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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

Seems like BBC Urdu is hell bent on making this particular individual look like a innocent man who was challenging the west leaning policies of the leadership.

I would not be surprised if HT has some men working for BBC who are using the press to promote their cause.
I could not read at all, I used to get a Zero in Urdu so the reason is clear.

Someone please list the main points for peoples like moi.

Here is the Translation:

O sincere officers within Pakistan’s armed forces!

Remove the traitors amongst the civilian and military leadership,

Fulfill your obligation by establishing the Khilafah

On 18 May 2011, commenting on America’s violation of Pakistan’s airspace and territory during the Abottobad attack, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates, declared, “If I were in Pakistani shoes, I would say I’ve already paid a price. I’ve been humiliated. I’ve been shown that the Americans can come in here and do this with impunity.”

It was upon the civil and military leadership to mobilize to protect the Muslims from further harm at the hands of the Americans. It was upon them to expel all the American military, who roam around within the GHQ, bases and installations, free to spy and seek out their weaknesses. It was upon them to expel all the American intelligence and private military organizations, who supervise attacks by using the easily infiltrated, loosely structured Taleban, as was clear in the case of Raymond Davis and other incidents. These attacks on military and civilian locations are to create an atmosphere of Fitna to justify America’s crusade on the tribal areas.

But instead of taking all the necessary steps to secure Muslims, the traitors amongst the civilian and military leadership rushed to protect America, trying to calm both the angry masses and you, O sincere officers of Pakistan’s Armed Forces. So, it was little surprise that the Muslims again counted their dead in Karachi, after an attack on the Mehran naval airbase on 22-23 May 2011, and it is expected that they will count more dead as the Americans are determined to push the Pakistan armed forces into Kurram agency and North Waziristan.

Moreover, the treachery of the traitors has made the Americans even bolder. US President, Obama, spoke on 22 May of more attacks in Pakistan, saying, “We’ve killed more terrorists on Pakistani soil than anywhere else … But there’s more work to do,” The Americans speak now, just as the East India Company used to speak before occupying the Muslim ruled Indian Subcontinent, by arguing for the need of a stronger military to protect its trade interests. On 22 May 2011, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates argued that a stronger US military is needed, “to protect trade routes and energy supplies, and to deter would-be adversaries from making the kind of miscalculations that so often lead to war.”

O sincere officers of Pakistan’s armed forces!

These traitors care not for Pakistan, the Muslim Lands, the Muslims or Islam. Their first and only priority is to secure their personal benefit and keep themselves in the favor of their master, America. In order to break your resolve so that you submit to their treachery, the traitors claim that Muslims would starve without America. But in reality it is the traitors who would lose their personal wealth without America, and America would lose her ability to exploit the Ummah’s immense resources, whilst the Ummah would prosper.

The Western interest-based loans to countries like Pakistan are neither aid nor assistance but a burden and means to exploitation. Because of interest, dozens of countries, like Pakistan, have paid back the principal sums many times over but still remain in debt. Moreover, the loans come with conditions to prevent the country from realizing its actual capability, by imposing conditions regarding public properties such as energy and minerals, as well as regarding taxation and currency, unleashing rises in the prices of basic needs and rampant general inflation. This is why the world’s most resource rich countries, such as the Muslim countries, are reduced to what the West insists on calling the “developing” world, as if the West were mocking them, even though the capitalist loans will never ever allow them to develop.

As for the traitors, it has been an open secret since the sixties of the last century, that they steal funds from loans and contracts with the consent of their master America, which is clear from their personal wealth before and after they came to office! So, is it not time to reject this so-called economic help, implement Islam and unleash the actual potential of the Ummah,! An Ummah whose current resources dwarf those of the Western nations, an Ummah which under Islam was the economic envy of the world for over one thousand years?

O sincere officers of Pakistan’s armed forces!

The lying traitors also claim that Pakistan cannot survive without a military alliance with America. But in reality the traitors depend on America for their own thrones and survival, and in reality Pakistan would thrive without America.

The alliance with America, in its crusade against Muslims, has unleashed great devastation on Pakistan. Tens of billions of dollars have been lost from the economy, hundreds of thousands have been made homeless or displaced from their homes, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed, as well as thousands of armed forces and security personnel. Is this not as if Pakistan has already been attacked by an enemy? As for the military technology from America, America provides enough to ensure the dependence upon it and she will never give that which will allow the armed forces of the Muslims to pursue an independent course based on the actual interests of the Ummah. This is why America provides Pakistan twenty five year old fighter planes, whilst Obama’s envoy John Kerry stole away the tail fin of the American stealth helicopter that crashed in Abbotobad, under a smoke screen of claims that America fears that China would acquire the technology, even though China already has the like of it. The truth is that America fears the Muslims would acquire it!

As for facing America’s wrath, the kafir colonialist states are big on the surface but fragile from the inside. They have great weapons but they lack great men. Weapons without men are ineffective before a believing Ummah whose weapons are different to that of its enemy. This is why America has faced poorly armed mujahideen for nearly ten years, yet she has been unable to settle her occupation in Afghanistan and now she is forced to seek withdrawal and negotiations. If Pakistan only withdrew its military support, closed America’s bases, cut the supply line to America’s forces in Afghanistan, America’s actual strength would become obvious. Moreover, will an American nation that seeks only this life, with a collapsing, if not completely collapsed, economy, accept any more losses of its 100,000 troops in Afghanistan, or disruption of its fuel supplies or attacks on its trade ships on the Arabian seas? Or can it afford to fight the sixth largest armed forces in the world, of believing Muslims and with nuclear weapons? And this is why on 11 March 2009, in his presentation to key Obama officials including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael G. Mullen, Chairman of the Interagency Policy Review of Afghanistan-Pakistan for the Obama administration, Bruce O. Riedel, said they had looked at the extreme option of invading Pakistan, and, of course, immediately dismissed it. Invading a country that possessed dozens of nuclear weapons would be something beyond madness. Everyone agreed.

Is it not time, O dear officers, to tear up this so-called alliance by uprooting the traitors and is It not time to implement the Khilafah in their place? The Khilafah which was the decision-maker in international politics and the world order, whose armed forces were regarded as invincible, with emperors and kings fearing to face it. The Khilafah manufactured its own weapons, from cannons to torpedoes that were the marvels of their era. And the coming Khilafah’s political will regarding securing the Muslims and Islam will be unconstrained due to the fact that the Khilafah will not rely upon others for armaments, but will build a powerful industrial base to lead the world in the field of military technology once again.

O sincere officers in Pakistan’s armed forces!

Today, the entire Ummah demands Islam and its state the Khilafah, from Tunisia to Indonesia, from Sudan to Uzbekistan. The need of the time is the Khilafah to gather the Ummah as the single most resourceful state in the world. And whilst you look upon the Muslim’s humiliation, misery and despair, this Ummah looks upon you as the sincere officers of the most powerful armed forces in the Ummah that can make Pakistan the starting point for that Khilafah. Is it not high time that the brutal America who have laid waste to nations from South America to South East Asia are brought down to their actual weight and become a dark stain on history as the tyrannical Roman and Persian empires before them? Is it not time that this Ummah is elevated to its rightful position as the leaders of humankind as it was for over a millennium, opening the lands to Islam, rescuing the people from the oppression of man-made law? Do you not yearn for this great honour that will raise your status on the day of all Days, the Day of Standing before your Lord? Grant the Nussrah now to Hizb ut Tahrir for the re-establishment of Islam as a state and rule, the Khilafah, so as to punish the tyrants and heal the hearts of the believers.

قَاتِلُوهُمْ يُعَذِّبْهُمُ اللَّهُ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ وَيُخْزِهِمْ وَيَنْصُرْكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَيَشْفِ صُدُورَ قَوْمٍ مُؤْمِنِينَ

“Fight against them so that Allâh will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people,” [Surah At-Tawba 9:14]
Hizb-ut-Tahrir 3 June 2011
Wilayah Pakistan 1 Rajab 1432 AH
Thank you for the translation,

Well, O boy, there are too many O's in this letter.

The reply should be as follows:

O People, thou shall not waste thy precious time reading thy letter that cometh from Hiz-butt-Tahrir.

And O people, reply to thee, thy letter is confused indeed.
To begin with, the Pakistan army could have and should have, been up front with the Pakistani nation -"

not sure how, and why really. (let me explain what I mean)

my short version is that our youth need to be re-taught about the value of life & the compatibility of religion and peace because they are the ones that make up the ranks of the forces. Once that source is sorted, the institutions will be sorted to (after a generation or two, the present rotten lot can be identified and removed in the mean time). No need to read more if you got what I mean.

with a nation that praises Mutaz qadri and idealises invaders and looters as Islamic heroes as if invading & plundering Indian states was a religious duty, there is hardly any reason to explain because people like this Brigadier are only reflecting the public attitude I suspect that this news and any future reports will only generate praise and satisfaction among the Jamat Islami , Nawaz league and other religious organisations that their job is done.

Just like the Tableeghi Jamaat succeeded into penetrating the Pakistani cricket and turned sportsmen into something that has nothing to do with the game of cricket, it was just a matter of time that similar stories about army were to come out. Remember the role of the government officials in Sawat? Some of them were known to be followers of that Mullah Sawati and were even allegedly involved in smuggling terrorists and weapons in government vehicles and might have played in the murder of captured soldiers. That Brigadier might just become reveared like Mumtaz Qadri after his release from detention and service.

We petty much lost the reason and essence of Pakistan with the death of Quaid e Azam (may his soul rest in peace) and afterwards the systematic elimination of founding leadership who died in isolation and/ or mysterious circumstances (e.g. Fatima Jinnah).
Regarding the army, the purge and cleansing process was started in Musharaf era and is on going but it will really take few generations to see any impact because look at the source pool my friend? The quality of youth with average (at best) to below average education (& mental grasp) that is fully exposed to sectarian intolerance and religious bigotry and is taught to praise and idealise the likes of Muhammad Bin Qasim & Mehmood Ghaznavi at the level of some revered saints then it means that this raw source pool that is potentially going to fill the ranks of soldiers and officers in the future needs to be fixed first and that would need (as I said earlier) few generations to take effect.

And (only) if the process is consistent, thorough and complete with full dedication to bring up the youth of the future with love and respect for life, without prejudice and discrimination and pride and honour towards country and acceptance of the fact that there are people with differing political and religious thoughts and if they don’t bother you or don’t impose on your way of life then let them be and don’t be a pest like TTP (& its political mouthpiece organisations).
It has everything this forum allows to be posted everyday - the man made laws as opposed to their Divine laws (nobody's bothered to explain to these village idiots that Shariah is itself man made), the Khalifate, of course, and the Ummah and of course the purpose of all this:

Grant the Nussrah now to Hizb ut Tahrir for the re-establishment of Islam as a state and rule, the Khilafah, so as to punish the tyrants and heal the hearts of the believers.

What is with these people and punishment? They seem to be in love with this whole idea that the purpose of the state is to punish, the more cruel the better (more Islamic you know, Na?)

It's not just that the message is so lame, but that it actually appeals to army rank and file
It has everything this forum allows to be posted everyday - the man made laws as opposed to their Divine laws (nobody's bothered to explain to these village idiots that Shariah is itself man made), the Khalifate, of course, and the Ummah and of course the purpose of all this:

What is with these people and punishment? They seem to be in love with this whole idea that the purpose of the state is to punish, the more cruel the better (more Islamic you know, Na?)

It's not just that the message is so lame, but that it actually appeals to army rank and file

This pretty much is the crux of this ideology
How much pain and suffering can be inflicted to the unfortunate subjects. The more nuisance and a pest a person to the society, more grandeur and regal he is in the eyes of (select) faithful followers of Ibn Abdul Wahab.

Forget about mercy or kindness because these are the attributes of Allah and man is but prone to mistakes (too bad if that poor bastard happens to live in the land of Taliban) so it’s the duty of every righteous zealot to inflict punishment to establish the faith because that’s all this ideology has got, hatred, bigotry and violence remove it and you got just another “normal” Sunni Muslim no one is interested in.

now it will be interesting to see how Mr Brig. enjoys this wrong (read right) side of the stick. There are always subtle give away signs that look innocent but have more darker and sinister side to them when “probed”.
the righteous punishment he was so keen in propagating is directed his way or as they say in the military terms, just happened to have a blue on blue situation (wait that’s an infidel term, would green on green do?)
couldnt agree with you more on this, and that is why its important that action wud be taken against such people

Pakistan FIRST.
hmm kuch aeisa nara lganay walao na he pakistan ko koriyoon k daam baycha...infact they sold themselves and their price is pakistan!!

in taza khudaoon me bara sb say watn hai

dont feel like discusin it as ur anti islamic thinkin is clear!...but

"And verily this Ummah of yours IS A SINGLE UMMAH and I am your Lord and Cherisher: Therefore Fear Me (and no other)."


It is narrated by Abu Daud that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyah or who dies for `Asabiyah."

" ...People should give up their pride in nations because this is a coal from the coals of hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than a lowly worm which pushes itself through khur (feces)." [abu Dawd and Tirmidhi].
The problem is that contrary to what you perceive, things are not as straightforward and simple as that.

Allah has given us a brain to use and going back in time, many Caliphs were more competent due to this quality. How can you potentially argue that we not use our brains?
Now i know you will argue that this is not what you mean but why do we think that no one can make intelligent decisions today as opposed to mortals like us who were caliphs in the past and made their own decisions within limits defined by Islam.

If you think that everything is defined and SOPs are given to us directly from Allah in each matter then you are wrong.
What has been defined by Allah for the Muslims is in the Quran and explained in Hadith as well.
However primarily what we have in way of divine guidance is basic principles and boundaries which we have been asked to respect and not cross.
Somethings are very specifically dealt with in detail but overall we have boundaries which have been defined as a limit which should not be exceeded.
Within these boundaries the rulers really had a choice to make their decisions and introduce laws....within these boundaries we do enjoy free will.
Over extending this argument that only Allah is sovereign in order to counter democracy is a bit flawed in my opinion.
If we say that in every matter we have no say then that actually renders any decision making impossible and legislation will be considered a sin...but it is indeed not possible to run any form of government if this happens.

Allah is the creator and sovereign but within our domain he has given us will to choose, without this will the purpose of our creation is actually negated.
Clearly we have been told what is wrong and what is right but essentially we were created to make our own choices and bear the consequences in this world and the hereafter.

What i say is that as long as we do not cross the limits defined by Allah in Quran, our constitution and form of government cannot be called against Islam.

Our core issue is corruption and injustice, if you think that we need a different system than current one then it is your valuable opinion.
To say that democracy is not working because it is against Islam is not an accurate diagnosis of the problem, what good has the so called Islamic reign done in recent past to Muslim countries?
Is the problem so superficial that announcing caliphate and Shariah will solve all issues at hand or is it deeper than that?
I think the issues in our society merit a study and change, however our state is not unislamic by virtue of system (since no legislation can be against directive of Quran) but by virtue of implementation.
How do you guarantee that this shall miraculously be remedied just because Mr. XYZ guarantees us more Islam?
The problem is lack of implementation of laws which has been aggravated by rampant corruption.

Please bear in mind that even some of the past caliphs had been terrible and even in the golden era of Islam there were instances of grave injustices which caused many fitnas, civil wars and suffering.
The treatment of non Arabs caused bloody wars between Arabs, Persians and Berbers on many occasions and it was not a Yahoodi sazish but the fact that as Islam grew across continents the need to give space to different castes and creeds became more critical.
The political requirements were of paramount importance and if a ruler was politically ignorant...the result was disastrous.
On the other hand many Caliphs were great leaders and ensured prosperity of their people.

Even in the current system, we can achieve betterment if people rise up to the challenge.
We can rally in support of Mumtaz Qadri but why we do not rally against a corrupt president?
Is it the extent of our Islam and particularly the Islamic forces which always support Taliban etc. but lack the same fervor in sacrificing themselves for removing a corrupt president?
It means that most of these Islamic forces are compromised!
So tomorrow if they rally around a new Caliphate system and install Fazl Ur Rehman as the Caliph...what then?
It could be a sad fact that even in a more Islamic system we may see a corrupt person coming to power via some scheme...then what?

Once we know that our constitution guarantees that legislation cannot be against directive of Quran...why do we not challenge a dodgy legislation in the courts and set a precedent of accountability?
Why not sacrifice our time, energy and even lives here?

At the end of the day i am not opposed to changes and do agree that things have to change, but calling it a caliphate and having the same problems without hope of resolution is not a change in true sense.
We are not willing to spend energy in rectifying the flaws of our society which have manifested in shape of current antics of governments, what is the guarantee that after 20 years from Caliphate we shall not have similar decline as we saw after creation of Pakistan?

No offense to you is intended but i see same problems whatever the system is, since the problem is lack of implementation of system.
If the Mullah brigade and Islamic parties are closely inspected...i expect them to hijack a more Islamic system (if envisioned) and give us the same performance or even worse.

The rulers indeed are not thinking about Haram or Halal but if we get a Gen Zia like character...will it change anything?

The nation has to hold its rulers accountable and show resentment towards the corrupt faces in order to change the culture.

within limits defined by Islam. idint read the whole thing do piont if there r any other point u raised ...but this statment of urs i copied is simple answer to ur question abt using brain...as i mentioned wen interest is haram then u cant have banking based on that or eco system based on that...
hmm kuch aeisa nara lganay walao na he pakistan ko koriyoon k daam baycha...infact they sold themselves and their price is pakistan!!

in taza khudaoon me bara sb say watn hai

dont feel like discusin it as ur anti islamic thinkin is clear!...but

Assume you are also familiar with the concept of Fitnah and what this (Brigadier) guy was doing.
he was actually stirring up chaos and disturbance. If he disagreed with the policies of his organisation he should have resigned. Not stay in service, betray his comrades and covertly propagate to instigate a rebellion.

I am sorry but your are distorting the meaning of a Hadith here. Might as well go and preach that to Saudis and Berhrin families those who hate Persians so much and rest of non-Arabs so much.

There is nothing wrong about belonging to a race or a nation but placing it above Islam is wrong. We are created among different tribes and nations for easy identification but only those with Taqwah are better among us. In His last address in during Hajj, the Holy Prophet didn’t ask us to give up our born identities but thought us that we were all equal.

Please try your luck with the “Arab” brothers and tell them to stop treating Asians like dirt.
Quote those two Hardith for good measure. Wish you all the best and safety.

sovereignty belongs to Allah
ALLAH gave us a system agreed??
the ultimate purpose of Prophet "islamic state"

so today u put that system aside and make laws from ur mind this is democracy!!

what does this post of yours have to do with this thread?
do you think the immigrants that sought refuge in Habsha committed the sin by not attacking the King and declaring Caliphate? Do you think they had weaker faith than yours when they welcomed the support and protection of a Christian king and lived peacefully and obeyed and respected the laws of the land?

Going by yours and Taliban definition they should have started beheading infidels, burning homes and shops. Beating up women and stopped children from going to schools (the usual practice of a Taliban zealot)

By the Grace of Allah, that didn’t happen because they only followed the peaceful teaching of Islam.
Have there been more officers under investigation in this regard? What is the truth in the "4 Majors being questioned" news on some news sites?
Assume you are also familiar with the concept of Fitnah and what this (Brigadier) guy was doing.
he was actually stirring up chaos and disturbance. If he disagreed with the policies of his organisation he should have resigned. Not stay in service, betray his comrades and covertly propagate to instigate a rebellion.

I am sorry but your are distorting the meaning of a Hadith here. Might as well go and preach that to Saudis and Berhrin families those who hate Persians so much and rest of non-Arabs so much.

There is nothing wrong about belonging to a race or a nation but placing it above Islam is wrong. We are created among different tribes and nations for easy identification but only those with Taqwah are better among us. In His last address in during Hajj, the Holy Prophet didn’t ask us to give up our born identities but thought us that we were all equal.

Please try your luck with the “Arab” brothers and tell them to stop treating Asians like dirt.
Quote those two Hardith for good measure. Wish you all the best and safety.

what does this post of yours have to do with this thread?
do you think the immigrants that sought refuge in Habsha committed the sin by not attacking the King and declaring Caliphate? Do you think they had weaker faith than yours when they welcomed the support and protection of a Christian king and lived peacefully and obeyed and respected the laws of the land?

Going by yours and Taliban definition they should have started beheading infidels, burning homes and shops. Beating up women and stopped children from going to schools (the usual practice of a Taliban zealot)

By the Grace of Allah, that didn’t happen because they only followed the peaceful teaching of Islam.

There is nothing wrong about belonging to a race or a nation but placing it above Islam is wrong...exactly...but look at the post i replied they placing "pakistan first" plz read them..
i will tell if i find arabs any where!!
will also search for them!

som 1 asked abt democray...n hijrat u mentioned was b4 prophet (s.a.w) established islamic state...once the state was est muslims worked to expand it ,Y? why dint the lived in non-muslim lands without spreding islam,y we did jihad ? y we had state stretchin from spain to Indonesia??
I think simple is that if Brigadier A.K had some ideological problem with his seniors; he needed to resign from army. After completion of his tenure of two year he should go to politics run his campaign what so ever on the bases of his ideology, try to convince public or relevant person whom he want.

As a service man he could not allowed to making any sort of campaign inside or outside the institution, it is violence of code of conduct and his oath simply.

And you peoples could not convince such kind of AqalBand (Locked thinker) peoples. They even not aware of Islam, they just learn Islam according to their own school of thought and even they believe prohibited to understand and learn other school of thoughts’ books and literatures. When they are learning Quran and books of Hadith, they are just learning under the vision to prove their thoughts instead of understanding what Allah and Prophet saying…
Pakistan first.

Anyone having anyother preferences should be hanged or better thrown out to hell holes like afghanistan, somalia and alike.

Wonder how people are talking about delusional dreams of ummah when they cant even celebrate eid on a single day !?!

I guess these ummah freaks should be sent to emirates or arabia for a trial, the treatment they would get there might fix the loose screws in their brains.

But than everyone except them is an infidal :)
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