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Serious 'flaw' in the railway design of the dream Padma Bridge, vehicles will get stuck without enough headroom!


Dec 14, 2008
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Serious 'flaw' in the railway design of the dream Padma Bridge, vehicles will get stuck without enough headroom!


14 Sep, 2020

Work on the dream Padma Bridge is almost over. If there are no obstacles, the traffic through Padma Bridge will start in December next year. But in the meantime, there has been a serious 'error' in the design of the Padma Bridge railway line. Uncertainty has arisen over the movement of truck-covered vans across the bridge, forgetting the design of the Padma rail link project. The railway line is being pulled over the road at both ends of the bridge. But the height of the line is so low that high-altitude vehicles with lower headrooms cannot move up and down the bridge. Shafiqul Islam, project director of Padma Bridge, said he objected to the work of the railway line as the matter was visible.
Meanwhile, the work of the railway line has been stopped due to design defect. The bridge authorities say they made this fatal mistake even after designing the railway at the beginning of the project. The bridge authority will not take responsibility for this. The Ministry of Railways has recently held two meetings on the project. But no official of the Railway Ministry agreed to speak on the issue through the media. Bridge Authority Secretary. Belayet Hossain told Sarabangla on Monday (September 14) at noon, 'The Cabinet Secretary has informed the Prime Minister about the matter. Now the railways have to revise their design.

The bridge authority is constructing 6.15 km railway line inside the main Padma Bridge. Its contractor is China Major Bridge Engineering Company. However, the problem has arisen with the railway line on both sides of the bridge, which extends from Dhaka to Mawa and from Jajira on the other side of the Padma Bridge to Bhanga. This is known as the Padma Rail Link Project, which is being operated by Bangladesh Railway. Its contractor is China Railway Group.
According to Padma Bridge sources, the problem has arisen in Mawa on one end of the Padma Bridge and Jajira on the other. The railway line has passed over some parts on both sides. The railways did not give the height of the headroom in these places. In this situation, big trucks and covered vans will not be able to move on the bridge.
Golam Fakhruddi, director of the railway connection project. When asked about Chowdhury's statement, he refused to talk on his mobile phone. Later, he went directly to his office room but could not find any answer to that question. He requested the Railway Secretary to take a statement in this regard. Later, the railway secretary was found busy in the meeting. Even after a week of calling and texting on his mobile, there was no response.
Padma Bridge project director Shafiqul Islam said, 'We have objected. Horizontal and vertical কাজে both sides have objected to the work of the railway. The headroom standard of the country's roads is - horizontal 15 meters, vertical 5.6 meters, which is not accepted here. In this situation, if there is a problem in driving in the future, who will take the responsibility? - asked the project director.
According to the rules on the highways in the country, the headroom height has to be at least 5.6 meters. But this problem has arisen as the Padma Rail Link project has been given a height of only 4.6 meters. In other words, the headroom height on both sides of the Padma Bridge is about one meter less. If the railway line reaches this height, trucks and covered vans will get stuck on the road below. Accidents can even happen for this. No container truck from Payra and Mongla seaports will be able to climb the Padma Bridge at this height.
It is learned that a review meeting on the rail link project was held at the Railways last week. At that meeting, Golam A. Fakruddin, the current director of Raillink, expressed his uncertainty about the launch of the Padma Bridge. The Padma Rail Link project has been lagging behind from the beginning. Now that the problem has resurfaced, the project is expected to fall further behind.

How is that possible.....beggers belief..... they will have to cut the beam and move it up....que 10s of millions of dollars
"পদ্মা রেলসংযোগ প্রকল্পের ডিজাইনের ভুলে সেতু দিয়ে ট্রাক-কাভার্ড ভ্যান চলাচল নিয়ে দেখা দিয়েছে অনিশ্চয়তা। সেতুর দুই প্রান্তে রাস্তার ওপর দিয়ে টানা হচ্ছে রেললাইন। কিন্তু লাইনের উচ্চতা এত কম যে নিচের হেডরুম দিয়ে বেশি উচ্চতার যানবাহন সেতুতে ওঠানামা করতে পারবে না। বিষয়টি দৃষ্টিগোচর হওয়ায় রেললাইনের কাজে আপত্তি দেওয়ার কথা জানিয়েছেন পদ্মাসেতুর প্রকল্প পরিচালক শফিকুল ইসলাম"।

Above is the original Bengali transcript in the newspaper. The above paragraph is the gist of the problem. There must be enough headway for the tall vans to pass below the railway line. The difference should allow Fire Brigade vehicles, Double-deck buses, box type trucks and covered vans/trucks to pass through.

So, designers take into account all these factors and decide on the maximum possible vehicle height. I have no data, but I think the height of double deck bus should have been considered. Since the fault has been discovered, therefore, it must be rectified. My proposal is as below:

- Re-design the entire railway ramp to give enough headway for the double deck buses.

- Break the railway ramp and piers and build new piers/columns and ramp to match the required height.

- Extend the length of ramp from the Bridge truss. It may be needed because a railway ramp slope/gradient has the limitation of 5% or less. It means, for a 200m horizontal run, the line goes down by 1m. When the height is re-designed the existing piers/columns will not be suitable any more. NO JOINING OF PIER IS ALLOWED because it will break from the joint.
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"পদ্মা রেলসংযোগ প্রকল্পের ডিজাইনের ভুলে সেতু দিয়ে ট্রাক-কাভার্ড ভ্যান চলাচল নিয়ে দেখা দিয়েছে অনিশ্চয়তা। সেতুর দুই প্রান্তে রাস্তার ওপর দিয়ে টানা হচ্ছে রেললাইন। কিন্তু লাইনের উচ্চতা এত কম যে নিচের হেডরুম দিয়ে বেশি উচ্চতার যানবাহন সেতুতে ওঠানামা করতে পারবে না। বিষয়টি দৃষ্টিগোচর হওয়ায় রেললাইনের কাজে আপত্তি দেওয়ার কথা জানিয়েছেন পদ্মাসেতুর প্রকল্প পরিচালক শফিকুল ইসলাম"।

Above is the original Bengali transcript in the newspaper. The above paragraph is the gist of the problem. There must be enough headway for the tall vans to pass below the railway line. The difference should allow Fire Brigade vehicles, Double-deck buses, box type trucks and covered vans/trucks to pass through.

So, designers take into account all these factors and decide on the maximum possible vehicle height. I have no data, but I think the height of double deck bus should have been considered. Since the fault has been discovered, therefore, it must be rectified. My proposal is as below:

- Re-design the entire railway ramp to give enough headway for the double deck buses.

- Break the railway ramp and piers and build new piers/columns and ramp to match the required height.

- Extend the length of ramp from the Bridge truss. It may be needed because a railway ramp slope/gradient has the limitation of 5% or less. It means, for a 200m horizontal run, the line goes down by 1m. When the height is re-designed the existing piers/columns will not be suitable any more. NO JOINING OF PIER IS ALLOWED because it will break from the joint.

After spending billions this is what awami league regime has to show for? That is pathetic. Even more pathetic of quality of BUET eng whom in ministry was responsible for review the the design and approve it. Oh for got awami league terror wing turned it into a torture chamber than a fine education institution it was. Also, where was the technical consultant who was supposed to find such flaws in the design phase, not when bridge is 80% completed.
People will never get an answer for these valid questions. Suppose, Hasina and her cronies eaten up money and need more in the name of "design flaw", hundreds of millions in additional fund to loot.
After spending billions this is what awami league regime has to show for? That is pathetic. Even more pathetic of quality of BUET eng whom in ministry was responsible for review the the design and approve it. Oh for got awami league terror wing turned it into a torture chamber than a fine education institution it was. Also, where was the technical consultant who was supposed to find such flaws in the design phase, not when bridge is 80% completed.
People will never get an answer for these valid questions. Suppose, Hasina and her cronies eaten up money and need more in the name of "design flaw", hundreds of millions in additional fund to loot.
Ask every BNP jamati fellows never to use Padma bridge, as it's very risky. It could be broken anytime and they will die. The bridge is actually a trap to kill all opposition BNP Jamat . You don't believe me @idune ? Watch your wise leader Khaleda Zia's statement again . Please don't use the bridge ,it's very risky. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Padma Bridge builders object to overpass height flaw in railway link
Senior Correspondent, bdnews24.com
Published: 15 Sep 2020 08:59 PM BdST Updated: 15 Sep 2020 08:59 PM BdST

  • The work to construct a link road of the Padma Bridge Project is under way at Polashpur in Munshiganj. Photo: Asif Mahmud Ove

    The work to construct a link road of the Padma Bridge Project is under way at Polashpur in Munshiganj. Photo: Asif Mahmud Ove
The Padma Bridge Project authorities have objected to a flaw in the design of an overpass being built as part of the railway link to the main structure.
The flying junction at Zajira point in Shariatpur is shorter than the expected level of 5.7 metres, according to Project Director Shafiqul Islam. “They [constructors of the railway link] must get a new design approved if they alter the height and width. They should also explain why they are doing so,” he told bdnews24.com on Tuesday. Trains will also run on the Tk 300 billion multipurpose bridge. The construction of the main 6.1 kilometre bridge is going on under the supervision of the Bridges Division while Bangladesh Railway is overseeing the railway link project.

The under-construction Padma Bridge is seen from above. About 4.65 km of the 6.15-km long bridge is now visible. Photo: Saad Abdullah “We’ve objected to the railway work,” said Shafiqul.A senior engineer at the main project said the low height of the overpass may hamper movement of lorries or loaded trucks.
An official of the railway link project said the problem occurred after they constructed a pillar at a height of 5.5 metres instead of 5.7 metres. “We’ve informed the construction firm about the problem and it will be resolved soon,” he said. He also claimed the problem will not affect the work or deadline of the project.
Both the engineer and the official spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorised to talk to the media.

"পদ্মা রেলসংযোগ প্রকল্পের ডিজাইনের ভুলে সেতু দিয়ে ট্রাক-কাভার্ড ভ্যান চলাচল নিয়ে দেখা দিয়েছে অনিশ্চয়তা। সেতুর দুই প্রান্তে রাস্তার ওপর দিয়ে টানা হচ্ছে রেললাইন। কিন্তু লাইনের উচ্চতা এত কম যে নিচের হেডরুম দিয়ে বেশি উচ্চতার যানবাহন সেতুতে ওঠানামা করতে পারবে না। বিষয়টি দৃষ্টিগোচর হওয়ায় রেললাইনের কাজে আপত্তি দেওয়ার কথা জানিয়েছেন পদ্মাসেতুর প্রকল্প পরিচালক শফিকুল ইসলাম"।

Above is the original Bengali transcript in the newspaper. The above paragraph is the gist of the problem. There must be enough headway for the tall vans to pass below the railway line. The difference should allow Fire Brigade vehicles, Double-deck buses, box type trucks and covered vans/trucks to pass through.

So, designers take into account all these factors and decide on the maximum possible vehicle height. I have no data, but I think the height of double deck bus should have been considered. Since the fault has been discovered, therefore, it must be rectified. My proposal is as below:

- Re-design the entire railway ramp to give enough headway for the double deck buses.

- Break the railway ramp and piers and build new piers/columns and ramp to match the required height.

- Extend the length of ramp from the Bridge truss. It may be needed because a railway ramp slope/gradient has the limitation of 5% or less. It means, for a 200m horizontal run, the line goes down by 1m. When the height is re-designed the existing piers/columns will not be suitable any more. NO JOINING OF PIER IS ALLOWED because it will break from the joint.
I have written above in the early morning while taking breakfast before living the house at 7:30am. Now, I find some discrepancy in the news itself. Look at the picture. It says the lower deck will be for the railway and the upper deck for the road.

Now, I do not understand why it is necessary to pass below the railway track.
After spending billions this is what awami league regime has to show for? That is pathetic. Even more pathetic of quality of BUET eng whom in ministry was responsible for review the the design and approve it. Oh for got awami league terror wing turned it into a torture chamber than a fine education institution it was. Also, where was the technical consultant who was supposed to find such flaws in the design phase, not when bridge is 80% completed.
People will never get an answer for these valid questions. Suppose, Hasina and her cronies eaten up money and need more in the name of "design flaw", hundreds of millions in additional fund to loot.
I was busy when I wrote my post that you are answering here. But, after re-thinking I am not sure about the reporting of the newspaper. It may have falsified the truth in order to agitate a part of population. Please read the following:


1) Please see the Padma Bridge photograph above sent in your opening post. The railway line is at the lower level and the road is at the higher level. So, why the railway line should go over the road when the reality is different?

2) If the road does not go below the rly line, there is no question that the two systems are interfering with each other. Rather, the road should go over the railway line which is just opposite of what the newspaper reported.

So, I believe that the allegations are false with political purpose.
It isn't a design flaw rather a construction mistake. The contractors built a pillar 2 feet shorter than the design. I believe this can be corrected. The news is as suspected, sensationalised.

stop spreading bs. Construction company building as per design. What it seems that railway ramp going over the vehicle passage but in the design height of the ramp kept low and will prevent movement of taller truck and transport.
It isn't a design flaw rather a construction mistake. The contractors built a pillar 2 feet shorter than the design. I believe this can be corrected. The news is as suspected, sensationalised.
I have read through the news, but could not really understand the flaw. Pictures are not clear. However, it is not about the main bridge, but about the approach road that crosses the railway line above.

The short height of piers (columns) cannot be rectified by joining another 2' over it. The piers must once be demolished and re-constructed. It is no big issue and happens in many projects.

It may be a design flaw that has been discovered now. However, the design was done as per requirements of the Bridge Authority. Design companies do not arbitrarily design a structure.

It is the responsibility of the Bridge Authority to include the height requirements in the Design Specifications prepared by it based on which the design company does the design analysis and compile the drawings. Construction companies just blindly follow the drawings.

It is good that flaw has been discovered before it is too late.
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There isn't a single road, highway or footpath in BD that isn't built super NARROW. So this doesn't surprise me one bit.

It's like people have completely forgotten we have over 160 million people in this country. Why does everything have to be built small? That's why there's traffic jams and road accidents. Buses and taxis literally hit each other head-on while overtaking or fall off into the roadside ditch for only ONE reason and that's not enough space or lanes on the road. People cross the road illegally for the same reason. When you have wide roads, people don't jaywalk. Even our government offices are tiny.

When you have a tiny mentality, you can't help but make everything undersized.
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