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Army in Padma bridge building: PM

BA should not get involved in this exercise designed to be a escape window for BAL chors. BA should insist on first having the culprits punished before getting involved.
BA should not get involved in this exercise designed to be a escape window for BAL chors. BA should insist on first having the culprits punished before getting involved.

Bangladesh Army is not showing any sign of ability to think and understand this much that they are being used as coverup facade for Awami League wholesale looting and corruption.
Leaving aside the political issue of engaging Army in Padma Bridge, Why should'nt we discuss how best we can use army for managing the construction of Padma bridge.
Leaving aside the political issue of engaging Army in Padma Bridge, Why should'nt we discuss how best we can use army for managing the construction of Padma bridge.

Army should involve their presence in big constructions. They proved their ability in the past. They also can ensure transparency in every projects. But hearing about Padma from this AL gov now stinks. Army should have introduced before so that they could complete this project within this AL regime.
Leaving aside the political issue of engaging Army in Padma Bridge, Why should'nt we discuss how best we can use army for managing the construction of Padma bridge.

I doubt if the army has the experience to manage a project of the magnitude and complexity of Padma Bridge.
I doubt if the army has the experience to manage a project of the magnitude and complexity of Padma Bridge.

I fully support your comment. Yet Why not to give a try and if given at all...why not to support Army ???
I fully support your comment. Yet Why not to give a try and if given at all...why not to support Army ???

As Loki pointed earlier, without the proper experience the sheer size of this project will be too much to handle for our army.if we really wants something good out of this there can be a collaboration plan jointly with army engineering core or the project can be done part by part with army to deal with the preparations of ground work/connecting road etc.
As Loki pointed earlier, without the proper experience the sheer size of this project will be too much to handle for our army.if we really wants something good out of this there can be a collaboration plan jointly with army engineering core or the project can be done part by part with army to deal with the preparations of ground work/connecting road etc.

You are absolutely right. Initially army may be given the work to coordinate and conduct ground work while the experts will do the designing and construction of bridge itself. being in the nucleus, army engineers will have a unique opportunity to oversee the process and will get a on job training. This itself will be a million dollar achievement.
Bangladesh Govt is planning to raise a special brigade comprising one engr battalion and two infantry battalions.A good step.
Before I die, I want to see Bangladesh Army (Engineers) is competing international bid to construct huge structure (bridge/road/bldng) which will be much more complex than Padma Bridge.
As some one said, Everything has a start point...
You are absolutely right. Initially army may be given the work to coordinate and conduct ground work while the experts will do the designing and construction of bridge itself. being in the nucleus, army engineers will have a unique opportunity to oversee the process and will get a on job training. This itself will be a million dollar achievement.
Bangladesh Govt is planning to raise a special brigade comprising one engr battalion and two infantry battalions.A good step.
Before I die, I want to see Bangladesh Army (Engineers) is competing international bid to construct huge structure (bridge/road/bldng) which will be much more complex than Padma Bridge.
As some one said, Everything has a start point...

Your ideas are generally good. But, the design and construction job training must be given to private engineering design as well as construction companies of the country and not to BA.

It is the solemn duty of the government to nurture engineers in the private sector. Every developed country did this. Thai govt has nurtured Ital-Thai construction company which will construct the Dhaka elevated expressway. How about these steps to nurture the locals?

1) Let the govt award the design job to a foreign company (A).

2) Let also the R&H deptt. assign a local design company (B) with not so deep experience in design.

3) Under the contract with the BD govt. the foreign Company A shall submit the criteria for the design of foundations as well as structures to the local company B instead of submitting the same directly to the R&H.

4) The Company A shall similarly provide all the relevant data, soil investigation reports, design calculation papers and design/shop drawings to the local Company B instead of submitting the same directly to the R&H.

There are hundreds of other things in the design stage and thousands of things at the construction stage that cannot be described here. However, the foreign design Company A and foreign construction company C shall be obliged to submit all the relevant information to the local design company B and the local construction company D respectively.

The local Companies B and D shall be obliged to check these documents and ask for corrections/revisions to the foreign companies wherever needed, and shall submit the documents to the R&H for its approval.

This is how the local companies will come to know the procedure to design, and procedure and steps taken to do the construction.

However, I believe Padma Bridge design and construction is not a child's play, although SHW and that Muhith tend to think that way. So, I would like the training of the local companies B and D be conducted first in smaller bridge projects to be designed and constructed by foreign Contractors.

When the companies B and D gather a certain level of experience, only then they can be assigned to a large project like Padma Bridge.
Your ideas are generally good. But, the design and construction job training must be given to private engineering design as well as construction companies of the country and not to BA.

Your ideas are applicable in ideal situation. If BA tries to fix everything then other local organization will not come up and will diminish in course of time putting the administrative system at black hole.
But we are not in ideal situation. It is the BA who completes its project in due time (most cases before the time).
As Padma bridge is a complex project, BA may be asked to unite all ends and put the right man/organization in right place.
Never the less....we dream for ideal situation
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