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Serb president wants Turkey's apology on Kosovo


Feb 22, 2013
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Serbia's president says he won't take part in a Balkan initiative with Turkey in protest over reported remarks by Turkey's prime minister in Kosovo.

Serbian media have quoted Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as saying in Kosovo on Oct. 23 that "Turkey is Kosovo and Kosovo is Turkey." The comment has been widely criticized in Serbia which is sensitive to past Ottoman rule in the Balkans and to any acknowledgement of Kosovo's independence.

Kosovo is a former Serbian province that declared independence in 2008, a move rejected by Belgrade.

President Tomislav Nikolic on Oct. 26 sought an apology for the "scandal," saying he's pulling out of talks with Bosnia and Turkey on postwar Balkan stability.

The move further strains relations after Serbia's government sought a formal explanation Friday. Turkey has recognized Kosovo's independence.

I love the turks acting for freedom in Syria when they have massacred the armenians, the kurds, the europeans, invaded Cyprus (international violation)
Don't give up, brothers! Just a few years - and our time will come back!
Косово је Србија!
Another idiotic,bound to stirr controversy statement from Erdogan but he's not the major guilty one in here.That "award" goes to the USA and comp., who created this appaling/hotbed of criminality/illegal entity called Kosovo.
Anyway,Erdogan should mind his business,he alienated enough neighbours in the ME (Egypt,Siria),no need to antagonise the Balkans to.
Normal he is a freemasson who wants to use his people to fight everybody for Israel
Hello friends,I am back from mini vacation :D

I am really disappointed.Back in Attaturk times,Turkey build good relations with all neighboors,and for what?
Erdogan came and instead to make soft power on Balkan countries he used 800 years old Ottoman methods.
Can any Turk member explain to me about Erdogan popularity in Turkey and situation there.
I speak with one Turkish friend and he say to me that alot of Kurds from Van District and other disctricts from Eastern Turkey vote for him becouse of political Islam he spread.
That reminds me of Milosevic,when he promising things to Albanians and alot of Albanians vote for him,before war!
I dont want to compare Kurds with Albanians btw.
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Hello friends,I am back from mini vacation :D

I am really disappointed.Back in Attaturk times,Turkey build good relations with all neighboors,and for what?
Erdogan came and instead to make soft power on Balkan countries he used 800 years old Ottoman methods.

I still don't get it... I mean what's wrong with showing affinity to a nation. I believe Bosnians and Albanians have special place for us, but we maintain good relations with all Balkan countries except Greece. Why everybody get freaked out on one sentence ?

And what is this Ottoman methods that Erdogan using on Balkan states that you are talking about ?

Can any Turk member explain to me about Erdogan popularity in Turkey and situation there.
I speak with one Turkish friend and he say to me that alot of Kurds from Van District and other disctricts from Eastern Turkey vote for him becouse of political Islam he spread.

Political Islam is nothing new. Many other parties used political Islam and failed.

The story behind his success is; management. GDP quadrupled, GDP/capita tripled in 10 years. Industry, Tourism, Military, Energy production, Infrastructure, Health sector, Education Sector..... I mean every sector got bigger with folds..... Thus he gets the votes, no surprise. (But i don't like him either. :) )
@Sinan Mate Kosovo is special question for us,it is craddle of our nation along with Montenegro and Zahumlje(today Herzegovina),and that would be ok if Erdogan said "Serbia is Turkey and Turkey is Serbia" but he separate Kosovo from Serbia.
@Sinan Mate Kosovo is special question for us,it is craddle of our nation along with Montenegro and Zahumlje(today Herzegovina),and that would be ok if Erdogan said "Serbia is Turkey and Turkey is Serbia" but he separate Kosovo from Serbia.

Okay, Let's say an Independent Kurdish state established in the southeastern Turkey. And Serbian PM said "Serbia is Kurdistan, Kurdistan is Serbia" ...... I think that would be antagonizing....

Nonetheless, Let me tell you the real reason: Erdogan (Political Islamist) - Kosovo ( %97 Muslim). You can expect Erdogan to back up Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo against any country in the region.... ( That doesn't represent my ideas )
Jailed PKK leader Öcalan may have new visitors before elections

  • The government may consider letting journalists to visit Öcalan to revive the stalled peace process
(Hürriyet Daily News) -- Dominance of the national agenda by items such as the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, the opening of the Marmaray railway -- connecting both sides of Istanbul from deep under the Bosphorus – on the exact date of this anniversary and finally the attendance of four female lawmakers to a General Assembly Parliament with their headscarves, led the government to take quiet steps to recommence the stalled peace process.

Deputy parliamentary group chairs of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), İdris Baluken and Pervin Buldan, travelled to the Kandil Mountains in northern Iraq where the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) headquarters is based, following their meeting with imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan on Oct. 14.


Please click here to see the whole situation


How about Serbs apology on Kosovo instead? They were the one who overtook the slaughtering task back in the 90s in both Bosnia, Kosovo and attempted in Albania, not Turkey who was involved in this.
How about Serbs apology on Kosovo instead? They were the one who overtook the slaughtering task back in the 90s in both Bosnia, Kosovo and attempted in Albania, not Turkey who was involved in this.

In Bosnia many serb commanders did commit genocide but in Kosovo they just responded to terrorists,unfortunately it was another case of US helping terrorist organisations. 
I still don't get it... I mean what's wrong with showing affinity to a nation. I believe Bosnians and Albanians have special place for us, but we maintain good relations with all Balkan countries except Greece. Why everybody get freaked out on one sentence ?

Serbia,like many other countries(mine included),doesn't recognise Kosovo as an independent state.
How about Serbs apology on Kosovo instead? They were the one who overtook the slaughtering task back in the 90s in both Bosnia, Kosovo and attempted in Albania, not Turkey who was involved in this.

Yeah,we organized Al mujahedeen order who behead hundreds of Serbs and Croats,Adem Jashari is nothing,he is peacemaker,his only crime is when he get drunk he shoot Serbs on the streets.UCK or KLA is peacemaker army like KFOR,they give candy to Serbian children.Please,educate yourself about Yugoslav wars,and you will find roots back in WW2.We commit crimes against Bosniaks and Bosniaks commit crimes against us.But in Kosovo is different story,it is OURS and it will be forever.
US is main barricade,but Roman Empire fall,100 times stronger then US today
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