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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

@ KHANZ4996 - I have seen all your posts in this thread and would ask you to read them as well. My conclusion is that you are a very confused man. You blame army is killing innocent pashtuns and you raise the flag of pashtun nationalism and then you post the Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT) material to justify its existence. What is your real point ? I don't think even you know it. Why you bring these issues in a thread that is related to arrest of a Brig ?

What I know of HUT is as follows.

Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT) is the MOST stupid org I have seen as far as UK is concerned. It is responsible for the creation of English Defence League (EDL) in UK due to a demo held by HUT against the British Army soldiers returning from war in Iraq. They (HUT) held the demo at the time of return of British soldiers with play cards "child killers" and so on. This demo inflamed the white extremist nucleus in the British society resulting in creation of EDL. The EDL is now the biggest threat to muslims existence in UK, Europe and has even joined hands with anti-Islam elements in US (for example the people like the priest who wanted to burn Quran and those who oppose the construction of mosque near ground zero). EDL stance has also benefited other anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan elements in UK like the Hindu groups.

HUT leader went to Lebanon from UK (he was living in UK on public funds for a number of years and yet calling the other muslims to rise against the West and US) because he did not want to live in an infidel country :what: The UK govt cancelled his visa and declined a re-entry to UK. When Israel attacked Lebanon this HUT leader wanted to run back to UK (an infidel country) because he was sure at that time that Israel will run over Lebanon and he will have no place to hide :woot:.

To catch this Brig is a good thing.

Making it public is also a good thing. It will increase the confidence of public and international world in PA. It will create fear in those who are like this Brig (if he is guilty).
Those were isolated incidents of anger boiling over. These men have seen their brothers in arms being butchered followed by gross mutilation of their bodies. Any person they killed MUST have been some one very active. We had an elderly Talib in Bajaur agency who urinated and defecated on the bodies of our dead. When he surrendered to us, public favour was in favour of his execution but we restrained ourselves. Soon after he was killed by the Taliban themselves. In these few incidents, it just so happened that good sense took a back seat. These two videos do not represent this vast campaign.

thanks for clearing my mind as i am from a military faimly but it was utmost important for me to be clear in my head as enemy could attack anytime and we all should be prepared and these videos dosent stop me fighting against enemy and dosent stop me recognizing between enemy and friend.i know they are the enemies and i even know most of them killed were not even circumsized and one imam in swat was imam of a mosque for 25 years but when investigated upon he was a singh and raw agent destablizing us and feed propaganda. thanks alot and May ALLAH Protect all our armed forces in every kind of situtation and i have full faith in Allah that victory will be ours and victory is near.Allah hu Akbar.thanks for protecting our homeland
Why should that info remain hidden? If there is any officer who violates code of conduct of PA should be made public, to pretend that we are not dual face people and any culprit is dealt accordingly.

The problem starts when you try to paint 'whole' institution with same brush.

This will further dignify our army that we dont have any extremists in our army, if there are any, will be convicted.

Really and did you ever find out about those officers who were penalized over the safety and security of nukes just a few months back, did you?(lt gen Retd Amjad Shoaib just mentioned that on a program on ARY One World)
And what about Indian spies, one of them once made it to the rank of a brig, But did you ever hear about them?
So why just make an example out of this guy? Oh yeah that's right because by doing that we will be embraced by Americans. It has nothing to do with being two faced, its all about keeping certain things hidden from normal public to protect the integrity of the institutions, this is a common practice of almost all military's of the world.
@ KHANZ4996 - I have seen all your posts in this thread and would ask you to read them as well. My conclusion is that you are a very confused man. You blame army is killing innocent pashtuns and you raise the flag of pashtun nationalism and then you post the Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT) material to justify its existence. What is your real point ? I don't think even you know it. Why you bring these issues in a thread that is related to arrest of a Brig ?

What I know of HUT is as follows.

Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT) is the MOST stupid org I have seen as far as UK is concerned. It is responsible for the creation of English Defence League (EDL) in UK due to a demo held by HUT against the British Army soldiers returning from war in Iraq. They (HUT) held the demo at the time of return of British soldiers with play cards "child killers" and so on. This demo inflamed the white extremist nucleus in the British society resulting in creation of EDL. The EDL is now the biggest threat to muslims existence in UK, Europe and has even joined hands with anti-Islam elements in US (for example the people like the priest who wanted to burn Quran and those who oppose the construction of mosque near ground zero). EDL stance has also benefited other anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan elements in UK like the Hindu groups.

HUT leader went to Lebanon from UK (he was living in UK on public funds for a number of years and yet calling the other muslims to rise against the West and US) because he did not want to live in an infidel country :what: The UK govt cancelled his visa and declined a re-entry to UK. When Israel attacked Lebanon this HUT leader wanted to run back to UK (an infidel country) because he was sure at that time that Israel will run over Lebanon and he will have no place to hide :woot:.

To catch this Brig is a good thing.

Making it public is also a good thing. It will increase the confidence of public and international world in PA. It will create fear in those who are like this Brig (if he is guilty).
its not about nationalism its about discrimination and i am worried coz i dont want another bangla episode coz we cant afford it and about HUT they are doing nothing wrong as far as defending muslims and khilafa is concerned i am against all terrorist acts as my city is worst affected from it i am here for solutions and answers which are growing in our minds.who banned HuT?musharaf and where is musharraf living today britain this proves it that its a outside order implemented as outside powers are more scared of unity of muslims then pakistan army you should understand some facts.and anyone who fights pakistan army is the enemy but i HuT is not a terrorist organization just like LeT
It is a good development.
And how exactly is that a good step? If there was one, then it's justified to assume that there would more like him,NO? and since the army has gone public, This implies that they have given the heads up to all those who have any such links and now they will go into hiding. So what exactly did we achieve by going to public with all the hoopla?
Really and did you ever find out about those officers who were penalized over the safety and security of nukes just a few months back, did you?(lt gen Retd Amjad Shoaib just mentioned that on a program on ARY One World)
And what about Indian spies, one of them once made it to the rank of a brig, But did you ever hear about them?
So why just make an example out of this guy? Oh yeah that's right because by doing that we will be embraced by Americans. Its has nothing to do with being two faced, its all about keeping certain things hidden from normal public to protect the integrity of the institutions, this is a common practice of almost all military's of the world.
The info to be made public to the extent it does not affect institution as a whole. Exactly to the extent as made in this particular case.
I am really not aware of the cases you mentioned. Spies are there in every military of the world.
But think for a moment, if we keep hiding these kind of facts and these are surfaced through any other source, say from spies, It will be more damaging for the army and that will make the whole institution suspect of being radicalized.
This Investigation is Actually part of the operations against CIA MOSAAD agents ,and we will see how Army Handle this delicate matter, As three generations of this Officer's family have been serving in Army , Even now His Brother and son are in Army.
It is rather surprising Involvement of such a man in these things

It is also possible that it was a setup for him by CIA, Mosaad and MI6 to malign the Army....:what:
@ KHANZ4996 - I have seen all your posts in this thread and would ask you to read them as well. My conclusion is that you are a very confused man. You blame army is killing innocent pashtuns and you raise the flag of pashtun nationalism and then you post the Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT) material to justify its existence. What is your real point ? I don't think even you know it. Why you bring these issues in a thread that is related to arrest of a Brig ?

What I know of HUT is as follows.

Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT) is the MOST stupid org I have seen as far as UK is concerned. It is responsible for the creation of English Defence League (EDL) in UK due to a demo held by HUT against the British Army soldiers returning from war in Iraq. They (HUT) held the demo at the time of return of British soldiers with play cards "child killers" and so on. This demo inflamed the white extremist nucleus in the British society resulting in creation of EDL. The EDL is now the biggest threat to muslims existence in UK, Europe and has even joined hands with anti-Islam elements in US (for example the people like the priest who wanted to burn Quran and those who oppose the construction of mosque near ground zero). EDL stance has also benefited other anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan elements in UK like the Hindu groups.

HUT leader went to Lebanon from UK (he was living in UK on public funds for a number of years and yet calling the other muslims to rise against the West and US) because he did not want to live in an infidel country :what: The UK govt cancelled his visa and declined a re-entry to UK. When Israel attacked Lebanon this HUT leader wanted to run back to UK (an infidel country) because he was sure at that time that Israel will run over Lebanon and he will have no place to hide :woot:.

To catch this Brig is a good thing.

Making it public is also a good thing. It will increase the confidence of public and international world in PA. It will create fear in those who are like this Brig (if he is guilty).

Infact this HUT is run by Mosaad and MI6 ...so divide Muslims ....:smokin:
its not about nationalism its about discrimination and i am worried coz i dont want another bangla episode coz we cant afford it and about HUT they are doing nothing wrong as far as defending muslims and khilafa is concerned i am against all terrorist acts as my city is worst affected from it i am here for solutions and answers which are growing in our minds.who banned HuT?musharaf and where is musharraf living today britain this proves it that its a outside order implemented as outside powers are more scared of unity of muslims then pakistan army you should understand some facts.and anyone who fights pakistan army is the enemy but i HuT is not a terrorist organization just like LeT

You dont want another BD; right, but this is not the way to make your argument. Your posts give a sense of immense inflammatory response and such kind of arguments create more problem (rather than solving it). In future, think before you post. There are lot of "different" kind of people appear on this forum. Even those who are in the disguise of a Pakistani or Muslim but seek to create a divide between Pakistanis and Muslims. Be careful

HUT is NOT right at all. They are not defending muslims, they are weakening them I have given you an example already in my post above. A STUPID and BRAINLESS leadership is the best asset of your enemy and this is what HUT is: STUPID and BRAINLESS.

Musharraf banned HUT and if he is in UK now then it has nothing to do with HUT. It is only because of turn of events. Musharraf was also an example of a stupid and brainless leadership
The info to be made public to the extent it does not affect institution as a whole. Exactly to the extent as made in this particular case.
I am really not aware of the cases you mentioned. Spies are there in every military of the world.
But think for a moment, if we keep hiding these kind of facts and these are surfaced through any other source, say from spies, It will be more damaging for the army and that will make the whole institution suspect of being radicalized.

You are not aware of them because the Army decided to conceal them like they always do, so why go to public with this particular case?
will surface via spies you mentioned like what? that Pakistani nukes are not safe and we have Taliban sympathizers who are sabotaging our f-16s, feel free to correct me, but haven't these reports already surfaced? But do we really feel embarrassed by what the American or Indian espionage has to say about us? So why are we getting extra sensitive about the so-called reports of the spies now?

And how are you certain that this jovial out burst wouldn't have alarmed more moles like him?
The info to be made public to the extent it does not affect institution as a whole. Exactly to the extent as made in this particular case.
will you back your words with a stern pledge that the next time Americans are sitting around a bargaining table with Pakistan and they will not try to bring up the issue of extremists in Pakistan Military? Can you? Can you zip the mouths of all those skeptics who will now have cogent proof that Indeed Pakistan army has been infiltrated by extremists.
And how exactly is that a good step? If there was one, then it's justified to assume that there would more like him,NO? and since the army has gone public, This implies that they have given the heads up to all those who have any such links and now they will go into hiding. So what exactly did we achieve by going to public with all the hoopla?

It is good for following reasons:

1. It will make international world more confident about PA that the army as an institution is not an extremist supporter. Remember this was the international media was trying to portray the PA as (an extension and supporter of Talibans and extremists).

2. It will build the image of army as a professional organization based on principles, rules, regulations and training rather than a rag-tag rogue force.

3. Others cannot go in hiding. Army has made these details public long after the arrest. Which means they have already investigated him completely and have found any other links, if there were any.
Really and did you ever find out about those officers who were penalized over the safety and security of nukes just a few months back, did you?(lt gen Retd Amjad Shoaib just mentioned that on a program on ARY One World)
And what about Indian spies, one of them once made it to the rank of a brig, But did you ever hear about them?
So why just make an example out of this guy? Oh yeah that's right because by doing that we will be embraced by Americans. It has nothing to do with being two faced, its all about keeping certain things hidden from normal public to protect the integrity of the institutions, this is a common practice of almost all military's of the world.

The military has to be pro-active and flexible in countering propaganda and criticizm. The fact of the matter is that the raid on GHQ, PNS Mehran and US propaganda and Pakistan's own liberal military bashing commentators have shifted the discourse towards 'extremism in the military'. If the Military stays silent on the anti-extremist actions it is taking, it loses the ability to make its POV heard, and the voices of those criticizing and maligning it end up winning the public discourse, and that has very negative implications from the stand point of 'public support for the Army'.

Its not a matter of 'consistency in disclosure', rather one of adjusting the military media policy to counter new challenges and retain public support.

If the military does not adjust, it will lose the battle of public perceptions.
By the way don't we need a change in the title of the thread.

Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with banned organization.

He has no links with TTP or LeJ so word militant seems inappropriate.
By the way don't we need a change in the title of the thread.

Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with banned organization.

He has no links with TTP or LeJ so word militant seems inappropriate.

Don't forget ''Innocent until proven guilty''
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