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'Serbian World': Serbia plans new Balkan Wars

Russian troops are 900 km from Serbia and Chinese troops are 4300 km from Serbia. with many nato countries in between. Not even Serbia is stupid enough to think they can help them. And NATO never starts any war in Serbia, it only finishes the war by bombing them and taking some of their land.

So you think bombing is not war? If NATO bombs your home, it is not a war? Why doesn't NATO bomb Serbia now? Russia is far from Serbia, but not far from NATO.
It’s not all about the population. It’s also about the opportunities. Kids education is free in the west, in some countries even colleges and universities education is free. In America scholarship and grants are available for students. In Pakistan regardless of how smart you are, if wadar’s son is in your class, he will always take the 1st position even if doesn’t pass any exams.
Exams and position can be easily purchased in Pakistan. That’s why Systematically Mohajir people were removed from government jobs and illiterate Sindhi were hired, PIA as an example.
How's that a justification?
Than fix your issues...
Every country has issues, much much worse- crying never fixed them, get some courage and try to fix it
Felt very annoyed reading this whole exchange...
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So you think bombing is not war? If NATO bombs your home, it is not a war? Why doesn't NATO bomb Serbia now? Russia is far from Serbia, but not far from NATO.

NATO bombed serbia to help them calm down and start pursuing the path of peace and cooperation with their neighbours. They had no choice because Serbia was getting out of control.

There is no need to bomb Serbia now. Serbia is keeping its troops in its own borders. It accepts Kosovo's sovereignty, and is not attacking them.

Serbia wants to have free trade and passport free movement with countries in the region. This is fine and if they can all agree on the terms of this free trade no problem. Thats the point of being in the EU anyway. When we all join the EU all borders will be open and all trade will be free.

Unfortunately Serbia will join the EU quite soon, maybe 5 years maybe a bit more. BUT, the serbs in Bosnia will block Bosnia's entry into EU, and will therefore create a hard border between Bosnia and Serbia. which is just ridiculous and stupid move by them.

It is us Bosnians that want the Great Wall of china built between us and Serbia. Which of course is impossible in today's Europe, but Serbia will do it for us with their policies.

In 10 years Serbians in Serbia will be able to go to Sweden or France without any ID but won't be able to go to next door Bosnia without a passport. All because of their own policies.
NATO bombed serbia to help them calm down and start pursuing the path of peace and cooperation with their neighbours. They had no choice because Serbia was getting out of control.

There is no need to bomb Serbia now. Serbia is keeping its troops in its own borders. It accepts Kosovo's sovereignty, and is not attacking them.

Serbia wants to have free trade and passport free movement with countries in the region. This is fine and if they can all agree on the terms of this free trade no problem. Thats the point of being in the EU anyway. When we all join the EU all borders will be open and all trade will be free.

Unfortunately Serbia will join the EU quite soon, maybe 5 years maybe a bit more. BUT, the serbs in Bosnia will block Bosnia's entry into EU, and will therefore create a hard border between Bosnia and Serbia. which is just ridiculous and stupid move by them.

It is us Bosnians that want the Great Wall of china built between us and Serbia. Which of course is impossible in today's Europe, but Serbia will do it for us with their policies.

In 10 years Serbians in Serbia will be able to go to Sweden or France without any ID but won't be able to go to next door Bosnia without a passport. All because of their own policies.

The NATO bombing was not authorized by the United Nations, which was a bad start after the Cold War. If NATO can bomb a sovereign country at will, it can also bomb Bosnia, and other organizations can bomb Bosnia.

The EU itself does not know how long it will survive, and I don’t think Serbia will become a member of the EU. The EU will give Serbia hope and Serbian politicians will fight for it, but both sides are performing a show.

During the NATO bombing of the Yugoslavia, the Chinese embassy was bombed. That was the most difficult time of China, Chinese have never forgotten NATO's atrocities. China has special feelings for Serbia and will not give up supporting Serbia.
The NATO bombing was not authorized by the United Nations, which was a bad start after the Cold War. If NATO can bomb a sovereign country at will, it can also bomb Bosnia, and other organizations can bomb Bosnia.

NATO did bomb Bosnia. it had no choice because many Bosnian Citizens formed an illegal army and committed atrocities against their fellow citizens. This was an illegal army of Bosnian serbs and I enjoyed watching that bombing too. Other organisations will bomb Bosnia too, and hopefully they will again bomb the right people. they have my full support.

The EU itself does not know how long it will survive, and I don’t think Serbia will become a member of the EU. The EU will give Serbia hope and Serbian politicians will fight for it, but both sides are performing a show.

EU will survive, Serbia will join. 100%

During the NATO bombing of the Yugoslavia, the Chinese embassy was bombed. That was the most difficult time of China, Chinese have never forgotten NATO's atrocities. China has special feelings for Serbia and will not give up supporting Serbia.

That was an error made by faulty GPS. Thats what America said. It also said it was sorry.

If you have special feelings towards Serbia, you should get your head checked out. If you support Serbia, support them by teaching them, how to behave as a civilised peaceful country. Teach them to be like china that has not attacked any of its neighbours for a long time.
NATO did bomb Bosnia. it had no choice because many Bosnian Citizens formed an illegal army and committed atrocities against their fellow citizens. This was an illegal army of Bosnian serbs and I enjoyed watching that bombing too. Other organisations will bomb Bosnia too, and hopefully they will again bomb the right people. they have my full support.

EU will survive, Serbia will join. 100%

That was an error made by faulty GPS. Thats what America said. It also said it was sorry.

If you have special feelings towards Serbia, you should get your head checked out. If you support Serbia, support them by teaching them, how to behave as a civilised peaceful country. Teach them to be like china that has not attacked any of its neighbours for a long time.

The West is best at creating or using ethnic-religious conflicts and then armed intervention to achieve geopolitical goals (if they can win the fight). You are nothing more than the one being exploited. It is hard to say that the West likes you more or you are more civilized.
Totally Bosnian, why does it matter? Is my view worth any less if I was from another country
Because you sound foreigner in some of your statements.
This was an illegal army of Bosnian serbs and I enjoyed watching that bombing too.
Illegal? I guess the HVO was legal then? And Izetbegovic insisting on having Bosnia leave the federation didn't lead down the path of war?
The West is best at creating or using ethnic-religious conflicts and then armed intervention to achieve geopolitical goals (if they can win the fight). You are nothing more than the one being exploited. It is hard to say that the West likes you more or you are more civilized.

The west didnt create our conflict. They might have elsewhere, but they didnt create our one. Nor did they force our neighbours to kill us. they didnt force Serbian schoolteachers to kill their students. Surely we cant blame the west for that.

We do not feel like we are exploited by the west. The way the country is now is the best its ever been in my view despite the strange government structure that we have. During 75 glorious years of communism we didn't have one kilometre of freeways. Instead of civilian airports and cheap flight to many destinations in Europe and Middle East that we have now, we used to have military airports built inside mountains that we would never use.

So the current system is pretty good for us even if the west is exploiting us somehow.
If you have special feelings towards Serbia, you should get your head checked out. If you support Serbia, support them by teaching them, how to behave as a civilised peaceful country. Teach them to be like china that has not attacked any of its neighbours for a long time.
And if you support Turkish expansionism,then you shouldn't be pointing the finger at Serbia and telling @Char to have his head checked out. You want to see Thrace "united"? Ok,I want to see Republika Srpska and Srbija united. And Kosovo retaken. Simple as that.

Besides the Americans themselves are tired of Albanian irridentism lately. Kosovo is a failed State,everybody knows that.
Because you sound foreigner in some of your statements.

Yeah ok, I'm not. I dont see how.

Illegal? I guess the HVO was legal then? And Izetbegovic insisting on having Bosnia leave the federation didn't lead down the path of war?

HVO was illegal. Izetbegovic's decision to leave confirmed by referendum did lead to war. You see Bosnia was given to the Serbs in 1918 as a gift by the western powers. they thought it was theirs forever. When they finally lost it in 1992, they went wild with rage, and genocided us as a thank you.

They threatened us and promised genocide in parliament before our declaration of independence, which was met with laughter and ridicule by us. Many of us were simply blinded and dumbed down by communist indoctrination and we didnt think this was possible. We didnt uderstand or know our own history and the Serbian desire to expand their little country.

So they gave us a very very big lesson and the Bosnians that laughed the loudest were the first killed by our neighbours. It was a huge tragedy but it didnt help them to take our country. It simply left behind smarter and more aggressive Bosnians.

So yes we are responsible for the war by wanting our freedom and out own Independence.
And if you support Turkish expansionism,then you shouldn't be pointing the finger at Serbia and telling @Char to have his head checked out. You want to see Thrace "united"? Ok,I want to see Republika Srpska and Srbija united. And Kosovo retaken. Simple as that.

Besides the Americans themselves are tired of Albanian irridentism lately. Kosovo is a failed State,everybody knows that.

You probably always supported greater Serbia. And its probably in your interest if it happened.

I would probably agree that it is our interest if Turkey expanded. Its ok to have these views.

None of our wishes will probably happen. And we are all destined to live as citizens in a United Europe. I have been to Greece many times, people are very nice. They have never heard of Bosnia. When I tell them I am from Bosnia, I might as well tell them I am from Mozambique, I would get the same expression.
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When they finally lost it in 1992, they went wild with rage, and genocided us as a thank you.
Look,let's not start talking about "genocide" and war crimes of this war because it will be a loooong discussion and one of the things I wanted to avoid when I was thinking of registering in this thread. Because it's a headache to start talking with a gazillion pro-Bosniak and pro-Turkish foreigners who will never accept anything I would show them. And I would have to start posting videos again,documentaries,photos,quotes,sources blah blah blah. Let's agree that all sides did bad things and leave it there. Of course you will not agree and say "Serbs monsters,Serbs genocide,evil Serbs" etc.

But anyway,the entire Federation started leaving and the West encouraged that. It was illegal to leave the Federation. I understand that people wanted to leave the Federation and a communist regime,but you should understand that Serbs wanted to stay in the Federation and that's how it should have been done. They should have found a solution to let the Bosnian Serbs stay in Yugoslavia and let the rest of BiH leave. But then the Croats would also leave and Herzegovina would have united with Croatia. Izetbegovic didn't want that.

And though Karadzic pleaded with him not to take Bosnia down the path of war,Izetbegovic insisted.
None of our wishes will probably happen. And we are all destined to live as citizens in a United Europe. I have been to Greece many times, people are very nice. They have never heard of Bosnia. When I tell them I am from Bosnia, I might as well tell them I am from Mozambique, I would get the same expression.
EU is not that united now :P
Look,let's not start talking about "genocide" and war crimes of this war because it will be a loooong discussion and one of the things I wanted to avoid when I was thinking of registering in this thread. Because it's a headache to start talking with a gazillion pro-Bosniak and pro-Turkish foreigners who will never accept anything I would show them. And I would have to start posting videos again,documentaries,photos,quotes,sources blah blah blah. Let's agree that all sides did bad things and leave it there. Of course you will not agree and say "Serbs monsters,Serbs genocide,evil Serbs" etc.

Genocide happened and it was confirmed by the international court. You dont have to agree with he court if you are in Greece, but if you come to Bosnia you will be arrested for those views. So I encourage you to come visit Bosnia and state those genocide denying views to me or anyone there. The penalty is only up to 5 years in prison and a fine. But you could get lucky and get Serbian judge and just get maybe 3 weeks in prison.

This new law was introduced by the recently departed Austrian high representative to Bosnia, who has the power to make any Laws in Bosnia. This is his law. And the Serbs are going wild. They cant deny genocide anymore.

And I dont think serbs are monsters, only the separatists and genocide deniers. There are even Bosniaks who deny these crimes. And there are Bosniak separatists as well as Bosniaks that fought in the Serbian army against their won country.

Being a genocidal maniac isn't exclusive to any one nation. It's more of a mental disease.

But anyway,the entire Federation started leaving and the West encouraged that. It was illegal to leave the Federation. I understand that people wanted to leave the Federation and a communist regime,but you should understand that Serbs wanted to stay in the Federation and that's how it should have been done. They should have found a solution to let the Bosnian Serbs stay in Yugoslavia and let the rest of BiH leave. But then the Croats would also leave and Herzegovina would have united with Croatia. Izetbegovic didn't want that.

Yes I think, but Im not certain, that it was illegal to leave Yugoslavia. What Croatia and Slovenia did was illegal and by Milosevic accepting it he was also in breach of the Yugoslav constitution.

Once Croatia and Slovenia left, and Yugoslavia didnt bring them back into the federation, Yugoslavia was finished. We cant stay in a Serbian Dominated Yugoslavia. That was suicide.

Serbs were 30% of the population but lived in rural isolated areas and controlled maybe 60% of the local councils. Maybe more. With Serbian military help they conquered 75% of the country before the war even began. Then they genocided us. And it took the next 3 years for us to get armed and start defeating them. There was no way they could have taken 75% of the country with them. Not possible then, not possible now.

there is no way they could even take 5% fo the land. I would give them 20% if they all left. but I am extreme minority. The way they are dispersed and the way the territories are its impractical for them to leave. And also we are similar culturally, and speak similar almost the same language. probably only 70% of the serbs want to break away now anyway. Thats only about 20% of the total Bosnian population.

Most Croatians also dont want the country to break up, maybe only 10% of Croatians want that.

And though Karadzic pleaded with him not to take Bosnia down the path of war,Izetbegovic insisted.

He threatened genocide if we left. and he carried out his promise, His threats of genocide are on YouTube. I can post a link.
The west didnt create our conflict. They might have elsewhere, but they didnt create our one. Nor did they force our neighbours to kill us. they didnt force Serbian schoolteachers to kill their students. Surely we cant blame the west for that.

We do not feel like we are exploited by the west. The way the country is now is the best its ever been in my view despite the strange government structure that we have. During 75 glorious years of communism we didn't have one kilometre of freeways. Instead of civilian airports and cheap flight to many destinations in Europe and Middle East that we have now, we used to have military airports built inside mountains that we would never use.

So the current system is pretty good for us even if the west is exploiting us somehow.

Yugoslavia is one of the two countries with full sovereignty that achieved industrialization after World War II. The other is China. Yugoslavia once came to China to help build roads, but now industry and engineers are discontinuous.

The ethnic issues in Yugoslavia are not handled well, and it is a tragedy for all ethnic groups. It is not entirely the Serbian error. The politicians deal with ethnic issues in a wrong way. But this cannot conceal the great achievements of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was a force independent of the United States and the Soviet Union.

The independent countries of the former Yugoslavia have not become better, and there are not many opportunities except to go to the West to work. If Yugoslavia did not disintegrate and had its own industrial system, the situation would be completely different.
Yugoslavia is one of the two countries with full sovereignty that achieved industrialization after World War II. The other is China. Yugoslavia once came to China to help build roads, but now industry and engineers are discontinuous.

Well half of Yugoslavia (Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia) was a part of Austria and much more developed than Serbia, or other states. Look at the date of first electrified trams in Europe and world, and look where it happened, look at steel production in those Austrian provinces and compare to other countries. Yes Serbia used its newly conquer territories to bleed them dry and develop Serbia. And its still quite poor. They have lower salaries than Bosnia, which is just shocking. so After world war 2 Yugoslavia was going back to developing after the disastrous reign of the Serbian so called "king".

The ethnic issues in Yugoslavia are not handled well, and it is a tragedy for all ethnic groups. It is not entirely the Serbian error. The politicians deal with ethnic issues in a wrong way. But this cannot conceal the great achievements of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was a force independent of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Yugoslavias great achievement was because Tito kept the Soviet Union out of our country. And stopped the disaster of Soviet communism taking over the country and impoverishing the people. We are very thankful for this.

The independent countries of the former Yugoslavia have not become better, and there are not many opportunities except to go to the West to work. If Yugoslavia did not disintegrate and had its own industrial system, the situation would be completely different.

We have become much much better as seperate countries. We are freer, wealthier and we would never ever go back. Yes we are weaker militarily, and geopolitically, but we don't care much about that. Countries that left Yugoslavia dont need a strong army to fight Germany or Italy or Hungary. We are friends with them. Russia is far away and we dont have to worry about them either. So we dont need the collective security of being together anymore. Only possible threat we face is Serbia. Noone else.

If Germany or Austria occupied us, most people will celebrate. There is noone else that poses a threat? I dont think Slovakia will invade us. So there is just no need for Yugoslavia to exist anymore. There actually never was, it was a western project after WW1 and it should never have happened.

And dont believe this story that pole all go to Germany for work, this is true, but it has been this way during Yugoslavia. and even way before Yugoslavia. I mean Tito used to work and live in Austria as a younger man. During World War Two many people went to Germany to work in factories, and Im not talking prisoners fo war, I mean normal ordinary workers who wanted better salaries. Yes during world war 2 and during hitler.

This continues during Yugoslavia and Germany was full of Yugoslavs form the 1960's. And now of course Germany is just a province of Yugoslavs. They are just everywhere. Austria, Germany Switzerland. Full of former Yugoslavs. Always was always will be. Half my family is there, they married locals, the locals speak a bit of our language, the kids go to Bosnia for holidays.
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