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Sexual Violence related Crimes from India: Comprehensive running thread

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Such a sad incident.. But bakhts will find justification for this as well..

Rapes happen everywhere, but the approval rate is quite high in India it seems.
When one call an animal mother and monkey as Bhagwan then one stoop to level of animal even lower than that....They see women not as their mother/sister/daughter but an object to get satisfaction or lust.

That whole story looks crap.

P.S:-Don't get offended read between the lines.
What crap?
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India until and unless it's ready to control crap and nudity in Bollywood and also is ready to give public punishments like KSA to monsters like these, this kind of crap sadly would keep growing. Even in west in those countries where there are very less crimes like robbery and murder and theft they face massive sex related crimes. For example countries like Sweden and Norway and Denmark and others.
Now how can anyone dispute all the allegations of rape that happened in the Gujarat massacres or in Kashmir under communication blackout but I’m sure Indians here will still deny anything happened.
Kindly don't post such disgusting news. This is disgusting beyond imaginations.
Mumbai: Dad rapes girl by blackmailing her over sex video with a boy
MUMBAI: A 40-year-old man, employed with a private company, has been booked by city police for raping his 17-year-old daughter by blackmailing her with a video of her having sex with her 17-year-old boyfriend. The father absconded after the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Pocso) Act Court rejected his plea for anticipatory bail.
The boyfriend, too, has been booked for rape but his plea for anticipatory bail was allowed by the court after his advocate, Vaibhav Jagtap, submitted that the crux of the allegations were against the survivor’s father and that his name was added only later in the FIR.

The matter came to light after the girl's mother found several of her nude videos in her phone’s gallery in November. The mother found the father had been taking the videos on the girl’s phone and had forgotten to delete them. The girl subsequently revealed her ordeal to her mother. The mother then lodged a complaint against the father.

In her statement to the police, the survivor said she was in a relationship with a collegemate. She said on July 15, 2019, the boy came home to seek her help for a college project. The girl said her parents were home. She said after they were done with the project, the boy ordered food for everyone. Since she was unwell, she decided to eat later. The girl said when she sat down to eat, she realised the food was over. The girl said she was angry and went to her room. Her friend came in to pacify her. She said after she had calmed down, the boy began to get intimate with her. She said despite her resistance, the boy sexually assaulted her.

The girl said she did not tell anyone about the incident. Later that day, though, when her mother was not around, her father showed her a video of her with the boy. She said her father began to blackmail her and the following morning he raped her. The girl said her father threatened to show the video of her and the boy to her mother, make it viral and divorce her mother if she told anyone of his crime.

The mother said she first saw the videos of her daughter in her phone in November. The girl said her mother had separated from her father by then and was living with her mother.

The woman said a few days later, her daughter called her on the phone and finally told her that her father was sexually harassing her. Subsequently, the mother went to the police and filed a complaint.

(The victim's identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme Court directives on cases related to sexual assault)

Please use the dedicated thread for these issues: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/sexu...om-india-comprehensive-running-thread.647607/

For now I have merged it but please be advised!
Thread is about rape in india please dont drag other countries and dont get personal!
It seems bin Qasim was no special. Indian women have been writing letters as long as time can be documented
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