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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

ya i know history!!
u shud know most of the lands were conquered during hazrat umer's khilafat!! n in islam we call this jihad ...in case u forgot..muslim's leader sent invitation to non-muslim countries (gov) asks them to embrace islam as it is deen e haq in case they reject ...they r asked to live under islamic system as non musliims ,paying jizya..(because to implement islamic system is must) and if they refuse that then muslim army invades them (and the rule for this jihad is not to kill innocent civilians or cut trees,which means destroying cities/buildings)

i would like to see the Quranic reference to this please
ya i know history!!
u shud know most of the lands were conquered during hazrat umer's khilafat!! n in islam we call this jihad ...in case u forgot..muslim's leader sent invitation to non-muslim countries (gov) asks them to embrace islam as it is deen e haq in case they reject ...they r asked to live under islamic system as non musliims ,paying jizya..(because to implement islamic system is must) and if they refuse that then muslim army invades them (and the rule for this jihad is not to kill innocent civilians or cut trees,which means destroying cities/buildings)

sorry this was not Jihad this was conquest. Jihad is only allowed for self defence and to save the lives of the Muslims under occupation if they are being Persecuted. going by your definition of Jihad means that we have no right to complain about the crusades and creation and expansion of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.

This Hizb ut Tahrir ideology has no place is Pakistan. Why don’t these rejects go back to their home countries and try their luck there. Instead of corrupting the minds of the people of Pakistan.
Today let me tell you one thing. I have met Arabs and when the word Al Qaeda is mentioned they spit on the ground in disgust. These jihadist war and hate mongers are so irrelevant so much disowned that Arabs don’t even want to hear a word about them, no wonder these trouble makers are going to places where there is strife and instability because the intent is malicious and deceit to take advantage of the suffering of the people and use the anti government sentiment for their own goals.
As long as the defenders of Pakistan are alive, all these Arab and central Asian rejects will never succeed. Amen

پاکستان زندہ باد
پاک فوج زندہ باد
The Pakistani Armed Forces do not allow any other "culture" to compete with it's own, if this guy felt so strong, about Hizbut'T he should have resigned his commission, become a civilian and then fought for his idea's in the realm of politics.
THINK TANK needs to think again.

Perhaps he has thought it well..
The violent Jihad, the one that involves battles and is considered a smaller grade of Jihad is not meant to be used as an excuse to usurp power.
As HT wish to do.. after all, being lackeys of MI6 they are meant to do that.

Even then, declaring Jihad is a last resort.. And discourages in conditions that resemble those that Muslims had to face in Makkah.
All those imbeciles that bring up jihad as a glorious thing forget that the Prophet spent more time in makkah under worse conditions than in Medina..
Did he declare Jihad then ?
All I ask.
^^ Santro did you watch the program in which Maulana Fazlur Rehman fought with Dr. Shahid Masood, when he said "his every act is Jihad". :lol::lol:

When we have people with such mentality about Jihad, what can be expected from followers of 'Jihad' Ideology.

I am having connectivity problems so could not search for the video.
Perhaps he has thought it well..
The violent Jihad, the one that involves battles and is considered a smaller grade of Jihad is not meant to be used as an excuse to usurp power.
As HT wish to do.. after all, being lackeys of MI6 they are meant to do that.

Even then, declaring Jihad is a last resort.. And discourages in conditions that resemble those that Muslims had to face in Makkah.
All those imbeciles that bring up jihad as a glorious thing forget that the Prophet spent more time in makkah under worse conditions than in Medina..
Did he declare Jihad then ?
All I ask.

this might be of help,

mulana maududi Jihad

Milestones Special Edition - syed qutb

what you guys are supporting is an act of "jahalia" by syed qutb. dr shahid masood is perhaps lame when compared with syed qutb.
When Prophet Muhammad PBUH entered into peace agreement Hadibia (called Sullah Hudabia) then some warmongering hypocrites doubted the reasoning and second guessed his prophet hood.

Hizbut Tahrir is using the excuse of the crusaders no wonder when it is the brain child of M16 then there is bound to be the nonIslamic influence.
maybe killing and Purging the "lesser" and non-muslims is taken from the concept of inquisition and given a modern ****** name.
hopefully this Brigadier spends a long time behind bars so that he doesnt curropt any serving or retired army personal
How to fight back
By Maajid Nawaz | From the Newspaper
(9 hours ago) Today

THE arrest of Brig Ali Khan, among others, from the army HQ for suspicion of his affiliation to my old Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) are necessarily about far more than merely ‘fighting militancy’ in Pakistani society or within the army.

Army spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas has stated that the army follows a ‘zero tolerance’ policy towards such recruitment.

Despite the many grave errors the army has made of late, here they deserve praise for having done the right thing. However, these arrests must be seen as indicative of a wider intellectual malaise in Pakistani society surrounding the civilisational direction the nation should take.

When a nation suffers from such intellectual paralysis, the solution involves the painstakingly slow process of creating an intellectual consensus that can form the fabric of society — like a social contract, redefining the nation’s image at home and abroad, and reclaiming Islam from the extremists who seek to monopolise its interpretation. Just as it took years for us to get into this mess, it will take years to get out. As far back as 2003, journalist Ahmed Rashid reported on another purge of such elements by Musharraf. Regrettably, I had helped to recruit some of these officers while they were studying at the famous Sandhurst military academy in the UK.

Indeed, the particular problem of HT infiltration inside the Pakistan Army was exported to Pakistan from Britain. HT advocates violent overthrow of democratic states through illegal military coups in order to enforce a single interpretation of Islam. I call this ideology ‘Islamism’, and they have hijacked the term ‘caliphate’ for their utopia.

Recruiting from the world’s Muslim-majority armies is a fundamental tenet of their call. And though groups like HT are not terrorists, this only makes them even more able to recruit from the Pakistani elite for their paralysing call.

So whilst the media focuses on the high drama of terrorist attacks carried out by groups such as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan and others of their ilk, there is another non-terrorist but equally dangerous war raging in Pakistan. Enter the intellectual warfare of ideas and narratives. Winning this struggle is far more crucial in the long term. The ideology that fuels this struggle portrays Muslims and the West — both perceived simplistically as monolithic entities — as eternal enemies and competitors for world domination in a zero-sum game.

Muslims are encouraged to unite and rise up in order to attack the West and impose a single interpretation of Islam on the entire world. But in order to do this they must first overthrow their existing governments, for which they have a very particular plan.

Groups such as HT do not seek to launch a mass movement; rather they specifically target the intellectual elite and the
military apparatus of the countries in which they operate. For years, leading journalists and the intellectual elite of Pakistan have been targeted by highly educated English-speaking Islamists. They have been seeking to convert prominent opinion shapers to their supremacist ideology. Once this sector is taken, a military coup can be staged by key officers sympathetic to the cause, who would in turn face minimal resistance from society.

As one of HT’s texts from Britain reads, this would “normally be done by the Party seeking to access the military in order to take the authority … After this the military would be capable of establishing the authority of Islam. Hence a coup d’état would be the manifestation of a political change….”

The work of groups like HT is being made easier by other Islamist groups, who have long planned to dominate civil society and government institutions in order to normalise their hate-filled ideology and narrative. It is also being made easier by current events in the region like the war in neighbouring Afghanistan and instability within Pakistan. But brave civil society figures and groups in Pakistan are staging a fight-back against extremist propaganda, although the battle ahead is long and hard.

Ultimately, peace and stability in Pakistan can only come about once democratic culture takes root in Pakistani society.

Democratic culture is not just about holding elections every few years but rather a sustained commitment to values such as the freedoms, equality, human rights, pluralism and respect for the rule of law.

Just as Islamist social movements have for years been preaching their ideology to the grass-roots in Pakistan, counter-narratives are needed to spread the values of democratic culture and reclaim Pakistan and Islam. Who are the leaders of democracy in Pakistan today? What are the symbols of democracy? Where are the social movements working hard to reverse the drift towards Islamism and to create ‘buy-in’ for democratic culture on the ground?

Islamist leaders, symbols and movements exist in abundance, but one struggles to think of more than a handful for genuine democratic activism. This much-needed change will not come about automatically or overnight. It requires a concerted campaign by individuals and organisations that are prepared to work together, promote each other (not drag each other down) and stand up to the forces of disorder and chaos.

The fight-back has begun but it will require a lot more energy and resources to rescue Pakistan from its current downward trajectory. Crucially, it will require courage.

The writer, a former member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, is director of the UK-based think tank Quilliam.
this might be of help,

mulana maududi Jihad

Milestones Special Edition - syed qutb

what you guys are supporting is an act of "jahalia" by syed qutb. dr shahid masood is perhaps lame when compared with syed qutb.

Bring somebody better than Maududi please..
I dont agree with his interpretations..
He was the most disrespectful "scholar" known to me.
Even the most arrogant of western scholars acknowledge their predecessors.
Here is a man who choose to ridicule the policies of all the scholars before them and declaring his misinterpretations as the only correct path.
He is as responsible for the ruin of Islam today as anybody.
Very few would want a secular Pakistan but if someone is against Khilafat it doesn’t mean that he is against Allah and just because his view of Islam is different does not mean that he is ‘Wa jib ul Qatl’. A few days ago a Gold Medal winning boxer was killed in Quetta by Lashkar Jhangvi just because he was a Shia. Did anyone write a column of discuss this on TV? For heaven’s sake come down to earth and realize that you first priority lies with your country. How do you expect Allah to reward you if you are helping those who are killing innocent Pakistanis?

But alas to no avail. Salafin, Takfiris, Kkalifat lovers (IMO all these elements are interlinked) have brainwashed a section of the society. These naïve brainwashed people would rather see Pakistan destroyed but would not come out their cocoon of conspiracy theories and dream of a Dark Age khilafat. Why can’t you accept that parliament is modern form of ‘Majlis Shura? What better way of selecting an Amir than adult franchise? Must your Amirul Momeneen be an uneducated Mulla Omer? Why not an educated progressive Prime Minister /President who puts interests of Pakistani nation as top priority.

Armed Services cadre come from the society and there would be as many people supporter terrorists there as there are in the general populace. This has to true as evident from Osama hiding in Pakistan and ISI nurturing jihadi elements for the last 30 years.

If Pakistan is to survive, this cancer has to eliminated ruthlessly from the armed services as a start.

no body calls u wajab ul katal is u domt understand wat khilafat(implementation of sharia ) is..!!
once we have khilafat all such killing shia things wud be under control..pakistan is open for such aactiviteis as our rulers r not at all interested in peace,security,neccessities etc of ppl but their bank accounts
these rulers let unrest in country
parliment can be majlis e shura but bro there r sum things u cannot alter wat about them?? if zerdari today starts implementin sharia like the prophet n khulafa e rashideen no body wud object!
but where is that eco system?? hav u ever heard a present ruler taking stand against enemies and say wat God fearing khailfas like abdul hameed said?? wat about fahashi promoted in our society?
by the way hoe educated is the president!!
education is not the criteria but fear of Allah ,sense of accountability,remembrance of death,understanding of deen,n purpose of life
our prophet was ?? not formaly educated!
we r in dark today look around!
looks like the dollar loving generals didn't like a brigadier showing them the mirror- it's clear as to why he got arrested!

BBC News - Brigadier Ali Khan: Pakistan's dissenting army officer

he had been exerting strong pressure on the top echelons of Pakistan's military to stop co-operating with American forces in the fight against Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgents, army officers who served with the brigadier during his 32-year career told the BBC

his career hit a roadblock when he openly criticised Gen Pervez Musharraf when he was still army chief-of-staff.

Brig Khan asked Gen Musharraf why he would not divulge the details of an agreement with the US to the Pakistani public.

The brigadier also said the "limits" of co-operation with the US on "the war on terror" should be clearly defined.

Brig Khan started writing letters to army generals, some of whom were his former colleagues, with suggestions on how to become "self reliant" and "to purge the army of the American influence".

He told senior officers such as Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani that Pakistan's "unconditional" support to the Americans was causing resentment in the lower ranks of the army.

He said that "growing" American involvement in Pakistan - especially in its military affairs - was negatively affecting the morale of the armed forces.

"But the problem is that his anti-American views and [opinions on] self reliance were getting popular with middle and lower ranking officers," one remarked.
sorry this was not Jihad this was conquest. Jihad is only allowed for self defence and to save the lives of the Muslims under occupation if they are being Persecuted. going by your definition of Jihad means that we have no right to complain about the crusades and creation and expansion of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.

This Hizb ut Tahrir ideology has no place is Pakistan. Why don’t these rejects go back to their home countries and try their luck there. Instead of corrupting the minds of the people of Pakistan.
Today let me tell you one thing. I have met Arabs and when the word Al Qaeda is mentioned they spit on the ground in disgust. These jihadist war and hate mongers are so irrelevant so much disowned that Arabs don’t even want to hear a word about them, no wonder these trouble makers are going to places where there is strife and instability because the intent is malicious and deceit to take advantage of the suffering of the people and use the anti government sentiment for their own goals.
As long as the defenders of Pakistan are alive, all these Arab and central Asian rejects will never succeed. Amen

پاکستان زندہ باد
پاک فوج زندہ باد

i did not say there is no defensive jihad!
jihad is of 2 types, defencive and the oder i mentioned
in defencive u dont follow that rule of killing n damaging !
n h.t following sunnah does not indulges in jihad as prophet did sbr in makkah and fought only after est state in madina!
and we can see loss of jihad without state..but yes those in occupied lands have to defend as much as the can coz once a land becomes muslim's land it cannot be given back to kafirs
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