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Serbia buys Chinese air defense missile system

Which system to you allege the FK-3 to be ripped from this time lol? People used to think the HQ-9 was a copy of the S-300 even though it was deployed before the first S-300s ever arrived to China :rofl:.

Clearly the chinese have a time machine which they use to go to the future and copy future weapons and technology. this explains why huawei has 5g tech no one else in the world has
What's the difference between Hq-9 and Hq-22 in terms of their role? Aren't they the same thing with similar range and role, both being derivates of S-300?
With infinite resources for defense spending, I would agree. But Serbia doesn't have infinite resources. So, I can't see how anti-missile defense would be a higher priority than defense systems for threats to their borders from their neighbors, or offensive systems to attack their neighbors for preemption.

Maybe someone is beefing up serbia for future usage ?
Serbia had suffered the bombardment from NATO years ago, even the Chinese embassy was blown up in pieces with several Chinese killed. During that period of time, the only defensive missiles they had on hand were all aging Soviet made SAM-2 & SAM-3. But still they shut down a F-117 jet and made history. Nowadays, they still don't like NATO (especially US) and they can't depend on any other country to provide safety shield. Buying the Chinese made missiles should be the best pick due to limited resource and fund.
can anyone explain differences between hq9 and fk3?
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Must have hurt your indian pride that China export missile that others want while poor indian copy a one which nobody wants.


Akash missile


Soviet SA-6 Missile

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