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Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

YAar just pliiz don't post toilet newspaper as sources, they are always obsed "ISI behind" "ISI ki sazich"... i even heard ISI behind MV suez opération :lol:
YAar just pliiz don't post toilet newspaper as sources, they are always obsed "ISI behind" "ISI ki sazich"... i even heard ISI behind MV suez opération :lol:

Oh... toilet newspaper...... BBC is toilet kinda..... Then I am living in hell........

The army on Wednesday confirmed the detention of four more officers for their alleged links with banned Hizb ut-Tharir in a development that indicates a new push by the military to purge the institution of elements who may have sympathies for militant groups.

The arrest of four unnamed majors is linked with the detention of Brigadier Ali Khan, who has been in custody since May 6 for questioning over his ties with the banned outfit, which calls for creating a pan-Islamic caliphate system by ousting, what it says, is the pro-American government in the country.

Hizb ut-Tharir is outlawed in some countries, including Pakistan, but interestingly the group is legal and active in Western countries, such as the United States and Britain. It claims to advocate non-violence, but some fear its extremist ideology can provoke its followers to embrace militancy.

“Yes, four army majors are being questioned for their links with Hizb ut-Tharir,” Major-General Athar Abbas, Director-General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) told The Express Tribune. However, he would not say when the four were taken into custody and where were they posted.

But military sources say that unlike Brig Khan, the four were not working at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi. Some sources did not rule out the possibility of the detained officers’ involvement in a bigger plot.

However, Maj Gen Abbas refused to comment on it saying more revelations at this stage might compromise the investigations. “It is premature to draw any such conclusion,” he added.

A military official familiar with the development said the officers were detained after their conduct started influencing their colleagues.
Khan had been under surveillance for the past several months and was arrested last month when his contacts with the banned outfit were confirmed. PHOTO: FILE

The army on Wednesday confirmed the detention of four more officers for their alleged links with banned Hizb ut-Tharir in a development that indicates a new push by the military to purge the institution of elements who may have sympathies for militant groups.

The arrest of four unnamed majors is linked with the detention of Brigadier Ali Khan, who has been in custody since May 6 for questioning over his ties with the banned outfit, which calls for creating a pan-Islamic caliphate system by ousting, what it says, is the pro-American government in the country.

Hizb ut-Tharir is outlawed in some countries, including Pakistan, but interestingly the group is legal and active in Western countries, such as the United States and Britain. It claims to advocate non-violence, but some fear its extremist ideology can provoke its followers to embrace militancy.

“Yes, four army majors are being questioned for their links with Hizb ut-Tharir,” Major-General Athar Abbas, Director-General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) told The Express Tribune. However, he would not say when the four were taken into custody and where were they posted.

But military sources say that unlike Brig Khan, the four were not working at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi. Some sources did not rule out the possibility of the detained officers’ involvement in a bigger plot.

However, Maj Gen Abbas refused to comment on it saying more revelations at this stage might compromise the investigations. “It is premature to draw any such conclusion,” he added.

A military official familiar with the development said the officers were detained after their conduct started influencing their colleagues.

“Anyone can have their own ideology or religious leaning but when it starts affecting the military discipline and other people, that’s where authorities take action,” said the official, who asked not to be named.

In the case of these five officers, they were in serious violation of military discipline and had tried to propagate their own ideology in the military, he added.

Meanwhile, the wife of detained Brigadier Ali Khan told The Express Tribune that her husband was extremely angry over the US raid in Abbottabad to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. “Like other patriotic Pakistanis, my husband was also upset on that day,” said Mrs Khan.

She called the charges against his husband as rubbish and totally false. “Yes, he offers prayers five times a day. Yes, he is a practicing Muslim but he has absolutely no links with any extremist organisation,” she insisted.

Brigadier Khan’s lawyer Inam Rahim, a retired colonel, told the Associated Press that his client was arrested for demanding that someone within the military be held accountable for the top-secret US special forces’ raid that killed Bin Laden last month in Abbottabad.

However, military authorities have dispelled the impression that his detention was in any way connected to the Abbottabad incident.

After brigadier, army detains four majors – The Express Tribune
Just sweep the military high command. I am sure 20% will go in the first day with upto 45% detained in the mission. :rolleyes:
i dont understand one thing and one thing only.....why do the army stretch the excuse to the heavens in protecting americans agenda in afghanistan.....why????

So you are NOW against war on terror of USA?
An HET sympathiser officer is a ''bad radical'' because he will try to overthrow the current army status.

I expect Pakistan Army to make an example of this bad radical.

By your logic entire British Govt is then bunch of bad radicals for allowing Hizbul Tehrir operating in UK freely.

as far as this officer : we all support his arrest because he has violated rules and he must be taken to task
YAar just pliiz don't post toilet newspaper as sources, they are always obsed "ISI behind" "ISI ki sazich"... i even heard ISI behind MV suez opération :lol:

On a serious note, ISI Chief did help and personally denoted amount to Ansar Burney

Speaking to the media after the arrival of the crew, human rights advocate, Ansar Burney thanked Navy Chief Admiral Noman Bashir and ISI Chief General Shuja Pasha for the role they played in bringing the crew back home.

MV Suez crew arrives in Karachi
So you are NOW against war on terror of USA?

i have always been against "war on terror"......war on terror is a hoax... i am attaching a video, see what aaron russo says about warr on terror in the later half of the video,

"911 was dont by people in our own goverment , people in our own banking system" - AARON RUSSO
"he told me 9 months before 911 that there will be an event and out of that event we will have soldiers running in caves in aghanistan and PAKISTAN" - AARON RUSSO

"WoT" started with a lie. the pakistani establishment supported the LIE. we are infidels, or atleast hypocrates. the support for war on terror does not exalt us in any case in anyway.

here is the link,

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any one remember this guy??

Shahid Bashir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Colonel Shahid Bashir is a Pakistan Army engineer and pilot officer who is currently facing court martial by the Judge Advocate General Branch of Pakistan Army.[1] A commanding officer of the Shamsi Air Base, the Colonel is accused of spying, including leaking secrets of the Shamsi Air Force base to those planning to attack it, and inciting fellow soldiers to commit acts of terrorism. On December 10, 2009, Colonel Bashir along with his close friends, was arrested by the Pakistani military police
you know why these guys let lose from the army's jurisdiction,

here is the cutting from the pakistanarmy.gov.pk


The real objective of Islam is to shift the lordship of man over man to the lordship of Allah on the earth and to stake one's life and everything else to achieve this sacred purpose.

the general view is the army leadership is the un islamic lordship and all faith fulls need to do something about it.


“No deity except Allah” also includes the question of authority as the right to govern belongs to the One Who created him."


Taqwa connotes the sense of protecting oneself from moral peril, preserving one’s virtue, and guarding oneself against the displeasure of Almighty

i personally think Brig Ali khan performed the very same IMAN , TAQWA AND JIHAD for ALLAH and literally for ALLAH and not for NATO.(if you know what i mean)

"faithfulls fight for Allah and infidels fight for the taghoot (satanism/cross)" - Quran

information posted from,


PS: you only listen to what you understand.some people will understand it . other need not to worry.
the article about shahid bashir states that he was an engineer in signals but was then transferred to army aviation as a cobra pilot. How is this possible????:what:
the article about shahid bashir states that he was an engineer in signals but was then transferred to army aviation as a cobra pilot. How is this possible????:what:

even artillery people get transferred to army aviation and then trained. thats a norm. happens quite often.
I'm surprised to read this from somebody who is living in Lahore, not even some rural area.

sir, there are a lot of manmade things in the world. Gulab jamun is manmade, is that haram?

as for rest of your post, PPP was apparently elected by those who actually turned out and voted. The President, well i dont have much information on that.

i will agree that current govt. is leading country astray due to in-action, incompetence, corruption and apathy.

Democracy isnt always ''clean''....but these few years should be lesson for Pakistan. Give democracy a chance. Come out and vote, dont sit lazily at home and boycott elections and then expect anything good to come out

be active, dont be lazy

but now we're going off topic

sovereignty belongs to Allah
ALLAH gave us a system agreed??
the ultimate purpose of Prophet "islamic state"

so today u put that system aside and make laws from ur mind this is democracy!!
as most of it is against islamic sharia
i mean the french parliment majority votes out face covering~!!
our rulers take interest based loan our banks work on that haram thing!!
wat do u call this wen Allah said "no man or woman has right to give hukam wen Allah has given 1"..i can give many evidnc
does ur democratic ruler thinks about haram halal,gunah sawab b4 amending laws ?
wen Allah has given us economic system,social system , foreign policy y u put it aside and use ur brain which is bound to error!!??
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