Thats one problem you cannot club with the topic under discussion. How does any of what you say relate with a bunch/group of Asian men post their prime, preying on innocent underage girls and utilizing them in an organized manner for carnal pleasures and profit? Teenagers everywhere are rebellious. That doesnt give anyone excuse to prey upon them like meat for sexual pleasures. Especially those who profess to be true followers of the words of true God.
And those who are randomly bringing up rape cases, how is any of that connected to organized exploitation by Asian Muslim men of underage girls only because they happen to be white and are considered 'loose' and 'available'? What kind of mentality is that? And what kind of mentality supports, what can only be called-defense of these actions by quoting individual rape cases or blaming 'unruly' teenagers?
@Safriz - you seem to take pride in your neighbors' trust in you. Good for you. FYI, it was this kind of very trust that these animals abused to exploit these innocent girls. Text book cases!
You are misinformed on many levels....
Yes the issues of bad parenting and child sex abuse are inter related...Parents are respondible of teaching one basic thing to their children "dont talk to strangers".
The parents of these abused teens failed miserably at that,but that is no excuse for adult men to become sex predators..
You are cherry picking my comments. I never supported these men,and no if one is born in a muslim family thst does not make them saints...each to their own..
The media is painting the isdue as if it was abduction......the teens werent abducted and came after booze and drugs at the same time habing multiple secual intercourse before getting caught..
When they got caught they posed as if they were taken on gun point ny these men..
So yes there are many sides of the story.
If the teens were abducted,thst was a different thing.
And i am unaware of any case where asian teenage girls consented to sex for booxe anf drugs with white men...
I am sure many of you frantically googled for if thee were any suvh cases therewould have been news of it..
Becsuse most asian parents keep a watchful eye on their youngsters.
i bet all the expat paks are the same, maybe even worse.
I bet you are an idiot..may be even mad..