. Evident is right here to see...
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In a hypotheitical situation, I wonder what AL would do next after destroying Jamaat/crippling the opposition.

What can they use to gain votes after the issue of raza-kaars is done and all have been executed or jailed for life? (In said hypothetical situation)

How long do the pharaohs think they can reign before a Musa comes and history repeats itself?

- BNP are going to win the next election and form the government.

It has pretty been decided in Washington that this is what will happen. The BNP will rule Bangladesh for the next 5 years (60 months). Behind the figure of the prime minister there are certain other elements in the country that actually run the show but allow which ever party in power certain freedom to do certain things. However they cannot cross certain red lines.

- Jamat will not be banned.

The US wants to be able to use the Islamic card as leverage against other powers and states e.g. India, Burma and the Jamat in Bangladesh as part of the wider "Islamic" movement in the world which just so happens to support enemies of America's rivals.

However at the same time the US wants to accelerate womens' emancipation and other things, with a higher HDI Bangladesh will not be susceptible to fundamentalism.

Jamat are an insignificant organization really but are convenient to use (USA) and abuse (Awami League and gaining votes from rezakar trials). They have never, and will never be an important organization in Bangladesh as their 4.6% of the votes shows.

Long story, but I do have my own set of connections.
These dumb dimwits brought Ershad down in 1990.

I do agree on the part that they don't get laid or not often enough.

U were comparing apple to orange. It was different time, motive and objective; when people demonstrated deep discontent out of rationalism, understanding that continued until the silent revolution in the electoral both. Though bias environment could cause judgmental delinquent, if cool but majority of masses are given chance to practice their right, they still do with conscience. BTW, the current one already got identified by silent masses as RAWAMY's pressure stunt, although hangover of hyper but non-stop propaganda could cause similar outcome. But nevertheless 1990s shouldn't be compared with this one IMO
I just got details from a relative, its festival time in Dhaka.

Dudes, the chicks are there too out all night for the last 5 nights !!!

Time to hook up !!!
Who cares what these dumb dimwits have to say? Guys look like they couldn't get laid at a brothel and the chicks are ugly:lol:. I simply can't take an ugly chick seriously or men who have no swag:rofl:

Dude I saw your Facebook profile, please don't make me open my mouth. :-D
U were comparing apple to orange. It was different time, motive and objective; when people demonstrated deep discontent out of rationalism, understanding that continued until the silent revolution in the electoral both. Though bias environment could cause judgmental delinquent, if cool but majority of masses are given chance to practice their right, they still do with conscience. BTW, the current one already got identified by silent masses as RAWAMY's pressure stunt, although hangover of hyper but non-stop propaganda could cause similar outcome. But nevertheless 1990s shouldn't be compared with this one IMO

Yes motives are different.

You are probably not aware of the fact that how much people in Bangladesh hate Jamaat with a passion. Their activities in 1971 forever doomed this party. That is one image they can never get rid off.

AL is playing dirty politics with that.
I've just been told by a well-placed source a number of things including:

- It's a "given" that the BNP will win the elections, but it could be "suicide" for them to work with the Jamat, so they make a deal with Ershad (former president and Jatiya party leader, 3rd party of Bangladesh after Awami League and BNP).

But Jamatis will give "outside" support.

He said that a new younger generation of Jamati leaders may emerge.

These are strictly his opinions, but he is quite well-connected.
I wonder how far this is going to all go and how it will end.

These protests went from anti-war crimes to anti-Jamaat/Shibir to anti-Jamaat related businesses, TV stations, banks (Islami Bank which, IIRC, is one of the strongest banks in Bangladesh) to anti-religion based politics to anti-Pakistan now (Duranta Rajshahi boasting the non-participation of Pakistani players in BPL).

May Allah help us through this fitna.

Note: I am neither pro- nor anti-Jamaat, just speaking my mind.

People think and plan something yet something else happen. Allah is the greatest architect and only Allah has knowledge over all things.

It does seem they are in the mission to create another 71 like situation. In 71 it was west vs east but now it's is conservative vs. secular. Awami and leftist thugs wants to kill Islamic leaders and take over Jamati own business as they have done same with west Pakistani own business after 71, like Adamji jute mill. Awami is very jealous type of people and they have really low, low, low human qulities. I would place them under sub-human monkey.

Al and leftist secular thugs are in the misson to eliminate Islam from Bangladesh. But as Islamic poet Allah Iqbal said: "Tauheed ki amanat senon main hai hamarey, Asan nahin mitana naam-o-nishaan hamara". Allahu Akbar.
Yes motives are different.

You are probably not aware of the fact that how much people in Bangladesh hate Jamaat with a passion. Their activities in 1971 forever doomed this party. That is one image they can never get rid off.

AL is playing dirty politics with that.

He doesn't believe that Jamaat actually did anything wrong during '71.He doesn't believe that there was a genocide.
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