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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

Good going, arrest all these snakes hiding in any institutions, extract every drop of information, than make their execution example for other snakes. Torture them & than bury them alive. These snakes live & eat of Pakistan & helping those terrorists who are against Pakistan.

The root cause: All the civilian governments through out Pakistan's history and the politicians and their jealousy for money and chair. Had they worked for the welfare of the country and it's citizen all this would not have happened in the first place.
salute to Brig Ali Khan.....!!!!! I pray to Allah to give us more khans like that so that we can steer the agenda of pakistan in a different direction. Brave is not the guy who can become a general. brave is a guy who was DS NDU , did a war coarse and then could not become a general because of his pro islamic ideas. and see where he has landed now. Salute to his resolve and faith in Allah..

PS: its my personal wish for the officer. i am not defending or rebutting any thing.
so atlast t-faz expresses his fears!!

i know u fear strictness of islamic state n can understand!! but living few years under pure,complete islamic system u will b normal trust me...wen we warn u of CIA and currupt agents rulers and their plans u never show such firm responce unfortunately this atittude is the rason of ummah's weakness
i warn and request u guys...try to speak against those who are our enemies..try to unite as 1 ummah,serve urself...fear ALLAH
the day u prove h.t wrong i will support u but i will work with them for establishment of islamic state till then! i h.t never taught me anything but islam!! i have tested them

First of all we don't fear living under Shariah, majority of Pakistanis and Muslims would go for it, but problem is whose Shariah Laws are you talking about ?? Which version of the Shariah Law, which sects Shariah Law interpretation would be followed ?? Are Shias gonna live under the Shariah law introduced by the Sunnis, or vice versa. I bet even the different sects within the Sunnis are gonna challenge the interpretation of the Shariah Law as per their own sects.

People are not scared by the Shariah Law, people get scared of the version of the Shariah law which is gonna be implemented and how is it gonna be interpreted by the ones who implement it. We saw that in Afghanistan by the Taliban, similar examples are there.
Look - who issues the list of 'banned organizations' in Pakistan?

The interior ministry, correct?

So those of you who consider the HuT to be 'innocent and harmless' can petition the 'elected representatives' to reverse the listing against the HuT - that is what the electorate is supposed to do, raise their concerns, through the media or whatever other means they have, about issues and get the politicians to act accordingly.

If the politicians don't listen, vote them out, and if the next set doesn't listen, vote them out too - then they'll get the message and fall in line.

Of course, for that to work we need an independent Election Commission, judiciary and largely free and fair elections.

and what if COAS himself makes arrangements for the the different blood suckers civilian parties to work together and to continue to enjoy the sitting on the chair and allow them to suck the blood of the public!

As COAS he has shown, so far, a significant amount of restraint in terms of getting involved in domestic politics. He reportedly brokered the conflict between Zardari and the Sharifs, which resulted in the restoration of the Chaudhry Supreme Court, and the Sharif Government in Punjab.
Looks like you thought about your skin color, I was talking about the color in your id, I can see that it is now black. So some moderator read what I wrote.

Lolx, I was really confused over your post but it's crystal clear now. If anything, your post got me a promotion!
But you would agree that there are PROBABLY many officers/Jawans who have been radicalized by Mullahs posted to units! I had read somewhere that these guys secretly encourage extremist views and try and 'brainwash' the gullible. I don't know how far this is true but if it is, the first thing that needs to be done is to get these radicalised Mullahs out of the Defence Forces.

It used to be the case before 2004, but there was a huge purge after the attacks on Gen(r). Pervez Musharraf in which any officer/jawans with ties to militant organizations were flagged, tagged and if proven, removed from the military. The military is now largely clean of all militant influence, however there are always a few black sheep who sit behind a desk and think they know better than those out in the field. Any body who has been in the field has no sympathy for these people. Support for banned outfits is usually limited to lip service only because the military is non-aligned, allegiance to any political or religious party can lead to expulsion.
That is also same as West sponsored COAS

If Kayani was sponsored by the west, then why would Pak-America relations be at an all-time low since 2001 ? I would think a sponsored COAS would make all sorts of compromises to end this rough patch, not worsen it by expelling 345 American soldiers from Pakistan............
salute to Brig Ali Khan.....!!!!! I pray to Allah to give us more khans like that so that we can steer the agenda of pakistan in a different direction. Brave is not the guy who can become a general. brave is a guy who was DS NDU , did a war coarse and then could not become a general because of his pro islamic ideas. and see where he has landed now. Salute to his resolve and faith in Allah..

PS: its my personal wish for the officer. i am not defending or rebutting any thing.

Does following HuT make you a good muslim ?
Is joining HuT the criteria for entering heaven ?
Can I not be a good muslim without HuT ?

The army is made for the protection of the state, the state declared HuT to be outlawed. It's every soldier's responsibility to distance himself from HuT because we follow orders.
Hang all the corrupt officials of all the government departments; civilian or non-civilian.

Why only him?

With our judicial system, not possible.
In military courts, possible.
But civilians can't stand military courts because our people are not used to speedy, even-handed justice...........
Does following HuT make you a good muslim ?
Is joining HuT the criteria for entering heaven ?
Can I not be a good muslim without HuT ?

The army is made for the protection of the state, the state declared HuT to be outlawed. It's every soldier's responsibility to distance himself from HuT because we follow orders.

army pays you salary but that salary cant buy your faith!!!MOSES was raised in pharoahs (remsis - 2) home. does this should have made MOSES indebt to his mythology .... NO....MOSES was exalted when he preached the true faith .....

Pak Army is not ultravires from the rulings of ISLAM. on day of judgement the COAS or the commendation meddals will not protect anyone.

one more thing. pakistan was not made by the army. it was made by the pro islamist people.

iqbal was a wali ullah.
the deobandi movement united muslims after 1857 collapse.
it were deobandis who launched khilafat movement.
it were these pathans who fought britishers in FATA when there was no PAK ARMY.
it were the deobandi scholars who started movements to gather people. one example is the khaksar movement which was inspired by the the muslim brotherhood of egypt.
it were the islamist who motivated men who defeated russians. while the son of general akhtar became an industrialist.
it were the islamist and deobandi of pakistan who pinned 0.6 million indian army in kashmir while the pak army surrendered in bangladesh.
salute to Brig Ali Khan.....!!!!! I pray to Allah to give us more khans like that so that we can steer the agenda of pakistan in a different direction. Brave is not the guy who can become a general. brave is a guy who was DS NDU , did a war coarse and then could not become a general because of his pro islamic ideas. and see where he has landed now. Salute to his resolve and faith in Allah..

PS: its my personal wish for the officer. i am not defending or rebutting any thing.


It is leading Pakistan into oblivion!

Smell the coffee!
army pays you salary but that salary cant buy your faith!!!MOSES was raised in pharoahs (remsis - 2) home. does this should have made MOSES indebt to his mythology .... NO....MOSES was exalted when he preached the true faith .....

Pak Army is not ultravires from the rulings of ISLAM. one day of judgement the COAS or the commendation meddals will not protect anyone.

Our faith is the protection of our country. Describe faith to me, what is it in your opinion ? If it is following maulvis and shaking your head on everything they say then I'm sorry, at least I cannot call myself muslim, but if it is what the Holy Prophet taught, then I do stand a chance and everyone else in the Army.
Our faith is the protection of our country. Describe faith to me, what is it in your opinion ? If it is following maulvis and shaking your head on everything they say then I'm sorry, at least I cannot call myself muslim, but if it is what the Holy Prophet taught, then I do stand a chance and everyone else in the Army.



we call indians as infidel in pakistan because they dont worship Allah , but Allah tells us that if you dont use shariah for major decisions then you are infidel. DID WE USE SHARIAH WHILE BRIDGING RELATION WITH NATO. DOES SHARIAH ALLOW US TO SHAKE HAND WITH PEOPLE WHO KILLED 1.2 MILLION MUSLIMS IN IRAQ AND COUNTLESS IN AFGHANISTAN??

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