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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

And where the heck is this 'awesome Ruler' going to come from? Who is going to select him/her?

most pro if h.t succeeds,then its ameer.second or third khalifa wud be elected on any of the methods folowd by khulafa e rashideen

.if mullah umer succeeds...:cheesy:
sovereignty belongs to Allah
ALLAH gave us a system agreed??
the ultimate purpose of Prophet "islamic state"

nationality and borders exist......that's just the reality..

if you dont believe me, try going to the land of the Holy Mosques without at least a Hajj visa.....

so today u put that system aside and make laws from ur mind this is democracy!!

I dont think Pakistan's Constitution or political system is ''anti-Islam'' if that is what you are trying to imply....though some of the people running the country have ''questionable credentials'' (who am I to judge)

as most of it is against islamic sharia

no slogans or statements.....please explain in detail

mean the french parliment majority votes out face covering~!!

French policies and government do not apply to Pakistan. I'm talking about Pakistan.

our rulers take interest based loan our banks work on that haram thing!!

we have Islamic and non-Islamic banks in Pakistan. You have a choice to choose what kind of banking and transaction you would like to complete. Nobody is FORCED to take out interest-bearing loans.

does ur democratic ruler thinks about haram halal,gunah sawab b4 amending laws ?

take it up not just with him, but those who voted for his government....i dont know how to answer your question, but i can tell you that the real enemies of Pakistan (the terrorist groups calling themselves ''Muslims'' or ''mujahideen'' dont think about halal or haram evidently since they kill innocent people (mostly Muslims)

whether its 'hakimullah mehsud' or even mumtaz qadri

wen Allah has given us economic system,social system , foreign policy y u put it aside and use ur brain which is bound to error!!??

Allah SWT gave us brains for a reason. The brain (aqal) is there to BE USED. We aren't robots.

of course we are bound to have errors, but thats why we learn from our lessons and correct ourselves (as Allah SWT would probably expect from us)
sovereignty belongs to Allah
ALLAH gave us a system agreed??
the ultimate purpose of Prophet "islamic state"

so today u put that system aside and make laws from ur mind this is democracy!!
as most of it is against islamic sharia
i mean the french parliment majority votes out face covering~!!
our rulers take interest based loan our banks work on that haram thing!!
wat do u call this wen Allah said "no man or woman has right to give hukam wen Allah has given 1"..i can give many evidnc
does ur democratic ruler thinks about haram halal,gunah sawab b4 amending laws ?
wen Allah has given us economic system,social system , foreign policy y u put it aside and use ur brain which is bound to error!!??

absolutely agree with above and in love with your signature. just imagine what can happen if the investigators becomes supporters!!!
What does radicalization of the Pakistan Armed Forces mean? From the 80s onwards, first the US built up & supported the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, the mother of all the terrorist groups today. In the 90s, it left the region without taking care of the situation, becoming oblivious to the groups inside Afghanistan. And only after 2001, for the first time in history, the US radically changed its position, flipped the switch, & made Al-Qaeda & the Taliban their enemy, many of their members the people they supported against the Soviets. Pakistan has developed links with these groups over years due to the US policy in the first place. The people who they once regarded as heroes, became terrorists. While it is easy for the US to 'flip the switch' & start over, Pakistan (unlike the US) still lives in the neighborhood & has to deal the consequences of the actions in the region. And when the US duplicity in dealing with the Taliban is discovered; with actions such as brokering peace deals, power transferring mechanisms to the Taliban (after fighting them for so many years), & asking the UN to take off the names of senior Taliban leaders from the UN sanctions list; there will of course be some members inside the Pakistan Armed Forces that might be sympathetic towards these groups. However, the issue is being dealt with, & the Forces is being 'cleaned through'. Although this 'cleansing' process will never end till the duplicity of the US in Afghanistan doesn't end. It is also important to note that Pakistan still has to maintain some ties with these groups in order to maintain its internal security, not necessarily supporting them but having some stake in the region, just like the US is doing right now. It would be irrational for Pakistan to do otherwise. There is a very fine line between these two positions.

as now america calls islam "radicalization" extremism" "militancy" so do they as thay r loyal to amrica rather then Allah and hypnotized by them!!
No way will the Pakistan Army revert back to these groups in the long run, as they have only brought misery to Pakistan. It will be much easier for the Pakistan Army to take actions against extremist groups in the region once the US leaves the region, with the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis supporting the Pakistan Army.

I think it's too early to be so emphatic, after all Pakistan army have a long history of reliance on such groups not just for use outside the national territory but more importantly, inside -- think of the PML, you will note that it's leadership were built up by the army, think of the Jamaatis, again, the role of the Pakistan army, think of the MQM, again the role of the Pakistan army - Now consider the religious extremist organizations, and once again, the role of the Pakistan army is prominent is identifying, training, cultivating and supporting these groups -- So, it's difficult to say that Pakistan army have better ideas than the use of such groups, because the use of such groups is so basic, so integral, to the way the Pakistan army appreciates the role such organizations play in the general policies of the Pakistan army.

If after all these beheadings of Pakistani soldiers, the Pakistan army did not learn who the enemies of Pakistan are, we cannot have confidence that the Pakistan army is ready to give up ambiguity as a policy option with regard to Islamism --- so if we see greater emphasis on Islamist leanings in the Pakistan army, it will have less to do with the US and more to do with the calculation that the use of such extremist organizations give a advantage to Pakistan army.

The arrest of these serving officers seems to have more to do with the criticism that the army has arrested some individuals who assisted the US effort to take out OBL, rather than any realization that Islamists are a threat to the army.
bayta! son!

"mera putter ALLAH nay ijazt nai ditti k tusi conventional tay islami di variety rkhoooo ...study"


Until and unless you are not sure of the age gap---this doesn't look good----could you please elaborate for others who don't understand what you stated---.

In our personal info section we used to have our age---that could be displayed---so if I had to make a similar comment, at least I knew how old the other person was.
Hey Ummah,

See that mercedes in Abou's avatar----just remember he drove it when it was new----. Abou---what year is it----1972 280 sel or what------:cheers:
Hey Ummah,

See that mercedes in Abou's avatar----just remember he drove it when it was new----. Abou---what year is it----1972 280 sel or what------:cheers:

84 300D.

Actually i will confess, I was hardly old enough to drive when it was brand spanking new. It belonged to a relative. I inherited it from him.

i do remember you telling me about your 280SE :smokin:
This brig. is a prime example of oxymoron. On one hand he is a senior military officer, many good connections in there, even gen. Kiyani knew him, he comes from a military background. He, along with the rest of his family serving and having served the armed forces took an oath to defend one nation, that is Pakistan.

On the other hand, he has connections with an organization that totally denounces the entire idea "one nation" and has its own idea of one nation which is the entire Muslim ummah as one nation. Interesting how one can choose a profession of serving just one nation but ideally considers himself as the protector of many a nations.

Imagine how dangerous can that person be with the resources and manpower available to him while in such a high position in the armed forces. Be able to form their own little military that protects their idea of one nation.
This brig. is a prime example of oxymoron. On one hand he is a senior military officer, many good connections in there, even gen. Kiyani knew him, he comes from a military background. He, along with the rest of his family serving and having served the armed forces took an oath to defend one nation, that is Pakistan.

On the other hand, he has connections with an organization that totally denounces the entire idea "one nation" and has its own idea of one nation which is the entire Muslim ummah as one nation. Interesting how one can choose a profession of serving just one nation but ideally considers himself as the protector of many a nations.

Imagine how dangerous can that person be with the resources and manpower available to him while in such a high position in the armed forces. Be able to form their own little military that protects their idea of one nation.

He is brig of 'Pakistan' Army not any 'Islamic' Army, as abou bhai said, pakistan first, he is supposed to serve the only nation whose he's a brig.

Well formation of own military using the manpower / resources of PA will be a 'highly exagerated' view as HuT is not reported be militant organisation. Its still allowed to work in UK, keep that in mind.
couldnt agree with you more on this, and that is why its important that action wud be taken against such people

Pakistan FIRST.

Of course, action against such individuals is indeed good effort and good job making it public, too. Set the example for others with such or worse beliefs.

But i do think therr is something back there that needs to be addresed. I could be wrong on this as I'm not too familiar wih pak armys training methods. But of what ive seen in documentaries and read here and there, it seems Pak army puts too much Islamic influence on their cadets/recruits/trainees during their training. Probably so much that it wouldn't be a surprise they start to see themselves as soldiers of Islam. Hence, more prone to being influenced by ideas of one ummah.
couldnt agree with you more on this, and that is why its important that action wud be taken against such people

Pakistan FIRST.

Not you Abu Zolfiqar!
Pre judging something is very unwise.I suggest to wait at least for a little time.Don't pass judgement too soon.
Do you know there was no charge sheet against him.
Did you also know that he emphasize to take action against those involved in the OBL raid in the GHQ meeting.
Did you also know that the military has a very strong intelligence mechanism to keep an eye on every soldier right from the beginning and some one of Brigadier level is involved in it does not make sense.I sense that some thing else is cooking.
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