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Seven security nightmares India must prepare for

You will definetly not use it. As it will end up somewhere in Indian ocean....unless you are on fishing spree :D

And still you dont have a missile which when fired from china crosses US, Africa, middle east and then hits India... :lol:

DF-31 is reserved for eaters of hamburgers =)

hopefully these weapons will never be actually used as it would end humanity... except the massive armies hiding in underground nuclear bunkers ready to fight the last war of civilization.
Who told you that they will use DF 31 only?Maybe they will use a missle with a lesser range.

And as i said earlier....having 8000kms range doesnt mean that it has to travel 8000kms only...it can travel less also.

Your car has a 200kms max speed...is it compulsary that you have to drive at that speed only?

So there is no point of having DF 31 as centric to india? Right thats what i was saying but in a bit humorous way. Hope you understand wit
DF-31 is reserved for eaters of hamburgers =)

hopefully these weapons will never be actually used as it would end humanity... except the massive armies hiding in underground nuclear bunkers ready to fight the last war of civilization.

on light note does explicitly selects the people who eat hamburger. Damn when i come to china i will never eat hamburgers.
Thanks for posting this Nahraf ,very good and well balanced article. Whats your take on it?
Naxalite Rule Replaces Government in Wider Areas
At least 194 districts in 22 states are currently afflicted by Left Wing extremism, at various intensities. The Maoist movement in India is a well-planned and calibrated attempt by an organised and ideologically motivated political grouping to wrest power through the principles of Maoist ‘Protracted War’, and the threat it projects is enduring. The Maoist strategy of mobilisation has been extraordinarily successful over wide areas of the country, and it is misleading to assess the Maoist potential purely in terms of visible violence. Indeed, the potential for violence that has already been harnessed may well be in excess of present official assessments, and has certainly attained a geographical spread well beyond areas traditionally associated with the Maoist movement.

This is called the definition of exhaggeration!!

If Naxal rule had replaced the Govt....There would have been 1000 pound laser guided bombs raining hell on them as we speak....

Besides.....as long as the Maoists keep fighting for their rights, their cause is legit and every Indian will support more resources and rights to them....
Unless these Naxalites think they want to seperate from the Union of India, they pose no direct threat to the sovereignty of India.....

Theres bigger fish to fry
So there is no point of having DF 31 as centric to india? Right thats what i was saying but in a bit humorous way. Hope you understand wit

But who says it cant be used on India??

I only found stupidity and no humour in you post...maybe i dont understand your wit.

And lady i think you were the one to say that there is no particular country centric weapon as any weapon can be used on anyone and you gave B2 example also...so how can you say now that DF 31 is not India centric?
It is written by an Indian from Indian perspective.

Damning criticism from Nahraf. lol. I think the threats are largely trumped up. The author goes from calling Pakistan a failed state, to positing a "limit border war" with China where in the same paragraph he posts picture of China's nuclear missiles. (how's that a limited war)

Shoddy journalism by a shoddy journalist, I'd much rather listen to experts in academia on the subject.
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WHere is the real disaster

Bollywood closing! :chilli:

P.S. The op is pretty ****. Three real security nightmares: assassination of an Indian prime minister, collapse of the US economy, and Burma.
The article is full of junk and outdated Info - All Missiles in Pakistan inventory are operational which can hit India from head to tail , moreover F-16 Range is also wrong.
LOL. :lol:

You can eat hamburgers in China if you want to.

Although, if you visit China, I recommend that you try some of the local food. It's great. :cheers:

Sorry for being off topic.... For local food i dont have to come to china... we have chinese restaurants here everywhere haha :lol: you say the word china to common Indian second thing that will come to mind would be (not 1962 or some other non nonsensical crap)


I would say people are really obssessed with chow meen than any other foreign dish.:D
The biggest threat to India for now is Maoism. I think Prime Minister Singh knows a little better than fanboys online who says Pakistan or China is the threat.

And one of the biggest reason Naxalites are a threat is because ignorant people still dont consider them a threat. I have heard some real idiotic claims like "They are not a separatist movement, they are fighting for rights.", "They are our people, we can't use army against them. They are not terrorists". I used to hear similar quotes in Pakistan before the TTP showed their true face. Do u want that to happen in India?

Seriously people WAKE UP! These Naxalites are taking over our districts, killing our police, extorting our people and running a campaign against our people. Whe they ambush our CPRF Jawans, they cut off their limbs to ensure they are dead. Thats how much hate they have for Indian authority. And some B@st@rds still defend them. Its because of morons lik them that Maoism still flourishes in India.

To me anyone who defends them is a bloody traitor and should be shot dead with the rest of them. THEY are the biggest security threat to our country!
Who told you that they will use DF 31 only?Maybe they will use a missle with a lesser range.

And as i said earlier....having 8000kms range doesnt mean that it has to travel 8000kms only...it can travel less also.

Your car has a 200kms max speed...is it compulsary that you have to drive at that speed only?

Buddy you din get her sarcasm. ;)

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