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Senior Russian MP Proposes Iran to Purchase S-400 Missile Defense Shield

Yes, this one.

It can engage a target from over 70 KM away (30 KM ceiling), and a derivative of S-300 or possibly better.

"We believe that 'Bavar' and '3rd of Khordad' missile shields are better than some other long-range missile defense systems of the country," he added.


Definitely high end of Iran's AAD capabilities.
honestly Iran doesnt need S400

what they need is low cost alternatives in large numbers

I remember everyone saying Iran needs a modern Air Force with 100 x Mig 35 etc etc

against the US that will account to nothing you cannot fight a conventional war, therefore you have to go unconventional
@LeGenD i guess our air defenses are battle proven now.
Well , we can sign the contract and USA will force to try to subjue the contract and Russians will ask a favor from the USA , which will repeat s300 story , but meanwhile we will get some precious time to complete our air defense domestic system ...
Yes, this one.

It can engage a target from over 70 KM away (30 KM ceiling), and a derivative of S-300 or possibly better.

"We believe that 'Bavar' and '3rd of Khordad' missile shields are better than some other long-range missile defense systems of the country," he added.


Definitely high end of Iran's AAD capabilities.

3rd of Khordad is more in line with an heavily upgraded Buk system then S-300. S-300 is a long range multi system air defense system.

honestly Iran doesnt need S400

what they need is low cost alternatives in large numbers

I remember everyone saying Iran needs a modern Air Force with 100 x Mig 35 etc etc

against the US that will account to nothing you cannot fight a conventional war, therefore you have to go unconventional

I disagree.

The S-300 order by Iran was insufficient to fully secure the country from a long range defense standpoint. Iran can learn a lot from S-400 (personally I prefer Iran to pass on S-400 and secure S-500).

Also MIG-35 is an interceptor and can certainly raise the cost of engagement for an attacker.

A interceptor flying in its own territory is a force multiplier because it has home field advantage and can rely on the defense systems to assist in protecting itself and eliminating targets.

So certainly a 100 SU-27 or MiG-35 can do a lot damage to incoming fighters and take some stress off of the air defenses.
Yes, this one.

It can engage a target from over 70 KM away (30 KM ceiling), and a derivative of S-300 or possibly better.

"We believe that 'Bavar' and '3rd of Khordad' missile shields are better than some other long-range missile defense systems of the country," he added.


Definitely high end of Iran's AAD capabilities.
for 3th Khordad its not 70 KM anymore now they upgraded it to 105 KM but no 3th Khordad is not better than S300 PMU 2 at any way, but Bavar_373 is better at least on paper until we see it in test or action.

honestly Iran doesnt need S400

what they need is low cost alternatives in large numbers

I remember everyone saying Iran needs a modern Air Force with 100 x Mig 35 etc etc

against the US that will account to nothing you cannot fight a conventional war, therefore you have to go unconventional

we have it and its name is Bavar_373 its better than S300 PMU 2 but it falls short of the S400



Russian military equipments reputation took an absolute battering in the Persian gulf war of 1991. (Even though it was a combination of monkey models, and bad Iraqi tactics to blame)

they are slowly regaining their reputation. and Russian aviation is on full display in Syria.

though pro-Iranian forces have played a role in reversing this trend as well. Hezbollah's Russian ATGMs penetrating Israeli armor and stopping them from advancing further. was used as marketing by the Russians

Houthi using 70s tech Russian ATGM to take out the abrams (which had a formidable, and almost mythical status as this invincible tank by americans) gave the Russians orgasms

they would love to see Iran shoot down an American plane using Russian sam systems. and Iran is the only country with the balls to do that.. imagine Iran taking out an American f-35 with a Russian s-400? what that would do to the reputations of the weapons systems?
they would love to see Iran shoot down an American plane using Russian sam systems. and Iran is the only country with the balls to do that.. imagine Iran taking out an American f-35 with a Russian s-400? what that would do to the reputations of the weapons systems?

Exatcly. They want Iran to shoot down some American systems using their systems for advertisement purposes.

It's still nice of the Russians to offer the S-400. That is the best air defence on the planet right now. Iran should try its best to get the S-500.
If the Bavar 373 + 3rd Khordad can be mass produced, shouldn't the quantity compensate areas they fall short of the S-400?

With respect to the S-400, Russians are in for Russia, and not for Iran. Perhaps they want to see how these missiles work in real conflict. Let us not forget how Russians were jamming American and British missiles in the 2003 invasion against Iraq, and then suddenly withdrew to the Syrian border while not sharing those techs to the Iraqis. Baghdad fell a week later. Hell even the Iraqis SAMs stopped working after the Russians withdrew. If Russians wanted to provide game-changing weapons, they would've provided them to Iraqis and Libyans before each country was invaded. The same Russia whose air defense systems in Syria don't even warn upcoming Israeli attacks against Hezbollah, Syrian, and Iranian forces in Syria. I'm pretty sure Iranian military leaders know and understand far batter than we all can here.

for 3th Khordad its not 70 KM anymore now they upgraded it to 105 KM but no 3th Khordad is not better than S300 PMU 2 at any way, but Bavar_373 is better at least on paper until we see it in test or action.

we have it and its name is Bavar_373 its better than S300 PMU 2 but it falls short of the S400



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If the Bavar 373 + 3rd Khordad can be mass produced, shouldn't the quantity compensate areas they fall short of the S-400?

With respect to the S-400, Russians are in for Russia, and not for Iran. Perhaps they want to see how these missiles work in real conflict. Let us not forget how Russians were jamming American and British missiles in the 2003 invasion against Iraq, and then suddenly withdrew to the Syrian border while not sharing those techs to the Iraqis. Baghdad fell a week later. Hell even the Iraqis SAMs stopped working after the Russians withdrew. If Russians wanted to provide game-changing weapons, they would've provided them to Iraqis and Libyans before each country was invaded. The same Russia whose air defense systems in Syria don't even warn upcoming Israeli attacks against Hezbollah, Syrian, and Iranian forces in Syria. I'm pretty sure Iranian military leaders know and understand far batter than we all can here.

well 3th Khordad system is being mass produced for years now but S400 have some thing that is unique and that is its anti ballistic missile power and its missiles long ranges, but you are right Bavar 373 and 3th Khordad and 15th Khordad all together can over come a S400 in quantity and almost in quality, but there is words in streets that after Iran got S300 PMU 2 they start working to heavily enhance Bavar 373 to S400 level and thats why its must have been unveiled in 2017, but 3 years latter and its still in prodaction as im sure Iran is making Sayyad 4M missile and Sayyad 4C missile too.


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