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I did not have that information. But this will take the situation to unknown that fascist wants to take. Moreover, this will implicate Awami League and will give validity fascist and mob demand. Awami League regime already crippled justice system. These fascist are not considering far reaching impacts of their fasctist fatua but this will be final nail to justice system in Bangladesh and foundation of Bangladesh itself.

Then Idune Bhai, what U have got to say about the following news...

সাঈদীর রায় পরিবর্তন করে মৃত্যুদন্ড লেখা হয়ে গেল গতরাতে, পড়া হবে ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী
১০ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৩, ১১:৪৫:০৯ সকাল
আগে লেখা ছিল দুই বছর সশ্রম কারাদন্ড। এখন শাহবাগ আন্দোলনের ফলে লেখা হল মৃত্যুদন্ড।

শাহবাগকে এভাবেই সাজানো হয়েছে যাতে কোনক্রমেই সাঈদীরটা ফসকে না যায়। সেটাই করলেন আমাদের বিচারপতিরা গতরাতে।

মন্ত্রীসভার সিদ্ধান্ত সবাইকে ফাঁসি দিতে হবে। যেভাবেই হোক। আঈন আপনারা সেভাবেই বানান। ওসব বুঝিনা। ফাঁসি চাই। হাসিনার কথা হল সব জামায়াত নেতাদের ফাঁসির রায় এবং কার্যকরও এই নয় মাসের এই সরকারের আমলেই করতে হবে।

নিজামুল হক নাসিম ও ডঃ আহমেদ জিয়াউদ্দিন মিলে সাঈদীরটা দুই বছরের সশ্রম কারাদন্ড রেখেছিলেন। রায় ওভাবেই লেখা হয়ে গিয়েছিল, যেহেতু কোন কিছুই উনার সাথে মিলাতে পারা যাচ্ছেনা। না উনি '৭১ সালে জামাতী ছিলেন, না আছে উনার বিপরীতে কোন প্রকৃত সাক্ষী। এতবড় আলেমকে ওত বড় শাস্তি দিতে ভয় পাচ্ছিলেন নাসিম সাহেব। তাই দুইজন মিলে এমন শাস্তি রেখেছিলেন যাতে করে উনি মুক্তি পেয়ে যান। কারণ দুই বছর উনি ইতিমধ্যে পারও করে ফেলেছেন।

এরি মধ্যে এসে গেল শাহবাগ আন্দোলন। মন্ত্রীরাও রেডি। কাদের মোল্লারটাও রেডি হয়ে গেছে। মন্ত্রী বলেও ফেলেছেন। কাদের মোল্লার যাবজ্জীবন কারাদণ্ডের রায় যে কোনোভাবে পরিবর্তন করে ফাঁসির আদেশ দেয়া হবে।

পড়ুনঃ রায় পরিবর্তন করে কাদের মোল্লাকে ফাঁসি দেয়া হবে।

আইন প্রতিমন্ত্রী কামরুল ইসলাম গত বৃহস্পতিবার বলেছেন, কামরুল ইসলাম বললেন- "জনগণ এখন যেভাবে মাঠে নেমেছে আগে থেকেই এমনভাবে মাঠে থাকলে রায় অন্যরকম হত" ।

সে মোতাবেকই রায় লেখা হয়ে গেল সাঈদীর সাহেবের ক্ষেত্রেও। এভাবেই বাংলাদেশের বিচার ব্যবস্থা ধ্বংস হয়ে গেল একে একে। বিবেক, বুদ্ধি কিভাবে ধ্বংস হয় তাই দেখা যাচ্ছে একবিংশ শতাব্দীতে। বিষয়: রাজনীতি
I did not have that information. But this will take the situation to unknown that fascist wants to take. Moreover, this will implicate Awami League and will give validity fascist and mob demand. Awami League regime already crippled justice system. These fascist are not considering far reaching impacts of their fasctist fatua but this will be final nail to justice system in Bangladesh and foundation of Bangladesh itself.

this is India's last game, the first was pilkhana and this is the last one, if they succeed Bangladesh is gone and if they fail they will be out for at least 5 years. This is awami league's B team, a masterstroke to be honest. There is no point in talking about this, let it play out, election is still far away.
This Easily becomes one of the most commented Thread in Bangladesh Defense Section . :tup: . Just noticed .
These jamatis and rezakars can only gang up in their little online holes. If they goes anywhere near shahbag and preach their anti Bangladeshi agenda, they will get a nice little public pedani.

they are protected by police from all side......... its area 51.....:tdown:
In US visa application every applicant has to answer question like following:

Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in torture?

Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence?

In case of European countries, being suffered by fascism, has even more restriction to let people in who associating and/or inciting extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence.

Anyone showed up in that fascist fest and wants to study in US, EU or AU will have to face that question. And it is time to let Uncle know who are these people incited extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence. I know for sure good number of BUET folks belong to left political organization (Chatra Union) instigated such fascist incitement of extrajudicial killings and violance. These studenets has somewhat ruined their chance and many other studenets from studying in US and elsewehre. Microsoft, Google and other US corporations that hires from Bangladesh will be informed in appropiate channel about these poople.

If they are truthful no student who is the member of any communist organization will ever get into the U.S.As for extra judiciary killing no one is protesting to have them killed by hit-men but by having them hanged through the judiciary process.
If they are truthful no student who is the member of any communist organization will ever get into the U.S.As for extra judiciary killing no one is protesting to have them killed by hit-men but by having them hanged through the judiciary process.

You need to worry about state of Georgia law on inciting violance and extrajudicial killings. As far what has been incited by this fascist mob is matter of record now and record will speak itself.
You need to worry about state of Georgia law on inciting violance and extrajudicial killings. As far what has been incited by this fascist mob is matter of record now and record will speak itself.

Again,this is not extrajudicial killing because I support a mob that calls them to be hanged through a judiciary process.AND,the U.S doesn't actually care about what I think about war criminals in another country.I am not a kid,stop trying to scare me.I live here and I actually know the law and what I can be executed for.But I know this if you incite violent extremism through the internet on an international forum which being of Pakistani origin and military subject might be watched by the U.S can be blacklisted from either entering the country or the U.S government might send a list to the BD government to have you arrested.I have free speech here.You can be arrested for anti government speech and top that with support for a party that might very well have links to extremists in Bangladesh.Worry about yourself.
If they are truthful no student who is the member of any communist organization will ever get into the U.S.As for extra judiciary killing no one is protesting to have them killed by hit-men but by having them hanged through the judiciary process.

I see no difference.
It has been confirmed that this is Awami League's B team. Awami League pulled a masterstroke, lets see where it takes it.

Stop being a kid and blaming everyone you hate of being a Jamaati. We have people in Bangladesh who care about the Pakistan-Bangladesh relationship rather than those who have a habit of stomping on our flags. What happened, happened. In case the writer of that post didn't notice Afghans want our land back which was taken 100+ years ago. Pakistanis don't which was taken 30+ years ago. Call it beghairati or whatever but we gave up half our land because you are happy and recognized Bangladesh.

Stop being such a belligerent person and picking fights with every Pakistani hammer-fist. I left you alone after our altercation because you are on some Ultra-chauvinist mission. Now you tag me. Also no one in Pakistan supports the taliban and these murders, especially aforementioned people.
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Stop being a kid and blaming everyone you hate of being a Jamaati. We have people in Bangladesh who care about the Pakistan-Bangladesh relationship rather than those who have a habit of stomping on our flags. What happened, happened. In case the writer of that post didn't notice Afghans want our land back which was taken 100+ years ago. Pakistanis don't which was taken 30+ years ago. Call it beghairati or whatever but we gave up half our land because you are happy and recognized Bangladesh.

Stop being such a belligerent person and picking fights with every Pakistani hammer-fist. I left you alone after our altercation because you are on some Ultra-chauvinist mission. Now you tag me. Also no one in Pakistan supports the taliban and these murders, especially aforementioned people.

Unfortunately he is getting away with this type of attack.
I wonder how far this is going to all go and how it will end.

These protests went from anti-war crimes to anti-Jamaat/Shibir to anti-Jamaat related businesses, TV stations, banks (Islami Bank which, IIRC, is one of the strongest banks in Bangladesh) to anti-religion based politics to anti-Pakistan now (Duranta Rajshahi boasting the non-participation of Pakistani players in BPL).

May Allah help us through this fitna.

Note: I am neither pro- nor anti-Jamaat, just speaking my mind.
I wonder how far this is going to all go and how it will end.

These protests went from anti-war crimes to anti-Jamaat/Shibir to anti-Jamaat related business, TV stations, banks (Islami Bank which, IIRC, is one of the strongest banks in Bangladesh) to anti-Pakistan now (Duranta Rajshahi boasting the non-participation of Pakistani players in BPL)

May Allah help us through this fitna

Note: I am neither pro- nor anti-Jamaat, just speaking my mind
it will lead to boycotting BNP, give it some time.
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