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Setback for Kerala, panel says Mullaperiyar safe

First of all this is not a SC verdict on mullaperiyar. Its just a report submitted by the committee appointed by SC. The verdict of SC regarding this case is yet to come. So it cant be said that its a setback for Kerala. Kerala government can challenge the report in the court by placing arguments and documents stating that the present 110+year old reservoir is not safe. Only thing is that our lawyers have to work even more harder finding out the flaws in the report and pointing it out in the SC. When SC sought to know whether a contract could be unilaterally terminated, Mr. H Salve said the Legislature had the competence to put an end to the contract, which was not in Kerala’s interest. By legislation, a contract could be varied, altered or annulled. Remember the "Dam Safety Act" passed by Kerala assembly.
But the statement of some central ministers from TN clearly shows that the report was prepared under the influence of TN politics.
According to contract, only the dam area is leased to TN, and water is not leased. As Kerala does not gain anything from the project inside its territory, it is free to revisit or cancel the agreement. So as per the contract the water belongs to kerala and TN is only allowed to use the water for irrigation but TN is using water for producing electricty and that itself is a breach of contract. The river derives, flows and form a reservoir in its full course entirely and exclusively inside Kerala. From the revervoir, TN collects water to the eastern side of Western Ghats via a tunnel. If a proportional division of waters is done, TN will get zilch. It is the magnanimity of the people of Kerala that waters the arid plains of TN. The people of Kerala do not want to stop the water transfer. They are not even demanding their fair share. They just want to live without the fear of the dam breaching and killing hundreds of thousands in a the flash floods. However, the ingrate tamilians, true to their nature (see what they did in Sri Lanka, for example) care nothing about the security or even the lives of the people of Kerala. These idiots do not understand that if the dam bursts they will be the biggest losers. And if anything happens to this dam, all water transfers to TN from other dams in Kerala will stop due to popular outrage in Kerala and a complete boycott of TN will follow. History will be different afterwards and Tamils will be our enemy no 1..!
I was surprised when I heard the news that SC favors TN on the Dam. Actually, going threw the news in national dailies we felt SC would recommend that a new structure is to be made and money be beard by center or loan from world bank etc.

However in this regard SC knows better than us.

The most strange point I discovered by following this thread is that people in south are more emotional to the state govt and are ready to fight with each other over these stupid politicians and politics. I find TN people to be more offensive. Especially, the guys like medulla are threat to nation.
I was surprised when I heard the news that SC favors TN on the Dam. Actually, going threw the news in national dailies we felt SC would recommend that a new structure is to be made and money be beard by center or loan from world bank etc.

However in this regard SC knows better than us.

The most strange point I discovered by following this thread is that people in south are more loyal to the state govt and are ready to fight with each other over these stupid politicians and politics. I find TN people to be more offensive. Especially, the guys like medulla are threat to nation.

Gud discovery...... We fought each other but we won't kill each other ,difference are there ok...

You are frm UP you people demolished Babri majid and you knw well the consequences ryt. See we knw our limits . you people are real threat 2 nation come south India hardly you find military personnel over there , we used see paramilitary forces during the time of election.
Gud discovery...... We fought each other but we won't kill each other ,difference are there ok...

You are frm UP you people demolished Babri majid and you knw well the consequences ryt. See we knw our limits . you people are real threat 2 nation come south India hardly you find military personnel over there , we used see paramilitary forces during the time of election.
forget it you wont understand... have a separate nation for yourself :bye:
Cheap shots.. I am not the one here who said about deporting Malayaless and secceding from India. Eventhough I will be very happy if you can do the latter part.

Yeah I told why I told? somebody said that they will pass resolution in their assembly against SC(supreme body) order if it favours TN thereby they stop the SC order implementation . So I replied we pass respective resolution in our assembly to deport malayali's frm kerala and economical sanctions , wat wrong in that?.

When I talked seceding from India in this thread thats y I said that don't try cheap shots.

forget it you wont understand... have a separate nation for yourself :bye:

If you can't argue means don't talk abt us mind your business.
Yeah I told why I told? somebody said that they will pass resolution in their assembly against SC(supreme body) order if it favours TN thereby they stop the SC order implementation . So I replied we pass respective resolution in our assembly to deport malayali's frm kerala and economical sanctions , wat wrong in that?.

When I talked seceding from India in this thread thats y I said that don't try cheap shots.

OMG..Tamilians have so much respect for SC that TN assembly passed resolution in favor of pardon for Rajiv Gandhi killers for whom SC(supreme body) gave death sentence.

As for deporting Malayalees, I would very much like to see you go ahead and do it. Don't forget we have also about 6 lakh Tamils living and earning in Kerala.
OMG..Tamilians have so much respect for SC that TN assembly passed resolution in favor of pardon for Rajiv Gandhi killers for whom SC(supreme body) gave death sentence.

As for deporting Malayalees, I would very much like to see you go ahead and do it. Don't forget we have also about 6 lakh Tamils living and earning in Kerala.
the bolded part is a need less statement, the conspiritors(not killers) in the Rajiv Gandhi case have already served 20 + years in jail and its not humane to hang them after they have already gone through a life imprisonment. so if your madani can walk tall after KOVI bomb blast why not Perarivalan and the rest?
Mallus indulging in Tamil bashing again, bring off topic rants. If it was any other state, Mallus would have been driven out of the state after Madani and his wife's terrorist attack in Tamil Nadu for no reason. What's worse is the support Madani receives and the kerala government's unwillingness to take action against him.
the bolded part is a need less statement, the conspiritors(not killers) in the Rajiv Gandhi case have already served 20 + years in jail and its not humane to hang them after they have already gone through a life imprisonment.

Unless President pardons, they should hang

so if your madani can walk tall after KOVI bomb blast why not Perarivalan and the rest?

Madani was an undertrial and pls... i don't have any symapthy for him. He is now in a Karnataka Jail for different sets of cases.
Mallus indulging in Tamil bashing again, bring off topic rants. If it was any other state, Mallus would have been driven out of the state after Madani and his wife's terrorist attack in Tamil Nadu for no reason. What's worse is the support Madani receives and the kerala government's unwillingness to take action against him.

Madani was an undertrial for 9 years and TN police was never able to connect him to the crime and now he is in a Karnataka Jail.
Unless President pardons, they should hang
its not the unilatral decession of the President, when a pardon letter reaches the preidents office, the president shoud seek the advice of the home ministry in taking a decession and this should have been quick not this long and now if your family member is same scenario will you be acepting the verdict of the president if he/she does not pardon even after your family member serving life sentence in a prison.

if you say so, then you are the inhumane person i have ever come accross in my life.
its not the unilatral decession of the President, when a pardon letter reaches the preidents office, the president shoud seek the advice of the home ministry in taking a decession and this should have been quick not this long and now if your family member is same scenario will you be acepting the verdict of the president if he/she does not pardon even after your family member serving life sentence in a prison.

if you say so, then you are the inhumane person i have ever come accross in my life.

Why should I care?

I only posted this example to show that when on one side Tamils tell Malayalees to uphold and respect SC court verdict (which is yet to come i might add) but on the otherside goes against it bcs it concerns them.
Madani was an undertrial for 9 years and TN police was never able to connect him to the crime and now he is in a Karnataka Jail.
His wife who conspired bus bomb blast is still roaming free. Still I cannot comprehend the support they receive. Looks like Tamil lives don't matter there. Why don't your religious fanatics settle their scores in your state? Why bring it to a religiously harmonious place like Tamil Nadu repeatedly? The thing to remember is still the Tamils were cultured enough not to involve in violence against keralites.
Why should I care?

I only posted this example to show when on one side Tamils tell Malayalees to uphold and respect SC court verdict (which is yet to come i might add) but on the otherside goes against it bcs it concerns them.
can't you see the difference, the DAM issue is a issue of technical calculations but the case of Pararivalan and others is a case of moral judgement. if you do not see this difference you need both IQ and EQ
can't you see the difference, the DAM issue is a issue of technical calculations but the case of Pararivalan and others is a case of moral judgement. if you do not see this difference you need both IQ and EQ

You Tamilains need more EQ to understand the feelings and fear of a community who lives under a 119 year old dam..the only one of this type in the world still standing but you are only concerned with technical calculations. Thats the problem of having more IQ but no EQ.
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